Anything to this match-up?
Has anyone, or know of, experienced situations?
Richard, I can remember when someone I loved very much had run away. I cant give the entire detail because of hiding their privacy . But, no body knew the where abouts. I was beside myself with grief and worry and all that your title mentions. One night I got a phone call and it was the loved one. I was so happy t hear their voice. I at the time was what some call a bible thumper. But all I said was I have been praying for you and something to the affect God will answer my prayers. They gave me a bitter chewing out and hung up the phone before I could find out where they were. I was so angry at myself I just cried and cried and called myself names. In the middle of my cry I got up and said no way devil, I am not going there. I then started singing praises to the Lord and thanking Hi for hearing my prayers. I thanked Him for watching over this loved one. I had hope faith and love... Anyway Richard.... this was a good reminder of how I used to believe.... I hope to get that back. =D
Grace, if you will read again what I wrote.... you will see how I wrote what ------> I <-------- did in the situation I mentioned. Before, when I thought I was a chosen one and I retold the above story I would have told the story of what the -------> Lord <--------- done in that situation. Like I said in another discussion.... I put me first in everything. I do not love God like I once did. I am sorry if this makes anyone angry or hurt.... I am not directing this to anybody but myself.
I was angry with myself because the person hung up because of the things I was saying. If you knew the situation and this person hung up and heard the things they said and you believed you would never ever see this person again you coud understand why I was angry at my self.
Grace, Thank you for caring ...
I wan you to know though that my backing from god had nothing to do with people getting angry at me for talking about God. I wish I could write my thoughts like yall do. I only brought my above post up because I was thinking it went along with Richards Love fath and hope vrs stress depression and anxiety. =D. I was just putting my input on that. It embarrass' me that I cant write my thoughts and that a 5 yr old can do better.
Hi Janie and Grace,
Janie, I agree with Grace........seems that you might be closer to your old self than you think.
Lookie here, S.A.D. (yes, that's what it spells out) is what the world causes for a person. Faith, Hope, and Love are strictly from God. That's why never the two shall come together. However, they could be at odds with one another.
God says in James 4: 4, " You adulteresses, do you not know that friendship with the world is hostility toward God? Therefore whoever wishes to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God."
Janie, I see you with a battle going on inside yourself = Galatians 5: 17, " For the flesh sets its desire against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh; for these are in opposition to one another, so that you may not do the things that you please."
Remember, be ye not unequally yoked.........
When a person looks at the versus - lineup above.... S.A.D. has the temporary parameters of a person's lifetime. Whereby Faith, Hope, and Love has the power of........... eternity.
Thank you all for your participation.
Grace and Peace.
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