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My brother is here and weve been out side watching the moon change to red. I looked online to see if there has ever been a red moon before and what year. Instead , I found link after link with the mention of  end times .  I seen a couple verses in the bible .. this is one.

King James Bible
The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before that great and notable day of the Lord come:

I am not ready and yes I know I need to be ready... .. What is this about? Thank you for any answer. Most all of the links I seen was not Christian sites...

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Here's a link that reports the occurrence and specifics of it and says we can expect three more appearances of a bloodmoon by next year. I don't know much about end times and bible prophecy but there was a star that appeared at His birth as a sign. Also Jesus said there will be signs when the second coming nears.


I think the best we can come up with is that we don't know.  Numerous scriptures tell us that no one knows the day or the hour when the Lord will return.  We are simply told to watch and be ready.  People may look to a blood red moon and say 'this is it'.. but in doing so they may be 'jumping the gun' so to speak as there are other signs to watch for also. 

What's keeping you from being ready now?

What can we do to be ready?

It was storming here and too cloudy to see the moon. We had a power outage for a few hours, too, but this morning, as I was reading about lastnight's bloodmoon, and how people were looking up, awestruck, I could only think how sad it is that people aren't looking up, waiting for His appearance, expectant and beseeching. I also thought about how wonderful it would be to look up and see Jesus approaching earth in the clouds, to know that my total redemption is drawing near, but I have loved ones who aren't ready, and I wondered if I am being selfish anytime I wish for the rapture and resurrection, and I wondered if I'm ready. If I'm not already, then I'm very positive that Jesus is getting me ready and is finishing the work He has begun in me. Janie, Carla's question is puzzling to me, too -- What is keeping you from being ready? You see the Savior and you see your sin and you are remoreseful for it and you hate this world. Jesus is finishing a work in you, too. Have faith in God, not in yourself.

Thank you Carla and Amanda for answering my question.  As to the question yall asked me.... I am unsure as to why I don't believe. Sometimes I think maybe its a lack of faith. Most of the time its just I cant fathom being a chosen one.  I do hope for my family though. :-)  

I did look up at the moon and thought it was cool to see. I am glad I didn't know of th scripture before I seen it though. Its pitch black in my neighborhood at night.  I agree that Christians should be looking up  and thinking how wonderful it would be to see Him in the sky. I am trying to remember if I ever thought about witnessing His coming. Thanks again

I also think we all should be looking up not just the Christians.


Why can't you believe you are one of the chosen? Is it due to your sin? Is it because you feel unlovable? Why is it so hard to believe God has chosen you?

Can God Forgive Me? – Sizing up the Sacrifice

Like David, perhaps you have experienced the devastating consequences of your poor behavior. Forgiveness from others was not forthcoming. “If people can’t forgive me, how can God forgive me?” Satan, who accuses both day and night, wants to lead God’s children to believe that God no longer wants to forgive them (Revelation 12:9-11). These doubts regarding forgiveness are completely contradictory to God’s nature and character. 

God does not simply forgive us “automatically” without seeking a response from us. He addresses our intellect, our emotions, and our will.

God addresses our intellect by explaining that “we have all sinned and fallen short of His glory” (Romans 3:23).
God speaks to our emotions by issuing a heartfelt personal invitation. “Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out, that times of refreshing may come from the Lord...” (Acts 3:19).
God speaks to our wills by asking us to have faith, to trust Him. “For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved...anyone who trusts in him [Jesus Christ] will never be put to shame” (Romans 10:10-11).

So, “Can God forgive me” even if I’ve committed actions that society deems deplorable? It’s not the size of the sin, but the size of the atonement. Jesus became a curse for us and took the impact of God’s righteous wrath against our sins (Galatians 3:13). Jesus paid the incalculable price that we could never pay. He surrendered His life and shed His blood, as the Lamb of God—the body and blood sacrifice for each one of us (1 John 2:2). 

God’s grace is giving us what we don’t deserve—salvation from sin and a promise of eternal life. He chooses to freely give us His grace as a gift. God promises that all who believe in Jesus Christ “are justified freely by His grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus. God presented him as a sacrifice of atonement, through faith in his blood…” (Romans 3:24-25). 

The scarlet thread running throughout the Bible is the story of God’s unmerited love and redemptive action on behalf of His children. Which is harder to accept—that God longs to spend eternity with you—His unique and precious creation? Or that God willingly sacrificed His only Son, Jesus Christ, so that forgiveness could be extended to all mankind?

Read more here:

Amanda, I read part of the article in the link you gave me. I have things I need to do around the house now and will reply with what you wrote later on. I just wanted to respond now with something about that link before I forget. It said ..

He could have just as easily chosen to destroy us, freeing Himself of our disobedient nature. -

I remember as a young child I never knew about Jesus and the only thing I knew about God was that He could destroy anyone He wanted.  That was the only thing I knew.  No wonder I am so backwards. Anyway, I do want to reread your post and read the link article tonight or tomorrow. Thank you for posting this.

You might like this video, also. The one in it is giving his account of what happened on 9/11 and according to him, people can be saved in the last moments of their lives. At times eternity seems like a far off place, or even like a dream, until someone dies, and then I realize how close eternity is to each one of us, as close as the next moment.

There's a wealth of information on AAG, and I found this video and the article, too, by clicking on the links to the right of AAG -- the ones that are highlighted as sinned, God, Jesus, died, buried, and so forth. I watched several of the videos there at the link I've posted, including the one about discouragement and several more.

You know I don't have anything to really add to this conversation other then what has already been said.  This conversation has brought back memories for me.  I remember as a little girl seeing my first bloodmoon.  I remember it because I was SSOOO excited that Jesus was coming back.  I think I spent a lot of that night looking for Him in the sky.   Obviously, He didn't come back that evening but...

So good to know this blood moon has happened before. Thank you Deserey.  I know that the signs of the times are showing more now, so this bloodmoom timed with the "I think" Jewish Passover.... is what is getting some to talk about it more. Thanks again ... what a nice childhood memory.

The term "blood moon" is simply an archaic term for "Lunar Eclipse". They are rare, but not so unusual that anyone should think this ONE is THE ONE to spell any kind of doom. They happen every so often, in what seem like random events. What is significant is that this one fell on the eve of Passover and each subsequent one will be on a significant Biblical HOLY DAY for the next year. In the middle, there will be a Solar Eclipse on a significant Biblical Calendar event as well. Huh. That's waaaay interesting.

It seems to be signifying that these times are of momentous importance. We ought to be watching and praying for our world; for the salvation of those who are enemies of the Gospel. We ought to be considering our own standing before God.


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