All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

In the book of Genesis Ch. 27, we read of how Jacob receive a blessing from his father Isaac that was intended for Esau. 

What do you think about the way Jacob received this blessing? 

It was received by deception?

What is the message here?  Was this part of God's plan?


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Jacob represents what happens when we try to achieve God's plans in the flesh. God still works out the plans, but it takes a lot of suffering to get there. It wasn't until he was very old that Jacob finally realized that God had guided him and blessed him all of his days and finally considered the sons of Leah as his own - also being heirs of the promise like he was. But, he spent a lifetime lamenting that God wasn't giving him what he wanted and he caused a lot of misery in his family because he failed to be thankful for what God was giving him.

Jacob and his mother deceived his father Isaac for the blessings intended for Esau but he cannot deceived God.

I believed Isaac had doubted on v21 to v26 but he still gives his blessing to Isaac for he knows that it is God who will fulfill the blessings he given. We might not comprehend Gods plan often but He knows what the best for His people. Gods plan to prosper us not to harm us.

We might deceive a lot of people on earth for a time but nothing will be hidden forever. We are accountable for everything we do. Every faults and sins have consequences.  And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have called according to His purpose. Gods plan cannot be altered in anyway.

God hated Esau. Why? Because he sold his birthright for a bowl of soup. He left the Jewish nation, became involved with pagans, chose their way of life over the life that was in store for him. He wasn't as the prodigal son returning home. He left for good. He walked away from God.

Jacob sinned but he didn't leave God.

God knew this would happen..... the prophesy spoken about them. (The older will serve the younger.)

Today, we are the same. We may sin, but we don't leave God. We allow Him to be Lord over our life, regardless of out sins, which we all have. We are feeling the effects of Esau's actions greatly in the present day.

Jacob wasn't perfect, but he was God's man.

What was in the promise of the birthright?  Just a double portion of stuff.  Or the promise of the Messiah. Esau cared nothing for God's plan of redemption for mankind.  The birthright was meaningless to him.  But with the birthright came the blessing.  When Esau sold his birth right.  The promise of God for BEANS he lost the blessing to.  I believe Jacob did the will of God in his actions.  Also note that Esau did not cry and pray for his birthright, spiritual blessing, but for the blessing of Isaac, earthly posesstions.  Heb. 12:16-17  

I believe there is a type or example here.  In order to get the Blessing of eternal life,  we must first receive the Birthright, new life in Christ.  Many like Esau will want the blessing of eternal life but they have despised the birthright in Christ. 

I Cor 12:31 "But covet earnestly the best gifts:..."  Jacob did this.  Esau did not. And Esau was hated by God.  Jacob was loved. Heb 12:16,17


I know many will disagree and that is OK.  But that is the way I understand it in the word


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