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"Starbucks CEO: If You Support Traditional Marriage, We Don’t Want Your Business"

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Actually wasn't a suggestion for everyone. The comment was specifically for Grazer and in response to his question as to whether him responding would lead to him being banned. Based on past history with him I recommended he drop it and I would back away as well unless others made comments that I needed to respond to as TheNET Coordinator. If people want to discuss this topic they are free to as long as it stays civil, but it rarely does.



LT didn't ask everyone to not engage..  He just stated that he is not going to.  It's up to you.  The discussion is still open to discuss as people are lead...keeping our guidlines in mind of coarse. :-)

(I just noticed LT's comment above mine)


Blessings, Carla

Hey brother. Yes, I'm just catching up on this issue. I would say that even if they were born this way, to be with the Lord u must follow His commands. Homosexuals who resist the temptation for the sake of the Lord I think are incredible. As a Christian, we should always seek the Lord before acting on our feelings & emotions. They will lead us astray many times. If they are not Christians, I don't expect them to behave any other way. They are not in the Light but are following the father of lies. I don't condemn them any more then I do the woman next door having an affair. Sin is sin. God punishes sin. The wages of sin is death. As a Christian, I cannot compromise my views just for the sake of equality or fairness nor should you. That doesn't mean we should walk away & not love them. Donnie McClurkin has this temptation & thorn that he has to battle constantly but he remains an awesome man of God with a fabulous voice. We must walk in His way if we want to live with Him in eternity. It's just as simple as that.

I would say that even if they were born this way, to be with the Lord u must follow His commands.

Yes, I was "born" heterosexual, and yet God says to abstain from sex outside of marriage.  I failed in that before and it literally tore me up inside and I ended up on my knees at the altar in tears.  A real Christian is going to feel conviction over sins. 

Amen. Ditto.

   Sin is that which the Lord calls sin. No amount of  rationalizing will change it. Whether one is born that way or not does not make it any less sin. Even if all of us are to agree that homosexuality is not sin, it makes no difference for it is written, 'Let God be true and all men lairs.'

     Sin, or 'the fallen nature' is something we inherit. It is passed down from Adam. This is because we were begotten while Adam was already fallen. That nature is why we do what we do and we are held accountable by a Holy God. Arguing that we are born with it and so we are not guilty is just as futile as Adam's reply to God when he told God that it is the woman who had given him the fruit to eat.

He did not escape judgement. No man will escape judgement apart from through Christ Jesus.


I know this has been going on for weeks & I have been totally avoiding it because I know regardless of what anyone says, you will continue to hold your stance for gay marriage even if the Word says it's completely wrong & as wrong as premarital sex is for a straight couple, fornication for heterosexuals, etc.  I stopped at about the time I posted that it was OK for me not to pay $8 for a cup. There is a storm whipping it up outside & I was bored & I read this statement. What surprised me the most was I always thought your stance was that if the homosexual acted on those temptations, that was the sin. However, when a homosexual wasn't led by the lusts but by the Holy Spirit, & fights the temptations, no one should fault him for his temptations because everyone has them. Him/her giving into those temptations are just as sinful as a straight couple having sex outside marriage. Earlier however, you said you support gay marriage. That kinda took me back. Have you changed your views or had I just given you more credit then you deserved? Sorry, had to say that one.  

Then I come to this statement that said YOU don't see how God would condemn a monogamous loving relationship, no where in the Bible is that condemned. I must say that's crap. I'm not even going to do the Sodom & Gomorrah situation. Where in the whole Bible do you ever see the Almighty even showing the slightest glimmer of hope that He approves of something just because a human doesn't see how He could do such a thing? Praise God that He doesn't go by my logical views or my feelings. This world would be a total mess if He even asked me what I thought was right or logical.  I'm sorry they are in love but the act of homosexuality in or out of marriage is a sin. I don't care what country, state or planet approves, He still disapproves. He doesn't go on how we feel. Can you imagine how small & lame a God would be who fits within our small minds of logic? I never ever pretend to know His mind nor do I question it. I know He questions mine many times but for me to sit back & try to figure out logically why a loving God who came in the flesh to save a world from sin so that we may live eternally with Him is beyond my comprehension. I mean if you even think of that concept alone & believe it, you have to know our God doesn't function in a human's logic. Let's go thru some examples of  God's logic.

Logical: Man & woman ran around naked in a garden talking to God in the cool of the day. A snake, obviously walking, TALKED to them & convinced them to disobey their Creator & Father.

Logical: A man gets kicked out of a boat because he was causing a storm. A big fish, obviously a whale, swallowed him & he survived 3 days

Logical: A man had the skull of a jack ass & killed 1000 men. Were the men lined up & he would say next? Did the 999th man not see the other ones get killed?
Logical: The Lord told one man to build a huge boat in an area where it had never rained. He did & the whole entire world was flooded & everything died except for animals on that boat & 7 other people.
Logical: Tons of people decide to build a tower to heaven, which of course can't be done especially then but then they all started speaking different languages so they couldn't understand one another. Thus the different languages of the world.
Logical: A man is thrown in a den of hungry lions overnight & they don't touch him & he sleeps
Logical: A man rides into heaven in a chariot of fire
Logical: A child lays dead & a prophet lays on it. The child returns to life
Logical: A man is in the tomb & Jesus says for him to come out & he comes out needing quite the bath.
Logical: Your sin are as filthy rags, but don't sweat it. God became flesh born of a woman who had never had sex. Jesus, the Son, who was in the flesh, died on a cross while also going to get the keys to Hell & Hades & arose from the dead 3 days later, raised by the Father & that act saves us from our sins & gives us an eternal life in eternity with Him.
Where in these few examples do you see where God worked within the logical thinking of mere man? With that said, I praise God He doesn't listen to what I see thru my tiny eyes. My logic is just a peep of what He desires me to have. Hallelujah!!!!


I think those that believe homosexuality is ok really don't believe these events actually happened. They refer to these as allegories. They think of these events as characters, pictures, etc. depicting an idea of faith, righteousness or other concept with the effort to show God's will for mankind. Since they don't believe these things really happened, it is virtually impossible to carry on a dialogue with them. They have the ability to make the Bible say whatever they want it to say. They do not believe in a literal flood or a literal Sodom.

You are correct. There is not one single homosexual couple portrayed in the Bible as an okay thing. We have many, many examples of Adam and Eve but no Adam and Steve. The sin of Sodom is very obvious as well as God's judgment on that town. God's judgment against the Canaanite kingdoms was also due to this kind of activity along with bestiality. We didn't write this Book nor do we have the authority to change the meaning. We either receive or reject its writings. It appears that more and more of those who call themselves Christians are rejecting what it says to come into a more politically correct position. What we are deciding in our Court is whether or not a state has the right to not recognize a gay  marriage from another state. They also are deciding whether DOMA is constitutional or not. In 2003 the Court virtually struck down all anti-sodomy laws but did not go so far as to legalize homosexual marriage. We have to wait to see what they have now decided. I think it is up to Justice Roberts who we all thought was conservative but now rethinking that thought.

Equality in marriage directly violates a position of Scripture. A nation that approves of such a thing is likely subject to God's judgment. It is a nation saying, "We don't care what the Bible says, we are going to do it anyway." It will be many years before a state like Oklahoma, Wyoming or other conservative state would ever recognize homosexuals being legally married. There are those who now are attempting to make all states recognize homosexual marriage through our Court. The Court should defer this to the states but they are known to take action like completely kicking God out of our schools and legalizing abortion. It's anyone's guess what decision they will make.

The Court is saying that if they decide to grant equality in marriage, they are not redefining marriage. That, of course, is a bunch of nonsense intended to baffle or confuse those that do believe in marriage as an estate instituted by God as a man and a woman coming together to be made one by the hand of God. As Jesus stated, "What God has joined together..." The act of a father giving his daughter to be married to a man is as old as the first book of the Bible. There is no example of a man giving his daughter to be married to another woman. It doesn't exist in Scripture. This is definitely an attempt to render the Bible ineffective. It won't work regardless of their decision. God will be God no matter what silly man has to say. You are absolutely correct: our logic does not work when it comes to trying to figure out God.

How can what is in the Bible be pick and choose allegories?  Some wars in the Bible have been proven to have happened years after they were prophesied in scripture.  It was believed Solomon couldn't have owned as many horses as claimed and yet they discovered THOUSANDS of stables.  I believe there is even some evidence that the earth may have at one time been flooded.  There is the discovered shroud and many other things that many years later have historical evidence.  So if those things are evidenced, how can we take all else and say since there's no evidence, they must all be allegories?

I think you will find that those who believe equal marriage is acceptable to God are also those who do not believe in Biblical literalism. There are conservative Christians and liberal Christians. Liberal Christians believe the Bible is full of allegories while conservative Christians believe those events are literal. Conservative Christians generally are considered Evangelical. Fundamentalism is also a term applied to these even though some conservatives reject being identified as such. My position is that it is either true or it is not true. Since we have recent scientific supposed evidence that our earth is billions of years old, it has caused many to leave the conservative ranks and join the liberals who attempt to redefine what the Bible really means. I don't know of any other controversy that has brought these two different camps into a more sharp focus than this issue of equal marriage. We must decide. Either we are going with the Bible or we must go with what is more politically correct. I personally believe the latter will lead those straight to hell. I agree with the Taminator that we cannot judge Scripture by our own stupid logic.

I've always liked that concept, that the earth has been proven to be billions of years old.  God can create an earth any way He chooses...even billions of years old.  ;-)


"We must decide. Either we are going with the Bible or we must go with what is more politically correct. I personally believe the latter will lead those straight to hell. I agree with the Taminator that we cannot judge Scripture by our own stupid logic." 


AMEN to this.

Either God's Word has the Final authority or it does not.  I say it does. 


Blessings, Carla


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