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Over the years I have, from time to time, come across a magazine or newspaper article recording insidents of people claiming to be stigmatics. Stigmata is the appearence of Jesus's crusifixion wounds on people. Now I want to ask the question: Is this for real? Does some people realy get afflicted with these wounds or is it just propoganda? These people claim to receive the wounds inflicted by the crown of thorns, wounds through their hands and feet, slashes on their backs and in some extreme cases, even the wound in the side.

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What?! I've never heard of such a thing happening. I don't understand, are these people just have these markings on their body out of nowhere?...when they have done nothing to receive these markings? This sounds like some kind of cult-like expression of worship. To my knowledge, nothing like this has been expressed in the Bible. This seems like another attempt to generalize the things of God (and now the wonderful sacrifice of his only begotten son Jesus Christ!?). This is so crazy. I've never heard anything like it..
Remember when Aaron performed miracles in front of Pharaoh as instructed by God, Pharaoh's magicians were able to duplicate the miracles. Exodus ch. 7:8-12. God allows this for reasons of His own. The release of the Hebrew slaves was the final result.
What is the reason for the stigmata, it is as others have responded to you when they say: "From the Dark side only."

People who practice this witchcraft WANT to "SEE" evidence of a spiritual nature and God allows demonic forces to give it to them. But God Himself instructs true men and women of God that: "THE JUST SHALL LIVE BY FAITH" and certainly not by sight. As they say: "If you wish to sup with the devil, you must be prepared to pay the price." This is what those who go against God's Word will pay.

To fulfill their wishes God promises to send them strong delusions in order for them to believe the lies.
I also will choose their delusions, and will bring their fears upon them; because when I called, none did answer; when I spake, they did not hear: but they did evil before mine eyes, and chose that in which I delighted not. Isaiah 66:4

The Lord keep you close to His side as you walk down the path He has already prepared for you.
Your brother and friend in Christ
I have done a web search on this phenomenon and an interesting fact to note is that it is mostly people belonging to the Catholic fath that reports these insidents. Apparently it is well documented. I myself do not believe such a thing is from God. i didn't delve too deep either.
I have seen and heard some hype about stigmata. I can find nothing about these "stigmata"in the Holy Bible other than the origional wounds suffered by Christ himself. Either A. I am unaware of scripture relating to stigmata or B. The subject is insignificant
I agree with Mary, that if the supernatural apparitions and signs lead more to God, they are from God, like the apparations of the Blessed Mother, where thousands and thousands are converted to Christianity and are healed of illnesses miraculously. Many are also drawn to God seeing people afflicted with the stigmata. As Jesus said we judge by the fruits of the tree, whether it is good or evil.Usually only the very good and saintly people are blessed with the stigmata.
There are many saints in the Roman Catholic Church who experienced the stigmata, among them Padre Pio, a Franciscan priest renowned for his godly and humble ways. He claimed he felt excrutiating pain in these wounds. I read his life story decades ago and recall he was sorely tempted by satan, actually seeing demons in the fles. He appears to have been revered by his fellow priests as a stalwart follower of Jesus, reflecting the love of Jesus throughout his life. He was not an exhibitionist about his stigmata as I recall, bvecause he wore fingerless gloves so that when he was saying mass the bleeding wounds on his hands would not be visible. It's a mystery but I am not convinced it is of satan. Someone shining with the humility and love of Jesus could not be double dealing. As Jesus p;ointed out, one cannot serve two masters. Google his name and have a read.
Hi Damask,
I understand how one might, when reading about a pious priest, feel that because of the priest's piety there could surely be no sorcery in the "stigmata" they experience.

As one looks at the activities of many Roman Catholics, it leaves one with the impression that they are
godly and pious people.

But! Pick out any Roman Catholic Priest and tell him that you are a "Saved, Born Again" Child of God and believe that when you die, you will go straight to heaven, because of your faith in the sacrifice of Christ for your sins.
His answer to you will be: "It is wrong to believe that you are saved and will go to heaven once you die. It is a sin to believe this, as it is a "SIN OF ASSUMPTION". i.e. "You have assumed that you will go to heaven"

They believe this, despite what the Word of God says about the way of salvation. Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved. Act 4:12
Sadly, It also explains why they place such importance on piety. Salvation for them is first by works, Christ is secondary.

This belief that one attains heaven by good works and Christlike behaviour, they know does have flaws, because no one can really be perfect. Therefore they have created the doctrine of Purgatory.
If, one has not been good enough to go to heaven, one will first go to Purgatory (A place of lesser punishment than hell) where one will remain, until he or she has either served their time, or friends and relatives have prayed either to Mother Mary or Jesus on the sinners behalf and asked for intervention that the sinner may be released from Purgatory earlier.)
Think about it! This does away with the cross, because friends, relatives or priests not Christ, can get one out and into heaven because of their prayers.

Having taken the time to explain why the need for piety amongst them, let's get to the original question or concern that these are pious men and there would surely be no sorcery.

Damask, when I read of all that piety displayed by these Priests and Monks, I think of them as simply the blind leading the blind. My question then is: Would not Satan encourage this form of piety by using "stigmata" on "pious' priests to lure people into believing that God is at work and have these poor people believing what they see.. Not realising "that faith is the substance in things not seen." Heb 11:1

It would be far better if we all followed the noble Christians at Berea. Act 17:11 These (The Bereans) were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so.


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