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Rachelle Starrn was raised in a Christian home & had never been inside a strip club in her life. But she felt this calling from God to reach out to women in the sex industry. She knew that God had given her a passion for those women to know how much He loves them & how precious they were in His eyes. Whatever doubts, she knew God was calling her to take action. He didn't want her to just to feel compassion for them but to do something about it.

In 2008, she started Scarlet Hope, a ministry that reaches out to women involved in the sex industry. They take big, southern-comfort-style dinners to strip clubs. Their prayer is that they're not just feeding their stomachs but they're feeding a deeper spiritual hunger. In some clubs, they fix hair & make-up so they can get some one-on-one time with the girls. It gives them the opportunity to pray with women in the middle of the strip club.

She states that many hearts have been changed & lives touched & many turned to Christ for forgiveness &  new beginnings. She says she has seen Jesus show up many times in the back of a strip club dressing room. Many dancers opened up to them, sharing their struggles, asking for prayers, & some have even accepted their invitations to church.

What are your thoughts on this testimony? When I read it I must admit doubts flooded me. I know Jesus goes to the sinners but He didn't put their make-up on before prostituting themselves. Am I wrong with my feelings? No one knows the mind of God but do you really believe God would have them take such drastic steps to reach others? 

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If I ever get saved and I wanted to join this ministry or any other ... I would want to know if I am in the right place, what God says..

Janey, this is another reason I liked what GQ had to say:

For instance, one pastor may be perfectly capable of drinking alcohol in moderation and therefore have no problem frequenting a bar. Another may be prone to alcoholism or drunkenness and should therefore avoid bars.

This is pretty much what I feel.  As we're all different, the Holy Spirit leads and guides each of us where WE are of use.  The Holy Spirit knows our weaknesses and does not lead us into temptation.  Ms. Starrn and these other ladies may likely not be tempted by these strippers.

Here is my take on the "appearance" of evil - We have had over 3000 views on this discussion so obviously, many see it as evil. Are they doing evil? No. Could it appear evil? Absolutely, thus so many replies. Satan is always going to have someone seeing their actions as bad. I'm sure many have walked by when those girls from the mission are leaving that place & they look at these girls & shake their heads. How do they know they aren't strippers as well? Yes, they are judging but it's also our responsibility to be careful how we appear to the world. If our actions appear to be evil, Satan is always going to have someone there just waiting to backslap the children of God. I just don't see the problem with them just waiting outside. Then, there would be no appearance of evil. Again, I do believe they are doing what they feel in their hearts that they're called to do but I also believe there is a better way. That is my only issue here.

I just read a really good article that is making me re-think my views about what that verse really means now. - shun the appearance of evil. Now, I have never heard of this man so I'm not saying his view is correct but I found it very insightful.

1 Thessalonians 5:22 says, “Abstain from all appearance of evil.”

Throughout Scripture, Old Testament and New alike, there is a principle taught that encourages us to be aware of the effect we have in the lives of others. We do have an influence on those around us. It’s up to us whether that influence is positive, godly and encouraging, or if it’s negative, ungodly and discouraging.

Obviously, we are to avoid sin and sinful actions. We must continually fight in order to put down the works of the flesh. Even as children of God, the corrupt, sinful nature is constantly attempting to control our thoughts and actions. Add to that the fact that the desires of our sinful nature are in agreement with what Satan tempts us to do, and you have a difficult warfare indeed.

To avoid sin and sinful actions is a constant battle, to say the least. But for the most part, what is right and what is wrong is usually pretty clear to discern. We do face situations occasionally when the decision is not so clear but typically, we are able to “boil it down” and reach the proper conclusion about those situations.

What is sometimes just as difficult as the battle itself is considering how those around us perceive our actions. While we should not let other people’s opinions determine our actions, we should seriously consider the matter when someone has a legitimate concern about something we have done or intend to do. Since none of us have perfect knowledge in all things, some situations in life appear to fall into those “gray” areas. Two people might come to different conclusions about a situation and each appear to have legitimate reasons backing up that conclusion. It is situations like this where respect for our brother or sister leads us to prayerfully consider their point of view.

Perhaps a more common situation that we should be concerned about is when the “world” observes our actions and sees little or no difference. If the actions of the Christian is no different than the rest of the world, we bring a reproach upon the name of Christ. If we look like the world, we lose our influence. We are no longer salt and light and have lost our influence.

As Christians, it goes without saying… we identify ourselves as followers of Christ and others identify us as such. By God’s grace and the sustaining strength of the Holy Spirit, we might mature in our Christian walk to the point that we easily recognize most forms of evil and avoid it. But since we are disciples of Christ, ambassadors of His, and in a real sense, represent Him in the sight of the world around us, we should be ever so careful to avoid even what might be perceived as evil. If it is something that we can avoid without doing harm to someone else, we should not risk doing harm to another by going through with that action or deed. If you are an ambassador of Christ, your aim should be to look like Christ in every way, to the best of your ability: void of even the appearance of evil. We understand that we won’t reach sinless perfection in this life; all the more reason to regard not only the obvious, but also the appearance.

So we have at least three reasons to “shun the appearance of evil”… for the sake of our brothers and sisters in Christ; for the sake of the potential influence we could have in our own little world, and most importantly, for the sake of Christ Himself.

excuse me I mean abstain from appearance of all evil.

They would appear as sinners themselves to the lost sinners who doesn't have a clue as to whats going on. This verse is very important to me... I want to learn what it means. I will look elsewhere for what it means. Hopefully another forum has started a discussion on this verse. If not maybe I will look on the got question site. I think that's the name. Thanks yall

Here ya go:

And I love what they say:  One problem with emphasizing the appearance of evil is that it can make us slaves to the perceptions of others.

I will add a bit on this as well...

My church used to be convinced of things that were evil.  IE: We couldn't go to the movies because they promote sin, bad language, etc.  Someone might see us go into a movie theater.  We couldn't swim together as it was called "mixed bathing" and promoted the lust of one person after another in a bathing suit.  Does matter if you were guilty of lust, you might be the cause of someone else lusting because THEY couldn't control themselves and therefore you would be seen as promoting what they did wrong.  I know.  They were circular arguments then too.  Even not wearing makeup and jewelry as they made one appear sinful as Jezebel. 

That's why old home church ladies wore their skirts to their ankles and their hair in buns, and still had tongues sharp as pitchforks.


That sounds like the church I grew up in.

Yeah Roy, they couldn't go to a movie, go swimming with even their husbands unless in their privately fenced in backyard, wear any adornment, and had to wear skirts as big as bedsheets and hair buns about the same, but they had no shame in rolling all over the floors in a frenzy until their buns fell down or running around the church screaming to the top of their lungs.  And the world pointed on and said look at those demonic holy rollers.  So I guess they weren't abstaining from the appearance except where they deemed it appropriate.  LOL  Man I think Janey needs to start an abstain from the appearance of evil thread. 

I have seen a few get the shakes and shake their hair down. However, I do not want to make light of this. I haven't seen anything like that for many years. I really do feel the verse we are speaking of has to do with what is going on in our churches. We need to hold on to what is good and get rid of that which is evil. 

The last I saw it was, oh....2 months ago?  ;-)

An old reformed Baptist preacher who has converted to Pentecostal, fell to his side in a fit of giggles at the altar.  It's not for me, but I can poo on it.  Cause I know in prayer in my car one morning, the Holy Spirit did hit me with a giddy/euphoric feeling.  That's the only time I'd felt that, and haven't again since.  But I felt on top of the world that day and nothing could explain it. 

Edited to say:  YIKES!  I meant I CAN'T poo on it.  ARRGH

I would have liked to see that.


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