All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

I am such an ignorant. Few months ago I would talk to God at night and go to sleep with a smile on my face thinking that i had managed to overcome sin that day... The more I learn the more guilty I know I am, there is no excuse because I know now what sin is. I will never ever be able to love God as he deserves and that is the main commandment. I find myself repenting numerous times a day but I don't complain about it becase this shows me He is dealing with me what ensures me that He is with me and considers me His child. It is so hard... I am happy and scared at d same time because I realse that ths is not a game, this is not even my life on earth I'm dealng with but eternity. How to control evil thoughts?, how to protect your eyes? How to control your dreams? It's is easy to avoid doing bad or to avoid hanging around with the bad crow , but can you protect yourself from yourself? how do you honor God the way he deserves? How big is my faith? When I finally accepted and realised of the depth of my sin as a human being, I learnt that we deserve nothing. What Jesus did for us is so GREAT that I don't dare ask for anything to the Lord in prayer, whatever he wants to give I will humbly take it... What am I going through? Is there anyone in thesame situation as me? Thank you In advance. Vanessa

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Poor poor Virginia my heart cries out to you because I know what you are going through...its like I say to myself will I ever be good enough?? This is depression and depression is from the enemy, so resist Satan and hold onto the bible, pray daily and if you have any concerns share them here... God works through people and youll get the responses you need...
Love Christine <3
this is my twin sister file she knows im in her file lol.i came across your story that i couldnt help but to trhink about my depth of sin.for one brief moment i would like to take you back with me about 2yrs. ago the was April the 19,2008 a day after my twin and I b-day my mother passed that was really a hard day for me not only was she my mother but she was also my pastor for9yrs.i still attended church but it was nothing like having those after hours metting at mama house are just having to call her at any time for her to share Jesus with me. Little did i know after her passing i begin to repeating think and say "what I'm i goingto do now".you see i was seeing Jesus through my mother eyes and not my own i was depending on my mother as she depend on God I didn't actually realize that until she was let move forward intoMay of 2009 this is where i was face a decision that changed my life.i was introduced to guy through his family which iknew his family for 10 yrs never met him until reminded u my plans was JUST to coversate and maybe go out on some dates nothing big oh but little did i knowiwas looking for anything else cause i had been keeping myself for 3in ahalf years now i havegot in trouble in the past so many times during this 2 month period.he was a worldy many the things he was doing i wasnt doiung these things anymore like drinking and partying all the time and s i fall in love we became intimate not just one time but a couple of time.i felt so low ifelt like God didnt want me anymore i was spiritually been tormented one thing i learned for sure is to wait on God and that He knows what s best for me .i didnt know how to even look at my family i would be in my room most of the time because of shame and guilt.i was praying through this whole time Lord help me to get out of this i ned your Help i dont know i ho towalk a way from it during these times iwould cry out to Him.God sent my twin t o come and talk to me the words God spoke through that affected i life in a major way was this "would u rather lose the love of a man are lose God i remember aftre that talk i cy to God like i did before asking Him to forgive me im sorry u had to see me do this lord i need u if u give me the strength i will let him go i love u more forgive me for fornicating i will wait on you cleanse me LOrdwhen i was through praying i could fill the relief of heaviness off of me and His peace all over me 2 days later i called him and told him it from that day forth ive ben serving the Lord now im going through the ongoing process to be ready when Jesus come i love Him so much for the first 6months i was still asking the Lord to forgive me because i had not forgive myself at first i was too shame of telling any body about it but the more i talked about it the more i was being free from it now i can say i forgive myself my biggest hang up was i hurted the one tha loves me the most- God .be blessed my sister be encourage 1John 1:9
Tameka, Christine, Mary thank you for your words. It's so amazing to experience the supernatural power of the Lord. I now know that when God calls you to give your life to Jesus it means everything, 100%, you either do it or you don't. We will always sin, the difference will be that we won't stay in sin. It won't be habitual sin as it used to be and whenever we the enemy tries to get us away from the Father, He will always bring us back, because we belonge to Him, isn't that a privilege? Why would God be so merciful, He doesn't even need us? It's such a privilege... When i think of it I realize how little it matters whatever I'm going through in this life (in terms of money, work, relationships, health, etc) who cares?! It's so incredible that sometimes I wonder whether it is real or not. Let's use all our energy in worshiping God, let's focus all our life in Him

Wow! You have attained much wisdom my friend. God bless you as well as your words bring so much joy into my heart. Thank you for sharing your strugles among us. It is a blessing to exchange the beauty of our Lord.

Be bless and a blessing.

God bless you beloved in Christ for sharing. Your testimony has blessed me.

Continue ot abide in him my sister. Be blessed and a blessing
hello my sis Virginia,

The Christian life is to be the best life any human can have on earth. Paul even with all the trials and tribulations would have not change a bit of it. Christianity is exciting, IT'S BEAUTIFUL. GOD MAKES US BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE (of course then there's me, hahahaha a knuckle head, but don't be a knuckle head hehe).

To be in Christ, WoW nothing compares to it. We have not been left to our own wits; we have been given the Holy Spirit, the counselor, teacher etc...

We have been given an armor we must put on and never take off. We have weapons for our warfare which are not carnal, but mighty. Our enemy is like (LIKE - HE IS A WANNA BE - ) a lion, not a lion, but like a lion. He is good at what he does. He has been at it for a very long time. Christ beat Him up hahaha while he was nail to a cross, The God man beat him up with Love. One thought from God, one command and Satan is a done deal. Paul even clowns on 1 Cor. 15 asking death ha-ha where is your sting? Our enemy has been defeated. He remains powerful in comparison to humans. But a human with the Holy Spirit - that is something else. He is cunning, no doubt. He knows human nature and plays us like flutes when we do not abide in Christ.

Oohhhh I am no stranger to life. God gives and takes away according to His good pleasure. We are surrounded by demons and a world system that hates the light. Yeah life can be tough, but we have God with us. God!!!! Not some angel or some created being, but the ALMIGHTY!

So if all the above is true - what in the world is wrong with 90 percent of Christians moping around like they have no God. Why do we fail and fall into habitual sins? What is wrong? Is God a myth we came up with. No way - He is more real that the air we breathe. He is HOLY HOLY HOLY.


These are the Scriptures that I most commonly share and will never grow weary of reminding myself and all my family that they make all the difference in the world.

My people perish for lack of knowledge!

John 8:31-32 (New International Version)

31 To the Jews who had believed him, Jesus said, "If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. 32Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.

1. If you hold to word/teaching - condition

What does it make you?
2. you are really my disciples.

What will happened then?
you will know the truth What truth? The truth about everything pertaining to God and Godliness.

And then what happens?
3. the truth will set you free.

Free from what? From everything that wants to keep you down and enslaved.
Break Free with the Word.


In Christ's love - your bro. DV

Hola David, seguro que si. La vida Cristiana es lo mas excitante que hay!
I must say that the more I learn the more difficult I find to enjoy my everyday life, if that makes any sense. I look at people around me and wonder whether they know God, I ask myself will they make it to heaven? And if I make it to heaven and the people I love don't, will I be aware of it? Do you think about this?
Lovely song by d way. God bless
hahaha I don't speak Spanish sis, do I look Hispanic or something hahaha Just kidding

You totally Rock. How you know Spanish girl? Well your name is Virginia, so i am guessing you are....?

ohhh you make total sense. Regular life (what we use to call fun) is not so hot once you know Christ.

For sure sis, I think we all think about such issues. God gives us compassion for people and we long for them to come to know our Lord.

My own father once got on my case really bad because I would always invite him to church. So one day I told him. Look pops if you were to find a treasure on a hill somewhere, would you come and get me to help you and have some myself? He of course quickly agreed and said he would share it, so I told Him I have found a treasure and wanted to share it with him. He did not like that hahaaha but after a few more years the Lord worked on his heart and now he is family in Christ.

It is sad to realize that the road to destruction is wide and many are on it, but we must use such knowledge to give us hunger to become Christ like so we can shine for Christ.

Me distes una linda sorpresa con tu español hermana.

Blesings sista.

That song really rocks, it's 10.40pm here in london and I found myself dancing on my bed. Great message.
Let's get serious again, I can't avoid thinking of all the people that look for God for the wrong reasons and still think they are saved. I must confess that I started going to church that way, looking to improve my life, be blessed, get married etc. It was all so superficial and I thought that was what it was about. The day I decided to be baptised I thoght that was d day I was born again, now I know it was all emotion. I don't know much now but then, I knew even less. I have to say that many preachers helped me to reach that state of confusion. It was only when I stop attending to the church I was going to and stop listening to people but reading the Bible that I really saw the way my life was and I learnt that it's not about me and my blessing but about Jesus. So simple and so complicated at the same time.
Anyways, I just want to thank God for showing me the things He's showed me and I pray that more of us get to open our eyes before is too late.

Soy Española aunque no lo aparente, un abrazo.

God bless

The message I have attached here deals with what you have described. Check it out and share it with those that need to hear it.

Yeah I can tell you are from Spain. I was going to tell you on my first message, but did not want to make you uncomfortable and hope I don't now, that you could be a twin with my mom (of course, when my mom was young). She has your same skin tone.

Conque española! Wow, con todo respeto te digo lo siguiente. Con razón eres muy guapa. Verte a ti es ver a mi madre cuando estaba ella joven. Eso explica tu lindo español. Me encanta el asentó español. Mi Español está para la patada, pero ojala lo entiendas.

Chao mi Herman.
i just want to let u know i have my own file now i was the one on my twin tameka site


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