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All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

Rachelle Starrn was raised in a Christian home & had never been inside a strip club in her life. But she felt this calling from God to reach out to women in the sex industry. She knew that God had given her a passion for those women to know how much He loves them & how precious they were in His eyes. Whatever doubts, she knew God was calling her to take action. He didn't want her to just to feel compassion for them but to do something about it.

In 2008, she started Scarlet Hope, a ministry that reaches out to women involved in the sex industry. They take big, southern-comfort-style dinners to strip clubs. Their prayer is that they're not just feeding their stomachs but they're feeding a deeper spiritual hunger. In some clubs, they fix hair & make-up so they can get some one-on-one time with the girls. It gives them the opportunity to pray with women in the middle of the strip club.

She states that many hearts have been changed & lives touched & many turned to Christ for forgiveness &  new beginnings. She says she has seen Jesus show up many times in the back of a strip club dressing room. Many dancers opened up to them, sharing their struggles, asking for prayers, & some have even accepted their invitations to church.

What are your thoughts on this testimony? When I read it I must admit doubts flooded me. I know Jesus goes to the sinners but He didn't put their make-up on before prostituting themselves. Am I wrong with my feelings? No one knows the mind of God but do you really believe God would have them take such drastic steps to reach others? 

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Thank you Chip for explaining the "why be careful of layimg on of hnds".  

Amen, Chip, Amen.


I found an interesting survey on this very subject. Even though the place is called a bar instead of a strip club, the arguments were virtually the same. The article is from The link:

Part of the article reads:, a large Christian portal with eight million monthly page loads, recently asked, "Should Christians witness in bars?" President of ChristiaNet, Bill Cooper, responds, "As Christians we are called to evangelize all people."

Out of 1,500 Christians surveyed, a 57% majority agreed that Christians should witness in bars. Reasons cited included, "As sons of God we are to witness to sinners and the lost, bars are very good place to find these type of individuals" and, "Because Christ ate with tax collectors and prostitutes. We are not here to witness to Christians only. We are made to bring His word to everyone, everywhere. It might be a problem for an alcoholic Christian to witness in a, choose a friend to go in your stead." Some in agreement expressed their approval by stating, "Christians should witness at all times and in all places. It doesn't matter if it is a bar or not." 

Twenty-eight percent of poll takers disagreed with Christians witnessing in bars. Their reasoning comments were, "I don't believe Christians should go to bars for any reason. There is too much temptation there. Also, I think it could hurt ones testimony to be seen in such a place" and, "No, because the message is lost among the words, the noise and the drunken behavior." One poll taker in disagreement even stated, "No, first to stay away from temptations; second, I can witness to a person that goes to bar when he/she comes out from the bar."

Only fifteen percent of those who took our survey were unsure about whether or not Christians should witness in a bar. Their confusion came in because, "I guess it depends on the Christian if they are called to do that" and, "I don't put any restrictions on where to witness if the Holy Spirit is leading and maybe the person overcame it and could help someone else out." Most however agreed that, "a weak and inexperienced Christian should probably not. They may succumb to the urge to drink with the person they are witnessing to, especially if they have a drinking problem themselves."

I wish these forum discusuoins can stay in order like the blogs. I deleted my inbox and now cant find what iwanted to syppy to.

Thanks, Chip, I drove all last night returning to Wyoming. Last week was nice with some time off. I guess it's back to work. 

Hi Group,

Just a few thoughts I'd like to toss in this lengthy discussion........

The apostle Paul tells us in I Corinthians 12 that the Holy Spirit spreads His many varied gifts among the saints. What are these gifts for?

They are to be utilized in this world to edify the Church of Jesus Christ......and to bring glory to Almighty God.......and maybe carry out the Great Commission......?? Where would some of these spiritual gifts be best shared?

How about in remote parts of the world ie: deep jungles? in the mountains? in prison ministries? inner city gangs? missions? houses of prostitution? strip joints?

Does anybody really think that God-fearing souls who go out into these places give a hoot about what other Christians think or judge about their missions??? The only thing that really counts - is what God thinks about their efforts.

So, it matters not to me, what other brethren may do......but for me in my house - I will not be going into brothels and strip clubs to witness because my wife won't let me...........


Grace and Peace to all.

I can tell you that outside this online Christians site  that there are many many many  Christians who don't give a hoot about anybody but themselves.  At least you admit that if not for your wife you would be frequenting the strip joints and house of prostitutions.    This is a lengthy discussion and I am learning it from it.... I am glad that the folks disagreeing do care for each others thoughts.  And I give a hoot,,,, lol . You sound like people from around my state.

LOL Janie, I don't believe that's how he meant it.  Richard will have to come in and set the record straight.  What I'm getting from him is that many Christians don't care about what the "world" thinks, but what God thinks.  Not that they don't give a hoot about anyone but themselves...though there are many like that as well.  There are people who have gone into the missions field with their children, with family and neighbors frowning down upon their choice to take their kids into such harsh and dangerous areas.  Some have lost their children in these places while doing God's work to help those in need.  I read of missionaries whose children died from disease in backwoods areas.  Disease they would not have gotten had the people stayed in the U.S. and not taken the risk they felt God calling them to.  But God gave them the strength and grace for that particular work in the face of the danger and harsh conditions. 

Secondly, Richard wasn't saying he would go into strip clubs if his wife let him, but making a joke of it, that even if he wanted to, or felt God calling him to it, his wife would have something to say about it.  LOL

If you look up spiritual gifts ,voluntary poverty is one (  Not everyone can choose to live in poverty, but God does give some that gift, and the grace to do it.  Yet the world looks upon people who do that as being crazy, out of their minds.  Yet the people who do this look to what God is telling them and not what man is saying. 

God's view has always been the opposite of man's.  Man thinks he should work hard and get all the money he can to retire on.  God's view says give more of what you have and you will have more.  Man's view says what you see is what you get.  God's view says there are unseen forces at work, believe in what you have not seen. 

In my view of this, MAN'S view is that if we're supposed to abstain from immorality then we can't even let anyone think we're doing something immoral by our actions.  Yet since we cannot control what others think, that's an impossibility from the start.  So we have to decide what GOD is saying to us individually rather than what men are thinking of our actions.  It is true that we can't just do things we know people are going to frown upon.  But if we're sure God has led us to something, then we have to obey His leading.  He knows the reasons.  We do not.



Woops I did it again.  I  really thought he was saying Christians didn't care about what others thought. It reminded me of the Christians I have known in my life time, I guess. I am learning that you don't have to be loving to be a Christian, One of my setbacks of knowing I am not Christian is knowing I don't have a loving heart. Man that is sad about the children passing away while they are on missions. Very I never herd of voluntary poverty before. I have heard of Jesus saying to I think leave everything behind and follow me, Something about picking up your cross. Oh , the thing I said to Richardson was suppose to be one of my sarcastic jokes about the going to the clubs. I need to just save my joking for you and Tammy.    People here who reads my relple , hopefully will understand I am a near hermit. I don't see people often.  When I worked I worked around machines which were loud so I bacily didn't have a lot of people around me for chat.  When I was younger if I ventured out it was while medicated or the help of a drink. I had to have these things just to "talk" to people. My humour sucks but I try. And to be fair I am so used to Christians wronging me or even the congregation I do think when someone says that they don't give a rats.....they are saying ...they don't care.  I wish this box was bigger. Its bouncing when I type. Anyway... sorry yall

One of my setbacks of knowing I am not Christian is knowing I don't have a loving heart.

That's not necessarily true.  I've felt the same way at times.  Yet others say they can see that I care.  Sometimes I feel like I don't care enough.  We're our own worst critics.

We're our own worst critics.



Maybe so on your part.... but since I stopped believeing that I was Christian ny heart has got a little icey.  I do care what happens to the lost though.... inside of clubs or outside.

So if your heart is icey, why do you care?  Maybe that's the group God has burdened you with.  I feel a burden for those who struggle with their salvation.  Maybe that's why I struggle so much myself.  Doesn't help me face struggling with it, but maybe explains it.


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