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All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

We all know about Columbine and churches that have had individuals martyred for their faith in Jesus. Here is a video of a man who was holding Bible studies in his own home, he was sentenced for 60 days in jail because of this. He has to turn himself in on the 9th of this month.

I would love to hear everyones input regarding this.

Lord's blessings always

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What does justify us before God?



I may be wrong, Rita, but my current understanding is that we are saved by grace through faith but it doesn't mean we have the right to sin. The blood of Jesus continually cleanses us as we confess our sins because He is faithful. People can be unfaithful.


1 John 1:9
New International Version (NIV)
9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.

Romans 4:25

New internation Version (NIV)

He was delivered over to death for our sins and was raised to life for our justification.

2 Timothy 2:13

New International version (NIV)

if we are faithless, he will remain faithful, for he cannot disown himself.

I look and long for His return.

Rita  sorry for your answer at age 39  I accepted Christ after a long battle with all the typical reasons.. Yet our Heavenly Father prevailed. Yet I still see the hypocrisy and sometimes have a hard time walking in the building. It is only by the grace of God that I do so . His strength is mine in my weakness.

Praise The Lord.

From what I hear it seems the man in the vdeo out right weht against the cities building codes and permits.  I have to say if any building wa put up in my neighborhood that didn't belong ie: commercial in resdential- I would be upset.

    As for God allowing this well yes God could have stopped it but then God could stop everything. Let's stop blaming God and take responsibility  We have free will and can act against God at anytime He does not allow the autrocities of this world He gave us free will and DOMINION . Study what He has given us.  It is awesome and if we choice to be in His will we can yes learn from the autrocities. 


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