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All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

Rachelle Starrn was raised in a Christian home & had never been inside a strip club in her life. But she felt this calling from God to reach out to women in the sex industry. She knew that God had given her a passion for those women to know how much He loves them & how precious they were in His eyes. Whatever doubts, she knew God was calling her to take action. He didn't want her to just to feel compassion for them but to do something about it.

In 2008, she started Scarlet Hope, a ministry that reaches out to women involved in the sex industry. They take big, southern-comfort-style dinners to strip clubs. Their prayer is that they're not just feeding their stomachs but they're feeding a deeper spiritual hunger. In some clubs, they fix hair & make-up so they can get some one-on-one time with the girls. It gives them the opportunity to pray with women in the middle of the strip club.

She states that many hearts have been changed & lives touched & many turned to Christ for forgiveness &  new beginnings. She says she has seen Jesus show up many times in the back of a strip club dressing room. Many dancers opened up to them, sharing their struggles, asking for prayers, & some have even accepted their invitations to church.

What are your thoughts on this testimony? When I read it I must admit doubts flooded me. I know Jesus goes to the sinners but He didn't put their make-up on before prostituting themselves. Am I wrong with my feelings? No one knows the mind of God but do you really believe God would have them take such drastic steps to reach others? 

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That's why I like LT's statement best...if the ministry bothers someone, don't support, if it doesn't bother someone, they should feel free to support it.  Otherwise, we try and push our own righteousness (which is as filthy rags) upon others and we each have our own convictions we feel led by.  But I disagree with the men going.  Christian or not, the place is designed to attract men.  Maybe wouldn't be a hot idea for them to go. 

Aside from that, I sent you a friend request so I could message you about something you said elsewhere, but I am going to go ahead and post it to you here.  Let me know if it bothers you and I'll remove it.

But you said in your blog:  "what you Christians call a battle maybe".  Let me ask you.  You are on a site about God, seeking answers.  I believe at one time you turned to God and then backslid?  Refresh my memory.  I believe you ARE a Christian, and you just don't realize it and are struggling and have stopped following God wholeheartedly (backslid).  But if you keep claiming you are not, you're feeding that into yourself over and over and solidifying it.  Especially here now you say you're reading the Bible.  Are you SURE you are not a Christian?

Hey cool you sent a friend request. Its about freakin time. When I say the men should go too. I am saying if a ministry stands "outside" to minister to them. I would never think a man belongs in there. But, If the women can be strong enough why not a strong man?  Are yall forgetting the atmosphere in there? Sensuous type music ... sexual tension , ots of men? I just don't think women should go alone. Maybe I read to much news.

also I am not trying to push anything.... just stating my views in a forum topic,/


also I am not trying to push anything.... just stating my views in a forum topic,/  - Ditto


Hey cool you sent a friend request. Its about freakin time. funny


I believe Jesus came to get me over 2,000 years ago. That is a view that some have and some don't. That might be a little difficult to explain and a discussion for another forum. He came into a very evil, evil place to get me. If that is something that is bothersome to you, just disregard it. It is my position that Jesus would go anywhere to get me. That might even include hell if necessary. That is not necessary as I have already been delivered from that place. He will not ask everyone to enter these places, but it does not surprise be at all to hear some say He has called them to do so. At this point, I think the consensus of most is that we should stand outside of those places and not go in. I disagreed with that but way in the minority. I guess at this point, I should not continue to comment on that. I am thinking we've beaten this horse to death. You asked me a specific question and I did answer that. I would be willing to continue the subject you specifically brought up to me but it is a pretty controversial one. You see I believe I was chosen by our Lord before He ever created this earth. He knew who I was and came and got me 2,000 years ago. However, I was as good as His from before He spoke on that first day. When He made this earth, He had me in mind. When He came into this wicked, wicked place, I was there. You were as well. Jesus went into those strip clubs and got those girls. That is just what I believe. You are free to not agree.



I think that we, as a group, are pretty split on this from what I see between those who would say yes, no or don't know. It has been a good topic, at least for me.


Lord Bless,



I really do not want to offend anyone but the more I read the comments about why we should not go into those places to witness, the more convinced I became that we should. However, I have looked at the verses used to support the position that we should not go into those places. They are very good and I certainly do respect that position. That position is coming from some very good people. I do not want to have the position that just because that ministry is not for me, it is not for anyone. I believe that many if not most of these ladies are called to do that. I am glad He called me to minister to children. I am much more comfortable with that calling. haha


I am not that ignorant Roy. I know what Jesus did .over 2000 yrs ago. I thought I was commenting on your saying He came in the bad place or what ever place to get you. My response to that was His Holy Spirit goes straight to the person without having to walk through any building.

Those women are not Jesus.... I said from the start in this forum that the Holy Spirit is the one who draws them. Why is it that you think I am disputing that?

What is it that you think I am disputing?

Roy I felt you thought I may have been disputing the Lord Jesus and who He is,


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