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All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

Rachelle Starrn was raised in a Christian home & had never been inside a strip club in her life. But she felt this calling from God to reach out to women in the sex industry. She knew that God had given her a passion for those women to know how much He loves them & how precious they were in His eyes. Whatever doubts, she knew God was calling her to take action. He didn't want her to just to feel compassion for them but to do something about it.

In 2008, she started Scarlet Hope, a ministry that reaches out to women involved in the sex industry. They take big, southern-comfort-style dinners to strip clubs. Their prayer is that they're not just feeding their stomachs but they're feeding a deeper spiritual hunger. In some clubs, they fix hair & make-up so they can get some one-on-one time with the girls. It gives them the opportunity to pray with women in the middle of the strip club.

She states that many hearts have been changed & lives touched & many turned to Christ for forgiveness &  new beginnings. She says she has seen Jesus show up many times in the back of a strip club dressing room. Many dancers opened up to them, sharing their struggles, asking for prayers, & some have even accepted their invitations to church.

What are your thoughts on this testimony? When I read it I must admit doubts flooded me. I know Jesus goes to the sinners but He didn't put their make-up on before prostituting themselves. Am I wrong with my feelings? No one knows the mind of God but do you really believe God would have them take such drastic steps to reach others? 

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Nope, not even close to that. I don't know what I said to make you think that.

He came into a very evil, evil place to get me. If that is something that is bothersome to you, just disregard it

Why would you say that to me Roy? The part about If that is BOTHERSOME to me?  I am not BOTHERED by your take on this. I was just stating the way I would see Jesus " the Holy Spirit" coming to you. He would have not came if not invited by you.   The way I understand the Holy Ghost is He comes to you straight to you only of invited.  I am just saying I didn't think He would need to walk through your sin to get there to you.  

 He would have not came if not invited by you.   The way I understand the Holy Ghost is He comes to you straight to you only of invited. 

This is the part we disagree on. Please, it is not important. 

I disagree with this Roy. I am a lost sinner. If I am wrong about the Holy spirit and who and what He does. It is VERY IMPORTANT that I know the truth.

I am disagreeing to  Please, it is not important

Roy it seems that somehow I have gotten your grandpas in a wod. I am sorry. I will back off from you.

I think you just got found, Janie. I really don't think you are lost. I didn't know you felt you were still a lost sinner. Your testimony disagrees with that. 

Rooy I said I will back off but first I have to ask......My testimony? I don't have a testimony.


This is what you said:

Roy I felt you thought I may have been disputing the Lord Jesus and who He is,

I am taking that to mean that you do believe in the Lord Jesus of the Bible. Am I correct in this?

Fair enough question Roy... I think I do mostly. But then there are times I I wonder about His chosen, and believe  it is not me. That's another subject though so that's all I will say here.

Which part of the  Bible's testimony about Jesus are you not sure about?

Maybe I mean He wouldn't come into your heart if not invited. I do believe He is the one who draws you first.


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