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All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

Tell me your favorite story of a prayer being answered and you were just amazed! im sure everyone has something special to share!

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This is a really late response to your original post, but I still wanted to share this:) About a few weeks ago, I began to pray to the Lord for my parents. They've been trying to buy a house for a while but haven't been able to afford it. A few days ago, my mom called to say that her older brother(my uncle) called out of the blue and offered to give her about half the sum she would need to get things started. My mom was too stunned to say a word, mostly because she has never gotten along well with her brother, and he was the last person who would care if my parents were homeless. I can only say HALLELUJAH! The Lord always provides.
i actually wasnt even alive yet but my family has experienced miricles through prayer. when my dad was 16 yr old he was diaginosed with cancer that had basically spread to every organ in his body. the doctors gave him 6 wks to live and we so sure that he was going to die (now this was back in 1977) that after the surgery that they found the cancer they didnt even bother to sew him up, NO JOKE, they brought him back to my grandma with his stomach still wide open.. talk about tramatic. so, my family prayed and prayed and within 5 wks without any sort of treatment all of my dads cancer turned into fatty tissue and went away! seriously, hes in the medical books bc of it and 33 yrs later hes alive and well. isnt God truly AMAZING!!
I have, since I returned from maternity leave last summer, had a very bad time at work. I felt that my boss was bulying me and constantly comparing me to another manager, yet the other manager, did not have the same responsibilities as me. I was continually trying to please her and became very hurt, suffer low self esteem and actually remove myself from real life. My boss retired and her job was advertised. I was too low to apply for the job, even though I had the skills and knowledge and it would have been a natural career path to follow. My husband suggested that I look at the job description, just to see if I could match myself. I could and therefore applied, but told only my parents, husband and 2 co - workers. My mum prayed for me and all that kept coming to her was don't be bitter, lose the anger. Later that day i felt a calming feeling come over me and I started to focus on the positives. I received an invite for interview and went along with a view that I would not get the job (the other manager would because my boss helped her complete the application and I believe prepped her for interview)but that it was a chance to show the new principal what I could do. I came out of the interview not expecting a thing, when later that day I got a call to offer me the job. My mum had prayed for the best outcome for me, not necessarily that I would get the job. Without going on too much, there had been a lot of inequality and fanouritism which was making me ill. I have now taken up the role and plan to be open and honest with my colleagues. The other manager went to see our HR to question the decision as she was amazed she didn't get the job. She was told that my answers were far better than hers. It is the first time I have gone into an interview feeling calm and composed and I believe god did this. I have learned a lot from my old boss in the respect of what not to do and how not to manage and I feel positive that I can make the work place a positive, fair place to work.


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