All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

I am looking for your responses to what you are thankful for this Thanksgiving season and throughout the year.

1. I am thankful that God pulled me out of the hell I was headed for.

2. I am thankful for His blessings on my entire family and friends during this very difficult time in our history.

3. I am thankful that He carried me through the pain of losing my husband last year so that my mourning was cut to a minimum.

4. I am thankful for the growth I have seen in my children and grandchildren during this time of mourning.


My list goes on and on. No way I can list it all here.

Count your blessings, and list a few here.




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May God give strength  from heaven

I was reading through some of the things that small children are saying they are thankful for and it was sweet:

Mason, age 3 says she is thankful for her daddy because he helps her play with her toys;

Kendall, age 5 says she is thankful for her mommy and daddy because they bring her snacks;

Another said she was thankful that her mom was her mom and another said he was thankful that his dog was his dog and another said, "That I am home."

I was thinking that it is the simple things that matter, too, and not just the big stuff.

So I am concentrating on simplicity this year. That doesn't mean I am not thankful for the big things but it seems to be little things that are getting me through these days, like a hug, or a laugh, or having my morning coffee while thinking of Jesus sitting at the table with me and it's a quiet time and I know He cares.

I am thankful for your friendship, Rita--but that's a big thing!

Love ya!

Wow, I'm not sure where to start.

I do know that I'm am very thankful for my lovely wife. She is more than just a wife. She is my friend, my soul mate, my wife and my lover. She fills me when I feel empty, guides me when I'm lost and makes my life whole. I love her more than I could possibly explain.

When God gives you gift like her, you don't take it for granted.

God is so cooool


Happy Thanksgiving brethren at AAG. I have enjoyed discussing the things of the Lord with you in the short time I have been here at the group.  There are seasons when we struggle and seasons where we are blessed always aware that our blessings come from the Lord. This was a season where my blessings increased and I have marveled so many times at the Lord's goodness to me. I have been very excited at how He has taken me to an even greater level in understanding the abundant life. By that, I mean that He has shown me many ways to prosper and enjoy my life more that do not take a lot of time or cost, but that are simple, creative, productive and satisfying. He has always done that for me, but it is like He really stepped it up during this current season in ways that have excited me about life. I've wanted to be more effective in prayer, learn how to rise above persecution, see relationships healed and discover new ways to reach out to those who are hurting and need God and this has all been happening. When you put it all together, it means I am experiencing the abundant life more then ever in ways that existed all the time, but that had not yet been revealed to me until this year. It has been thrilling how God has opened so many interesting and fulfilling doors for me. It pays to be faithful as He is so faithful and has more for us with each season of our lives. Whatever season of your life you are in know that it only gets better. I thoroughly enjoyed the entire week of Thanksgiving as I experienced God's blessings each day in so many special ways- I was not even expecting any blessings, but He surprised me!

Love you in Jesus,



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