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Ok, in Ephesians chapter 6 it talks about the armor of God.


I understand about the prayer and the Sword of the Spirit [the scriptures]. I don't understand the rest of it though. I know it's symbolic with the belt and shield and stuff. I'm lost though because it's too hard to understand the symbolism.


What do those symbols represent?

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Ephesians 6:10-13

10. Finally. Resuming his general exhortations, he again enjoins them to be strong, -- to summon up courage and vigor; for there is always much to enfeeble us, and we are ill fitted to resist. But when our weakness is considered, an exhortation like this would have no effect, unless the Lord were present, and stretched out his hand to render assistance, or rather, unless he supplied us with all the power. Paul therefore adds, in the Lord. As if he had said, "You have no right to reply, that you have not the ability; for all that I require of you is, be strong in the Lord." To explain his meaning more fully, he adds, in the power of his might, which tends greatly to increase our confidence, particularly as it shews the remarkable assistance which God usually bestows upon believers. If the Lord aids us by his mighty power, we have no reason to shrink from the combat. But it will be asked, What purpose did it serve to enjoin the Ephesians to be strong in the Lord's mighty power, which they could not of themselves accomplish? I answer, there are two clauses here which must be considered. He exhorts them to be courageous, but at the same time reminds them to ask from God a supply of their own deficiencies, and promises that, in answer to their prayers, the power of God will be displayed.


11. Put on the whole armor. God has furnished us with various defensive weapons, provided we do not indolently refuse what is offered. But we are almost all chargeable with carelessness and hesitation in using the offered grace; just as if a soldier, about to meet the enemy, should take his helmet, and neglect his shield. To correct this security, or, we should rather say, this indolence, Paul borrows a comparison from the military art, and bids us put on the whole armor of God. We ought to be prepared on all sides, so as to want nothing. The Lord offers to us arms for repelling every kind of attack. It remains for us to apply them to use, and not leave them hanging on the wall. To quicken our vigilance, he reminds us that we must not only engage in open warfare, but that we have a crafty and insidious foe to encounter, who frequently lies in ambush; for such is the import of the apostle's phrase, THE WILES [170] (tas methodeias) of the devil


12. For we wrestle [171] not. To impress them still more deeply with their danger, he points out the nature of the enemy, which he illustrates by a comparative statement, Not against flesh and blood. The meaning is, that our difficulties are far greater than if we had to fight with men. There we resist human strength, sword is opposed to sword, man contends with man, force is met by force, and skill by skill; but here the case is widely different. All amounts to this, that our enemies are such as no human power can withstand. By flesh and blood the apostle denotes men, who are so denominated in order to contrast them with spiritual assailants. This is no bodily struggle.


Let us remember this when the injurious treatment of others provokes us to revenge. Our natural disposition would lead us to direct all our exertions against the men themselves; but this foolish desire will be restrained by the consideration that the men who annoy us are nothing more than darts thrown by the hand of Satan. While we are employed in destroying those darts, we lay ourselves open to be wounded on all sides. To wrestle with flesh and blood will not only be useless, but highly pernicious. We must go straight to the enemy, who attacks and wounds us from his concealment, -- who slays before he appears.


But to return to Paul. He describes our enemy as formidable, not to overwhelm us with fear, but to quicken our diligence and earnestness; for there is a middle course to be observed. When the enemy is neglected, he does his utmost to oppress us with sloth, and afterwards disarms us by terror; so that, ere the engagement has commenced, we are vanquished. By speaking of the power of the enemy, Paul labors to keep us more on the alert. He had already called him the devil, but now employs a variety of epithets, to make the reader understand that this is not an enemy who may be safely despised.


Against principalities, against powers. Still, his object in producing alarm is not to fill us with dismay, but to excite us to caution. He calls them kosmokratoras, that is, princes of the world; but he explains himself more fully by adding -- of the darkness of the world. The devil reigns in the world, because the world is nothing else than darkness. Hence it follows, that the corruption of the world gives way to the kingdom of the devil; for he could not reside in a pure and upright creature of God, but all arises from the sinfulness of men. By darkness, it is almost unnecessary to say, are meant unbelief and ignorance of God, with the consequences to which they lead. As the whole world is covered with darkness, the devil is called "the prince of this world." (John 14:30.)


By calling it wickedness, he denotes the malignity and cruelty of the devil, and, at the same time, reminds us that the utmost caution is necessary to prevent him from gaining an advantage. For the same reason, the epithet spiritual is applied; for, when the enemy is invisible, our danger is greater. There is emphasis, too, in the phrase, in heavenly places; for the elevated station from which the attack is made gives us greater trouble and difficulty.


An argument drawn from this passage by the Manicheans, to support their wild notion of two principles, is easily refuted. They supposed the devil to be (antitheon) an antagonist deity, whom the righteous God would not subdue without great exertion. For Paul does not ascribe to devils a principality, which they seize without the consent, and maintain in spite of the opposition, of the Divine Being, -- but a principality which, as Scripture everywhere asserts, God, in righteous judgment, yields to them over the wicked. The inquiry is, not what power they have in opposition to God, but how far they ought to excite our alarm, and keep us on our guard. Nor is any countenance here given to the belief, that the devil has formed, and keeps for himself, the middle region of the air. Paul does not assign to them a fixed territory, which they can call their own, but merely intimates that they are engaged in hostility, and occupy an elevated station.


13. Wherefore take unto you. Though our enemy is so powerful, Paul does not infer that we must throw away our spears, but that we must prepare our minds for the battle. A promise of victory is, indeed, involved in the exhortation, that ye may be able. If we only put on the whole armor of God, and fight valiantly to the end, we shall certainly stand. On any other supposition, we would be discouraged by the number and variety of the contests; and therefore he adds, in the evil day. By this expression he rouses them from security, bids them prepare themselves for hard, painful, and dangerous conflicts, and, at the same time, animates them with the hope of victory; for amidst the greatest dangers they will be safe. And having done all. They are thus directed to cherish confidence through the whole course of life. There will be no danger which may not be successfully met by the power of God; nor will any who, with this assistance, fight against Satan, fail in the day of battle. Calvin

Ephesians 6:14-20

14. Stand therefore. Now follows a description of the arms which they were enjoined to wear. We must not, however, inquire very minutely into the meaning of each word; for an allusion to military customs is all that was intended. Nothing can be more idle than the extraordinary pains which some have taken to discover the reason why righteousness is made a breastplate, instead of a girdle. Paul's design was to touch briefly on the most important points required in a Christian, and to adapt them to the comparison which he had already used.


Truth, which means sincerity of mind, is compared to a girdle. Now, a girdle was, in ancient times, one of the most important parts of military armor. Our attention is thus directed to the fountain of sincerity; for the purity of the gospel ought to remove from our minds all guile, and from our hearts all hypocrisy. Secondly, he recommends righteousness, and desires that it should be a breastplate for protecting the breast. Some imagine that this refers to a freely bestowed righteousness, or the imputation of righteousness, by which pardon of sin is obtained. But such matters ought not, I think, to have been mentioned on the present occasion; for the subject now under discussion is a blameless life. He enjoins us to be adorned, first, with integrity, and next with a devout and holy life.


15. And your feet shod. The allusion, if I mistake not, is to the military greaves; for they were always reckoned a part of the armor, and were even used for domestic purposes. As soldiers covered their legs and feet to protect them against cold and other injuries, so we must be shod with the gospel, if we would pass unhurt through the world. It is the gospel of peace, and it is so called, as every reader must perceive, from its effects; for it is the message of our reconciliation to God, and nothing else gives peace to the conscience. But what is the meaning of the word preparation? Some explain it as an injunction to be prepared for the gospel; but it is the effect of the gospel which I consider to be likewise expressed by this term. We are enjoined to lay aside every hinderance, and to be prepared both for journey and for war. By nature we dislike exertion, and want agility. A rough road and many other obstacles retard our progress, and we are discouraged by the smallest annoyance. On these accounts, Paul holds out the gospel as the fittest means for undertaking and performing the expedition. Erasmus proposes a circumlocution, (ut sitis parati,) that ye may be prepared; but this does not appear to convey the true meaning.


16. Taking the shield of faith. Though faith and the word of God are one, yet Paul assigns to them two distinct offices. I call them one, because the word is the object of faith, and cannot be applied to our use but by faith; as faith again is nothing, and can do nothing, without the word. But Paul, neglecting so subtle a distinction, allowed himself to expatiate at large on the military armor. In the first Epistle to the Thessalonians he gives both to faith and to love the name of a breastplate, -- "putting on the breastplate of faith and love," (1 Thessalonians 5:8.) All that was intended, therefore, was obviously this, -- "He who possesses the excellencies of character which are here described is protected on every hand."


And yet it is not without reason that the most necessary instruments of warfare -- a sword and a shield -- are compared to faith, and to the word of God. In the spiritual combat, these two hold the highest rank. By faith we repel all the attacks of the devil, and by the word of God the enemy himself is slain. If the word of God shall have its efficacy upon us through faith, we shall be more than sufficiently armed both for opposing the enemy and for putting him to flight. And what shall we say of those who take from a Christian people the word of God? Do they not rob them of the necessary armor, and leave them to perish without a struggle? There is no man of any rank who is not bound to be a soldier of Christ. But if we enter the field unarmed, if we want our sword, how shall we sustain that character?


Wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the darts. But quench appears not to be the proper word. Why did he not use, instead of it, ward off or shake off, or some such word? Quench is far more expressive; for it is adapted to the epithet applied to darts The darts of Satan are not only sharp and penetrating, but -- what makes them more destructive -- they are fiery Faith will be found capable, not only of blunting their edge, but of quenching their heat.

"This," says John, "is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith." (1 John 5:4.)


17. And take the helmet of salvation. In a passage already quoted, (1 Thessalonians 5:8,) "the hope of salvation" is said to be a helmet, which I consider to be in the same sense as this passage. The head is protected by the best helmet, when, elevated by hope, we look up towards heaven to that salvation which is promised. It is only therefore by becoming the object of hope that salvation is a helmet.


18. Praying always with all prayer. Having instructed the Ephesians to put on their armor, he now enjoins them to fight by prayer. This is the true method. To call upon God is the chief exercise of faith and hope; and it is in this way that we obtain from God every blessing. Prayer and supplication are not greatly different from each other, except that supplication is only one branch of prayer


With all perseverance. We are exhorted to persevere in prayer. Every tendency to weariness must be counteracted by a cheerful performance of the duty. With unabated ardor we must continue our prayers, though we do not immediately obtain what we desire. If, instead of with all perseverance, some would render it, with all Earnestness, I would have no objection to the change. Calvin

I'm very embrassed to admit this... I have a reading problem. I can read it's just I have a short attention span for reading and I have a very difficult time comprehending what I read [I can comprehend stuff when it's at more of lower level than what it's suppose to be for someone my age]. That's why textbooks when I was at school gave me trouble.


My reading level is probably below the normal for my age. I'm very sorry that I don't understand. Please forgive me...

There is nothing to forgive sis. :) I think it is awesome that you are brave enough to share with us this truth. I my self have to go to the dictionary when i am reading some of the classical writtings of awesome theologians of old.


I will respond to your thread when time permits, with a short answer and in today's english.


Love and blessings to you Feet.

Thanks, David.


I think it goes beyond not understanding classical writings though. Even in today's English I have difficulties. That's one reason I don't read novels. I understand visual aids better[although another reason I have trouble with learning about the armor of God is because I have a harder time with symbolism]. I mean I can understand some symbolism like "the storm is coming", referring to the end days. It's just for a lot of symbolism, I have more trouble.


I guess that's why I have trouble with instructions. I understand visually but if someone tries to read instructions to me, I'm lost [I already know I have hearing problems. I've got good hearing it's just I have really sensitive hearing.] That and I don't always hear words correctly, especially in songs. That and trying to understand words on a page, I'm lost on that as well.


Some things I can understand. Like it's easier when we're just having a conversation like this. But, if someone posts a lot, that makes it harder. That and my attention span goes. Ironically, it's the opposite for writing/using a keyboard [I say that because I can't "type" as I have to look at the keys a lot] though. For than I can express how I feel. That's a relief when I can't express too well verbally how I feel. I mean I can talk. I just have a harder time finding the words to express fear,pain,stuff like that. It's different when it comes to things that I'm interested in [for example I'm fascinated by anatomy/microbiology] . Than I have a very hard time being quiet. That could get me into trouble. Than it's like I don't even think about it, I just ramble abouts facts I know.


That's why stuff like the blogs help me so much. It's like being trapped within yourself when you can't find the words to express fear or pain. But with blogging I can find the words. :-)

LOLOLOLOL. I hear you feet trees. The minute I clicked on your question & then seen David's replies, I scrolled on down. I hate the long ones too. Richard always tries to shorten them up up or dumb them down for me. 

It's good to know I'm not alone in having trouble with long posts. :-) No offence to anyone who makes them. I really hope I don't seem like a hypocrite. While I have trouble reading long posts,it's easier to make them [like with my testimony]. I guess that is because I have at times a lot to vent out. And a lot gets stored up when it's hard to express myself verbally in words.




Beloved - I will say this much, if there is one thing we should invest in, is in acquiring truth. In this case that may mean we have to take a sentence at a time. That is ok, but the beauty that we cheat ourselves from by not fighting through the challenges of language should not be so.


I dare say that the amount of people who can just pick up the classical writings of beautiful men of God and just zip through them are few. English is my second language, hence all the mistakes I make with my spelling and grammar, but I long for truth enough to take a sentence at a time. I have read AW Tozer’s book, The Pursuit of God, multiple times. Because I just love that little book and because it took me at least 3 times to really get the meaning of some of the truths being taught in it.


I encourage you to fight through all the challenges you encounter when reading. It is worth it Feet. Only the truth sets us free. If we continue to skip through things that are too long, for whatever reason, we end up in a different level of understanding. The word of God has its own challenges for understanding it as well, but we ask God to help us. With the help of the Spirit and some research we can be guided to all truth. Beloved I encourage you to take it one sentence at a time and fight through your challenges. The reward is great.

Goes to show your intelligence. I've yet to understand a full paragraph that Tozer has ever written but when I do finally grasp it, I love it. 

Feet, everyone is different. It's the attention span I believe as well as it begins to look like yadda yadda blah blah blah to some where as some can sit in a warm cozy chair with a light & read all night. That's not me. I wish it was. That's why we have people like LT, Char, David, Amanda & my favorite Colby who I miss. They come along & help us bobble heads & give us the easy way out. I do appreciate my commentaries for sure. Don't get me wrong, I don't take any man's word for anything - well, my husband's maybe - naw, him either. I always check it out for myself but it's these awesome people that do help me draw my final conclusions. You & I have other gifts that they draw from us. They just haven't discovered what those are yet except telling the truth. loll.

I only know one quote from Tozer that I've held onto:

A.W. Tozer
In order for God to bless a man greatly he has to hurt him deeply.

Tammy,I certainly understand what you mean when things start to look like "blah,blah,blah".


No offense to anyone on that...


lol or the last part you said.

David,it'd be different if it was just my attention span. It's just when I try to read [unless it's on a lower reading level] I have a very hard time understanding. I can read it's just, for me to comprehend,it has to be on a lower level. How would I find out what my reading level is? Is there something online that would be able to tell me for free?


I know I'm certainly not at a high school level for reading. It's possible I'm at a junior high level. I'm not sure though.


I'm able to learn but I'm slower at it than people my age. I think I've been behind my peers all my life.


The Bible is the best book to read. :-) The Holy Spirit helps me to understand scripture. I wondered before why I had such a hard time understanding what the Bible said. I didn't trust the Holy Spirit. I thought I could learn it myself. Now I do trust Him and He's helping me. Praise Jesus!


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