All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

I know there are those who feel it's ok to be homosexual and a Christian as long as the two aren't sleeping together, or that it's ok period as people are born that way.  In light of the arguments of people born that way and it being ok, taken from even a non-Christian perspective but a good argument on moral values....


Here is something someone sent me that is good to ponder. 


People are well meaning when they believe that homosexuals are born with strong urges to have sex with the same sex person, and that may well be.  But that does not mean that we should celebrate and encourage that defect (so to speak).


It has been proven that there are people who are born predisposed to alcoholism - - but we do not encourage them to be alcoholics.  To the contrary we help them through counseling, as we do with people who are addicted (having strong urges) to gambling or drugs.


Scientists are saying that there is a gene that predisposes people to cheat on their husbands/wives. Are we supposed to encourage them?  No, we want to discourage that behavior because it breaks up homes and hurts children.  Garcia identified the gene variant through the study of the DNA and behaviour of 181 sexually active young adults. "We can have these genes that predispose us to certain kinds of behavior. We can also modify our behavior," said Garcia.


Scientist are also looking at predisposition to crime -


Children who are born with ADD, ADHD, Autism, and a host of other disorders, all are entitled to and encouraged to get counseling and/or supports to help them overcome their deficits. 


Moreover, pedophiles who state that they are born with their unnatural urges, must get counseling to overcome their problems;


So why would society disrespect these homosexual people by being an enabler to their sexual urges?  When we deny homosexuals the right to have their "disorder" revealed for what it is, so they can get the help they need, we as a nation, are committing a grave injustice towards these people.  Children are becoming more and more confused.  The family unit is in a free fall with no help in sight. Psychologists have always said that when children are young, who they become is greatly influenced by the attitudes of people around them.


Why should we celebrate these abnormal sex acts that cause many health problems, both psychological and physical?  You will find the health facts for yourself given to you by GLMA, which is there to advance the homosexual life.  - Ten Things Gay Men Should discuss with Their Healthcare Provider (Download .pdf Version)


PLEASE stand up for a strong family unit that will sustain our country for many generations to come. The Wall Street Journal printed an article in 1998 wherein the author states that "moral decline" was to be the biggest problem that America will face in the next twenty years.


Please consider our children.

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I believe homosexuality does harm people.  For one, it is linked to the cause of aids.  For another, what about children who are taught the lifestyle by living in such homes?  It harms all of us spiritually since it is no doubt at all a sin as stated many times throughout scripture, and it teaches the world that immorality is ok as long as they don't feel it harms anyone.  People who divorce feel they're not harming anyone either, that they're just getting out of a bad relationship.  People who drink in their homes don't feel they're harming anyone, except the kids who may see that and mirror it as they become adults.  There are many things that harm us that we're not aware of the harms until later in life.  So we excuse them and right them off as not being harmful and therefore we're in a sense condoning the action by not speaking out against it.  It's not to say we speak against the homosexual, but against the act of it as written in scripture.  We call it what it is to engage in it, a sin. 


I like your tactful response of calling homosexuals just that and not referrring to them as gays. I was once told (long ago) that they prefered to be called 'gay' and I simply reminded them that there are many others things I had called them in the past  I have been extending them all the defference they are going to get by refering to them as ' homosexuals'.   Besides that , I don't think God would approve of the 'other names'so I  strictly go by the scientific term of ' homosexual'.

I feel that that is more in lin with confronting the 'sin' and not the 'sinner'.


God bless you . my friend

I prefer to try and use homosexual myself since "Gay" is literally my middle name. LOL


Charles, I like the kindness in your comment.

Homosexuality is a sin in that in the beginning GOD created MAN and WOMAN to be LIFE partners.The Bible tells me the facts-the Word of God.l do not know about all the other reasons,but we can not be compromising from our own thinking and not what God purposed.

I have read a lot of people calling homosexuality a disorder. If it is so. Does anyone know someone who has been cured for this disorder?

There have been some who have claimed that they were, but in virtually all cases they've come out and said they weren't and were still gay.

Grazer, thanks for replying. So this tells me it is not a disorder. People can have disorders such as eating  etc.. those can be treated. I am heterosexual, and I certainly wouldn't want to be told I have a disorder and have to become a homosexual. Anyways I came to the site for open minded healthy conversation. I am finding the same old debates that don't go anywhere.

This is my take on it. The Old Testament is "Old". The way they used language back then is often translated incorrectly in this modern world. The world is a mess and wrong. Shootings, bombings etc.. We all need to  get united with God and each other. My best friend is Homosexual and we have  only helped build each other up. We both have grown together over the past five years and try to use our time as God instructs us. I would prefer to hear personal testimonies than the same old redundant recitals over scriptures.

Society is messed up. I went to a Catholic School for eight years, I am 53, so that was when they were really abusive. Now  their Priests have been exposed that are abusing young boys (these Priests destroyed many valuable lives), yet society still accepts the immorality of that Church. My point is God wants us all to have a partner and love and be loved. Learn to not judge one another so harshly. Get rid of the guilt. Tattoos are not a sin! God gave us logic, brains, a heart, a soul, a conscience and unique  valuable gifts. He want us to enjoy this world he made for us. We all are important and have a lot of good to offer in this world. Lets all rise up and enjoy our love for God and one another. I believe that is what we all truly really  want, but it can be difficult to get past our own hurt and pain, and it  comes out wrong.  I for one am very guilty of that. Thanks you for your time.

Regardless of which Testament you read, Old or New, we find that the Bible teaches that the homosexual act is sin like many other listed sins in the Bible. We are not to be adulterers or drunkards. Sex outside of marriage is sin as well. Being drawn to the same sex is not the sin, that is temptation and a result of the fall. The sin is when we act (or as Jesus taught allow the thoughts to go to far) on that temptation and actually engage in what the Bible calls sin. There is no way around this truth, though many will scream, kick and argue trying to rewrite the Bible and its meaning to fit what society would like to see as the norm when it is not. God's Word is the standard or there is no standard at all. Society cannot set the standard for it will always be in opposition to God and His Word.


Also, the concept that God wants us to now enjoy this world that He will one day destroy misses the mark. This is a fallen world (Romans 8) and though we have things and people that we enjoy in this life our goal is to enjoy Him for we were created for His good pleasure. To enjoy Him requires knowing Him and then seeking to come into alignment with Him and His ways, not be shuffled about by the ways of the world. 


Lord Bless,


I agree that we all need to get united with God through Jesus. However, that doesn't mean we are to accept the sins of others. It sounds to me that your friend is saying he's a Christian but if he's living in sin, I would have to question his commitment. If that's judging, I'm sorry. The Lord tells us in 1 Corinthians 5:11  But now I am writing to you that you must not associate with anyone who claims to be a brother or sister but is sexually immoral or greedy, an idolater or slanderer, a drunkard or swindler. Do not even eat with such people. In order to follow the Scriptures, you have to be somewhat of a judge. That doesn't mean we're to stop praying for them or to stop witnessing to them. 

As far as talking about Scriptures, that's how we learn who God is, what He wants, who we are in Him, etc. Those personal testimonies wouldn't be testimonies without those Scriptures. The forum is to help us grow in Him as well as to gain more knowledge together as a family. Also many people have questions about understanding the Scriptures & it gives us all a place to address these questions. 

Not sure what tattoos have to do with homosexuality. 

Yes, God gave us logic as well as brains but we cannot ever place God within our human boundaries of logic. We should never place God within human reasoning. Romans 11:34 "Who has known the mind of the Lord? Or who has been his counselor?" 1 Corinthians 2:16 "Who has known the mind of the Lord so as to instruct him?" But we have the mind of Christ. 1 Corinthians 2:11 For who knows a person's thoughts except their own spirit within them? In the same way no one knows the thoughts of God except the Spirit of God. Isaiah 40:13 Who can fathom the Spirit of the LORD, or instruct the LORD as his counselor?

Yes, we all can be important & could offer a lot of good if we abide in the Lord & He in us. Otherwise, there is no one good. Not even one. As far as enjoying this world, I'm sure many in other countries could argue that fact. Those in India who are really poor, the orphans there, the widows there. Also those in Ghana refuge camps & the poor in other countries. He hasn't necessarily called us to enjoy this world although there are many many things we can & do enjoy but we do find a complete joy in Him. But enjoyment is the least of God's concern IMO. 

Ok weather homosexuality is a sin or not  doesn't justify treating  "them" any other way but as children of God. Society has put so much focus on this topic. It makes me angry. I should not judge others, only myself. I don't take the Bible literally, I read it as God instructs me and I find this keeps me opens me to hear Gods word.  I just know that my friendship with my homosexual friend has been all good and has made me a better person and closer to God.  You mentioned,  1Corinthians5:11. Which made me think deeply. I find it impossible to take this scripture literally.  For example, at a job I once had, my boss who was married, abused alcohol and has relations with other woman, and then would participate in organized religion with his family. It was not my place to judge him. But I don't believe this behavior is righteous, so therefore I didn't associate with him outside of work. If I did take the scripture literally, I would of had to quit my job and then my children would  go hungry.  God would not want that. God wants us to love one another and be kind to each other. When I mentioned enjoy I didn't mean material things. I meant the joy I get from my freedom to love and obey God. This comes from my own unique personal relationship I have with him. Just as you  and each and everyone of us have. I think this is where a lot of confusion comes from. Because no ones relationship with God are identical I only know from my personal experience that I had been so blocked and focused on all the wrongs and unjust that had been done to me. I was unable to hear Gods voice. But when I desperately reach out to God I found he was always with me I just wasn't listening.  This is truly an amazing epiphany.  I hope that you can now get where I am coming from. I am not looking for confirmation just understanding. Thank you.


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