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Please respond to this in kindness. I'm obviously a woman and do not subscribe to chauvinistic ideology. However, I DO believe the Bible reveals a natural order that signifies God's original intention and purpose for His created.


Happy discussing! ;)

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"We see that Eve's desire shall be for her husband, but it is he that will rule over her. It would seem that the context is dealing with the desire of the woman to be in control."

Interesting take, and strangely plausible, as we notice in basic society how women tend to strive for dominance over men, both in public endeavors and within the family unit, and lately within the church. Us women, we're never satisfied till we rule! haha, J/K. Seriously, though, take note of the major political sect that demonstrates the greatest push for women's authority, just for an easy analogy. Why is that, I wonder.

"The Word of God is the word of God, able to cut through the soul and Spirit. Powerful and to be respected, feared and Loved."

Good word there Dave!
I have a prediction:

Both sides will present their case admirabely, as it has been presented over the past 75 years or more, and in the end both sides will walk away with the same conclusion they started with. Few others will profit from the dialogue and many will read the dialogue and be even more confused. This is not a condemnation regarding discussing the topic, just a reality that has existed for quite some time as many have taken to solve this issue and yet it still persists and both camps continue on.

There is a simple solotuion regarding one's opinion on the matter. If you believe women should be allowed to be pastors, then go to a church that believes that. If you believe that women should not be pastors, then go to a church that believes that.

Believe it or not, this is one of the hotest topics within the church and cause for many explosions over the years. May God give everyone grace who enters in to discuss this volatile subject.

Personally ... I am running for cover ... and taking my view with me :-)

Lord Bless,
BTW, I spell chicken ... C-H-I-C-K-E-N.... :-)
AMEN LT.. Great words of wisdom.. running for cover afterall too! :)
Definitely interesting. ty Linda
Linda Ruth,

Well that is new to me. I have never seen that argument used before.A very strong argument I might ad. Thanks for sharing.

Lord Bless,
Linda Ruth,

Regarding the link

This is a topic I will gladly jump in. I will make two comments here and be willing to carry it on in a new forum if you wish to start it.

1) He presents and assumes that solo pastors as dictators and that the church moves and operates at his every whim. Most churches have elders of which the pastor is one of the elders and is answerable to the elders and to the church. He is considered the head elder and part of a team, but that does not give him two votes or a dominant voice. In cases where the pastor operates as a dictator he and the church are in in error and will answer for the violation of God's plan and purpose for the church. Pastors are to train up and equip, not lord it over the flock.
2) He presumes that education is bad and that because a group of elders at a Christian college evaluate the young person that there is something wrong in this process. It is only wrong if the college is in error in what they teach and believe (i.e. liberal college). The disciples spent three years under the greatest teacher to ever walk the earth. Paul withdrew for three years and then returned onto the scene. Mentoring is Biblical and the use of the classroom is simply a form of mentoring that teaches large groups at one time. I would also note that not all pastors go through this form of training, but there is still training that one undergoes and actually is life long.

Lord Bless,
I was referring to a top minister, or leader of a church, such as pastor, reverend, priest, etc., the title depending of course on denomination. Does that help?
Hey there, Dave... careful. You know, if your approaching this topic makes you a knuckle head, then that would mean my bringing it up would make me an even bigger knuckle head, is that right?! haha.
No way! Not you too, Carla! :(

Ok.. ok. I won't hold against ya. ;)
yup... me too.. ;) (It's just about killing me... )
Awww... c'mon, LT. I was looking forward to your insight. But I'll respect your decision to cop out :D

In His love,


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