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Tell me your favorite story of a prayer being answered and you were just amazed! im sure everyone has something special to share!

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yeah that is weird i might say! you get an answer to your prayer through cancer?! well im glad you are all better! thanks for sharing your story!
Praise God Michelle... Your words here are so beautiful:

I don't know what tomorrow holds, but I do KNOW WHO HOLDS TOMORROW....It is ALMIGHTY GOD!
I will love Him, praise Him and worship Him no matter what comes my way. He is my Lord and Saviour!
Thank you for sharing this beautiful testimony of God's love for us.

Blessings in His Love, Carla
Its amazing how if God wants you, He knows the exact way to get you! Im so glad you received the Lord and are living for Him. As far as the sickness, the Lord knows what He is doing and i believe He will get you through it and give you the strength that you need to make it through the day! I agree with Carla and like the last few lines you wrote! Thank you and God bless you!
I think like everyone else I have lots & lots of instances where I have had prayers answered.

Here is just one that I have copied from my website. If you want to see more go and have a look at my "Testimonies" page.

In mid-2008 my wife and I were on a holiday in the Kimberley region of Australia. We had been travelling in this area and the Northern Territory for the preceding couple of months.

During this time one of our daughters back home in Melbourne, who was pregnant at the time, had begun to have complications and was taken into hospital. Her situation became quite serious as various internal organs began to fail including her kidneys and liver. The baby was also under significant stress and so her treating doctors decided to carry out an emergency caesarian, even though the baby would be born some nine weeks premature.

This was quite stressful for my wife and I as we were so far away, and at the time were almost as far from home as we could be in Australia without going overseas. Due to the intense nature of the pressure and stress of the situation, we organised an emergency flight for my wife to go back home to be with our daughter, and decided to abandon the final stage of our holiday.

I began the long journey home by road, commencing my trip the same day my wife flew home, and throughout the long drive I spent much of the time in prayer asking the Lord to protect my daughter and the unborn child.

When my wife arrived home she went to the hospital immediately. She discovered the gravity of the situation as my daughters kidneys had almost completely failed and there was significant damage to her liver. The doctors also advised that there was a problem with her placenta and the baby had been compromised, as it appeared he may not have been receiving adequate, if any, nourishment for several weeks. The doctors carried out the emergency caesarian operation and our new grandson was born. He was incredibly small at only three pounds in weight and with many health problems from being so premature.

Within the first 24 hours they identified that he had developed a pneumo-thorax issue, a hole in the lungs. The doctors said this was a problem but he could get through it provided there was no infection. In the following 24 hours they identified that he had developed an infection and was sliding downhill. Subsequently they then identified that his stomach was not working and what little food that he had taken in was putrifying in his tiny body. At this time a nurse friend of ours came to visit, and on looking at the baby's charts immediately recommended that I had to get home right away. He said the situation was so bad that he didn't think the child would survive and that I would be needed to provide support for my wife and daughter.

I had been driving for several days at this stage and was roughly at the halfway point, but with no communications. At various towns I stopped and phoned to see what the latest news was but it always seemed that our grandson's condition just kept deteriorating. All I could do was to continue praying for him and for the whole situation. On the night that I was advised of the last issue with his inability to process food, it was not expected that our grandson would live. That night I sat in the camper and for a long time just besought the Lord, praying constantly for his intervention. I sought him and asked that he be merciful to my grandson, my daughter and the family, and that he would heal this tiny child. It was while praying that night that the Lord spoke to me saying, "I will be merciful." I took great comfort from these words and believed that God would do as he had promised.

The next day while travelling I came across a family whose caravan had broken down. I pulled over and helped to get them mobile as they had no idea how to fix the issue. I spent an hour or so and managed to get them mobile, and then followed them to the next town to ensure they were safe and OK. The one thing they had which I did not was a phone that worked in the bush, and in gratitude they offered me the use of it to phone home as I had told them the story of what was going on.

When I spoke to my wife, she said I needed to get to Alice Springs as quickly as I could (about another 500km), as they had organised a flight for me to come home immediately due to the serious condition of the child. I told my wife that I had been praying for him and what the Lord had said to me and I was confident and faithful believing through the power of prayer that the Lord would indeed show us mercy as he had promised.

I flew home and my friend the nurse flew into Alice Springs to continue to drive my car and camper back home. On arriving home I went to the hospital and saw my grandson for the first time. He was tiny and frail with many tubes and gadgets attached, but still I was confident that the Lord would show him and us mercy as he had told me. As it turned out he was better than he had been and we discovered that his improvement began at about the same time as I had been praying for him, and when the Lord said to me that he would show mercy.

It was a truly miraculous turnaround and from that point in time he continued to get stronger and stronger.

I thank the Lord for showing his mercy to me, my family and to my young grandson. His miracle healing was rapid and complete from the time the Lord said he would be merciful. In addition he also completely healed the organ damage my daughter had suffered in this whole episode, and she too has no physical effects from the difficult times she went through.

My grandson is now two years old at the time of writing this and is a bundle of energy and life. He really keeps us on our toes and is truly a miracle and blessing from God for which we thank him always for and through the power of prayer.

Your brother in Christ,
John Lemmon
Dear John,

This is such a beautiful story of God's faithfulness. Thank you so much for sharing this incredible testimony about our Incredible God! Many Blessings and Much Love in Christ, Carla
Hi Carla,

Some years ago now I learned the message of Abraham how the Lord told him he would have a son through Sarah his wife & he would be the father of many nations. And the word says, "No distrust made him waver concerning the promise of God, but he grew strong in his faith as he gave glory to God, fully convinced that God was able to do what he had promised."

A great teaching for all of us. I have learned through many years of trial, tribulation & teaching that the Lord does do what he says he will do. When he told me in the testimony above that he would be merciful (yes with audible words...not just a feeling) I had no thought at all that it would be any other way and I took comfort despite the fact that my grandson was in dire straits. It is a valuable lesson to learn from Abraham's example that when the Lord says he will do something, he will do it and I am so glad the Lord saw fit to teach me this and that I can share it with any who read this or my website.

Your brother in Christ,
John Lemmon

Wow - I did not want to read your post due to its length, but I finally read it and all I can say is that our Lord is Good. He is so good to us. Praise God for His mercy is new every morning.

Great Testimony.
Hi David,

Yeah sorry about the length. If brevity were a virtue & long-windedness was a sin...I'd be in deep trouble!!!

Never been good at keeping things short :-)

The power of prayer as we can see from all the responses on this thread is the true miracle of Christianity. The mere fact that we can have access to the one who, "...reflects the glory of God and bears the very stamp of his nature, upholding the universe by his word of power." (Heb 1:3) is just AWESOME! The universe exists only by HIS word of power...and yet he takes the time to listen to our prayers & answer them.

The thought brings me to tears of humility and gratitude.

What can I say...we have an awesome God & Saviour in Jesus Christ.

Your brother in Christ,
John Lemmon
oh my gosh!!! i have a mixture of emotions right now! that was sad and good at the same time!! The Lords mercy and grace is such a blessing! Thanks to your faith and prayer and trusting in the Lord, He was faithful in keeping His promise to you and your family. Thank you for the beautiful story and im so happy for you all! May He keep blessing you all!
John, God bless you for you faithfulness to His Kingdom. I praise God for the victory He gave your family. I know how your testimony has been a mighty encouragement to many. It sure is to me. I am glad to be your brother.
One day I was praying for a get away from my college... to be able to learn in a fun loving environment where there was little or no drama then a few weeks later i got an email of an invite to apply for an internship at disneyland ...i decided to go with it and after three interviews i got the call and was congratulated. I thanked God and I told him that just the email surprise of an opportunity such as this was good enough. I told him even if the opportunity was taken away I would still be grateful and full of thanks ...just to be offered and welcomed as a member of the disney college should have seen me when i opened the first email about the disney opportunity i was crying like literally ballin with tears because I kept praying for an opening somewhere

I wont be taking the offer anymore due to my health but tis good this is one of my favorite answered prayers

:) <3
Shorty wat up with your health sweetie?

Tell us if it's not too personal so we can pray for you girl.

We will pray anyways but is good to know the specific need. Shoot me a message if you want.

I feel bad Mickey did not get to meet you. He surely would have been impressed. :)

Late - Blessings to you beloved.


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