All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

Something to ponder #3: What does the Word of God proclaim about the child of God?

What does the Word of God proclaim about the child of God? In this discussion how important is it to understand the three phases of our complete salvation when reading Scripture (see below)? How important is it to understand the differences, if any (see another "Something t Ponder #2), between the Old and New Covenants?

These phases are:

Past: Justified and regenerated.

Present: Sanctification.

Future: Glorification.

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Thank you. I was just reading the testimony of someone who survived an abusive childhood, and I identified with her very much. She said, when she was young, she cried out to God but her situation was very desperate, and, no matter how much she cried out, she felt he wasn't stopping anything and wasn't helping her. So, she began to believe she couldn't trust God. She said, as an adult, her life has been a journey of learning to trust him. God spoke to me through what she said, as I was looking back on many of my own past experiences, and I was able to see that, back then, I wasn't just conscious that there was a God but that I had found God during my own crying out to Him and have been in relationship with Him since then, but I strayed from the path and wandered very far. I'm fighting now, like this woman said she had to fight -- to experience the renewing of my mind that God is trustworthy. Romans 12.2.

As you work with the youth, maybe my sharing this will help you understand where some of them are coming from, their backgrounds and experiences and why they believe some of the things they believe about God, which are not true but they don't yet see that they aren't true.

Thanks. I am always learning and trying to understand.


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