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thank you.. i will try. just seems like he gave up on me
Hey Rosie,

The Lord hasn't given up on you and don't you give up on you either. He will never leave you or forsake you He's right there. He loves you...Rosie.

Increase your time in reading the word of God and meditating on these truthes. A good place to start is in the Books of the Epistles you know Galatians, Ephesians, James etc.,and when that sin or any other sins comes to try you just say. I-PASS-U-N-4-CHRIST

Your Sis in the Lord

Hi Rosie, I had a similar problem with smoking. I just couldn't give them up. I must have repented a dozen times. I was trying to do it in my own strength, and constantly feeling condemned. I found that satan condemns and the Holy Spirit convicts. I prayed a great deal, just 'Jesus, help' most times when I was really tempted, and gradually came to rely on Him to get me free of them. It took about a month to finally give them up, but I feel a wonderful sense of freedom now. I also took practical steps like starting regular Bible study and prayer time every morning, just devoting a set time with the Lord. I got loads of people to pray for me, family, friends, Christian help lines. I also got an 'accountability partner' someone from church who I trusted and I found this a great help - being able to share my struggle with someone. I used to beat up on myself every time I slipped back, but learned to keep going back to the cross for strength to keep trying. I hope this helps, and I'll pray for you. Keep trying you'll do it with the Lord's help, prayer and the encouragement and prayer of others. Every blessing, Carol
thank you thank you thank you
Dear Rosie,
That is why God hates sin so much! He sent his son Jesus to die and have victory over sin that we might find victory over sin in him and through him.
Sin enslaves us and I think most all christians can relate to that! Some like you and I must struggle to be free of it.
We must continually place ourselves at his feet and ask for mercy. Dealing with sin for us is a process. It is a humbling one. Our father in heaven knows this and knows more than we how deadly and damaging to us sin is!
It helps me to ponder the price heaven paid that I individualy might find victory over my hangups.
Keep at it girl! God has not left you alone to deal with your shortcoming. The natural and terrible result of sin is that because we are human it separates us from our father in heaven. Ask his forgiveness and he will always give it and will give you strength to resist. Never give up, as Paul said "fight the good fight". It may not be the eaiest thing but Jesus will give you victory!
One last point We must all decide for ourselves whether we are to be slaves to sin or to be free in Christ Jesus.
Prayers ascending for you and your struggle. God loves you and wants to bring you home for always and forever.
Jesus is lord! Stephen
the lord sustains all who fall and raise up all who will bowed down PSALM 145;14
PROVERBS 3-5;6 says trust in the lord with all thine leart and lean not to your own understanding .Inall your ways acknowledge him and he shall direct your parth . you have to see your self out of it what if the lord comes today You have to be bold and be strong and find your faith and hope in God.
Hi Passun,
God doesn't tempt us, but I believe we do get tested. Pass the test. Think of it as a pop quiz from your Heavenly Father (abba). You may get the test a few times. There's something that God wants you to learn. God wants to strengthen you in this area. He wants to help you to grow. When you succeed, it's going to feel great. Whatever the sin is, consider what new actions you can take to resist it. If the temptation and sin come your way again, do the new actions instead of relying on the old ones that didn't work. I believe that you will eventually succeed. God wants you to succeed even more than you want to succeed. Maybe you can help others in this area. Food for thought. I have a feeling that you have so much to teach and give in this area whatever it is.

When you succeed, share your jubilation with God. Offer praise and worship. God has feelings. He feels love, joy and jubilation too.

God bless!
Mary O.
Dear Passun, i too was struggling with one sin which i used to repent over and over again. But one day i was listening to a certain sermon in a TV while i was in my home and that preacher talked about this issue.

1.The biggest problem that we are facing and that is where the devil catches us, is in our THOUGHTS. Normaly in a bigger portion as the man thinks, so does he do. If you can be able to control your thoughts by deliberately filter what you dont want to think, you will realize even your ways, attitude and life start to change.

2. Another thing in which the devil catches us and we seem not to get off the trap is by constantly telling ourselves how bad we are because we cannot do the will of God. What we are supposed to do, we dont do instead we do the bad things. In this situation, you are supposed to fill your mouth with positive words like: I HAVE OVERCOME THIS, I AM REALLY MAKING A PROGRESS. Dont ever dwell in talking about how stupid you are or here again i have fallen. Dont ever give a devil a chart that he is very powerful and can control you.

3. Is by you ( yourself) deciding to make the right choice. It hurts i tell you but in few days you will discover that you are no longer living in a bondage of Satan any more. Infact you will say to yourself how did i ever dwell in this bad situation. Making a choice is by delibarately saying NO to the devil. Even if your body wants to do that bad thing, you will always here a small voice inside you saying NO it is against Gods will. Just follow the small voice in you and you will always win. If you follow your body's desires you will always end up frustrated and condemned. Start exercising to make the right choices.

4. Lastly, Read the Word of God. Have the habbit of reading the word of God especially Corinthians and Romans. It talkes about how to live for God. It will help you to know what is Sin to God and thus you flee away from them.

This is a small portion of how i have managed to make my self free from Satans Trap.
Reckon yourself dead to the sin and lay it at Jesus' Feet. Easier said than done sometimes, but you have to stop thinking about it. If you try to stop and you're always thinking about it, it's always gonna be on your mind. dont think about elephants...don't think about elephants...don't think about elephants. what are you thinking about right now? Elephants! Renew your mind and when you fall, shake the dust off...go to your Lord for forgiveness and rejoice in the new day. If we never sinned, Jesus' death would have been pointless. When Jesus said to the woman caught in adultry, "go and sin no more", He KNEW she would sin again. He set the bar so high that we have no choice but to go to him for forgiveness. Guilt is of satan. keep struggling, keep your passion, and keep looking to the cross and believe and RECEIVE your deliverance. worship, worship, worship.


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