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I use to go to this church me my 6 children and fiance and pay my dues faithfully whenever I could afford. Till one day the pastor and his wife told us that we have to get married because the bible said two people can't have children and living together which I know it is right with that part but the thing is I told him my fiance lost his job and the only income I get is from social security from my late husband for me and my kids and I said to the pastor right now thats how I get my bills paid and if I get married again now they will eliminate the check for me. Ok the thing is he insist if we don't get married then we can't come to his church he made that an issue. He basically put us in a wayto make us feel uncomfortable. another ting when we try to take part in activity he would tell us we can't take part because we are not married. Ok my question is isn't it his duty as a pastor to encourage us to bring out our talent and make us feel welcome in the word of god?

If you were in my shoes what would you have done?

Another thing is when we try to give suggestion to make the church grow the pastor don't want us to particpate because of the marriage issue. His church is not growing because the pastor is to busy passing judgement on what people can and cannot do.

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Yes, is the pastors duty to encourage and to welcome you with open arms, but it is also his duty to teach you how to live a fulfilling christian walk with God. I'm not sure how He approached you in the situation, but he is supposed to sheperd the flock. In God's eye's, it is a sin for two people to be living together and they are not married. Your response to his action is not built on the right things. You say "...thats how I get my bills paid and if I get married again now they will eliminate the check for me." You should have more faith in God. He knows about your bills, he knows about your fiance's joblessness, he knows everything. He wants to bless you, richly, but how can he do that when your living in a way that opposes his way?

If I were in your shoes, I would have been a little offended. And then I would of sought God about the matter, and His word clearly states that we need to free of sin through Jesus Christ to inherit all of His blessings that he has for us (abundant blessings-- not just getting by, on my last dime, can I borrow one last time-- kind of living. The GOOD Life!) How can the man of God allow you to participate in activities when you are not walking in line with God's word? That would allow others in the church to do the same thing and that is one of the reasons there are so many church folk in Hell.

Everyone needs a little help sometimes, please pray for your pastor and read God's word everyday. It will help you to live a life that is blessed abundantly!

God Bless!!
amen Littlesheep God bless you for such wise counsel.
YES littlesheep88
I agree,but I also believe in God's convictions to urself,and I do believe you are being convicted,but it should be by God,Himself,not the Pastor of ur church,what does ur church do with people who are drunks and need help,or if someone comes to church on drugs,they are their for help and they should be able to get help,not be pushed away,I don't believe God wants that,They need to know they are Loved by God,not hated or disappointed,If they are loved,and they start walking with Christ,then God will convict them,or you,we should not judge person,including the Pastors or Priest,I think if it's a Godly church,there arms would be wide open to anyone,that's why this world is so bad,we have Pastors and Priest not allowing people to come to church,because they are sinners,we are all sinners,and we should not judge people,you seem like a great women and ur family,but you will have to put ur trust in God,now or later,we can't do anything without God's help.Don't you want to be a blessing?Do the right thing,stop living in sin and get married,So God can bless you,but ur the only one who can make that decision,Best Wishes Sister,Take Care,Pray about it God Bless DJ
Update: I would like to say I thank each and everyone for your advice and help. as of now I return back to church and it happen through a church member that still goes to the church. God used that church member to get us back to the church. My prayers was answered because that day I went to church it was about forgiveness and that member told me I should attend. i went back and then they had altar call and the pastor ask what the forgiveness about and he apologize that he was wrong how he approach us and he is only human and he humble himself about how to approach his member and I accepted his apology and then 2 days later my fiance got a job finally. Look how god uses people to see there mistake. I know I have sin by living with a man and have kids but in due time god will work it out for me and my family.I leave everthing in his hands I will continue to praise and worship him for life.
Praise the Lord My sister and her family,
You know U now need to get married right,Stop living in sin ,if u have repented ok
God Bless
Your sister in Christ
Debbie Jean
i encourage you to always go back to scripture there are countless stories in the bible where people would submit to their leaders unless it contrast with the word of god (david in the lions den and so on) if your pastor is saying something that dosnt line up with the word of god
then you dont even have to submit thats what sets you apart from the world thats what makes you a child of god but if what he says lines up with the word of god you have some stuff to lay at Jesus feet and hand it over to him repent and he will guide you but you have to be positioned to hear him not with your ears but with your circumstances

I know it dosnt make the judgments any easier to handle but thats all they are and you but that is the refining fire we must go through to grow the lord knows how hot to have it he turns it up like the way they do with gold they burn the dros from the gold to make it pure god does the same with us he burns all the crap so we can reflect him in ourselvs and not
god bless your relationship you will be fine because you are a child of a might god who loves you and will meet you whereever you are at and your destiny will always be the same now is the time to walk in it


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