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Please respond to this in kindness. I'm obviously a woman and do not subscribe to chauvinistic ideology. However, I DO believe the Bible reveals a natural order that signifies God's original intention and purpose for His created.


Happy discussing! ;)

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Hi there Roy,sorry for giving you the wrong impression about misleading people,if you have a look again you will see that I was blaming the devil for misleading people,with his subtlness and cunning ,when people are involved with long,drawn out conversations,I apologise for any offence taken ,but I thank you for understanding why I felt the need to bring it up .I will have to meditate on the rest of your post for a while ,there is a lot there for me to take in ,and I will say though ,that Acts2:17 -18,has got my brain juices flowing allready . Just on another note while I have your attention Roy, you mentioned that you still think about my little town .At the moment it is almost harvest time ,around 3 weeks away ,we are expecting a locust plague of huge proportions,which has everyone ,a bit on edge,as this year 's harvest looks like one of the best in about 10 years, after a long dry drought,it will be a tradgedy to see these crops decimated if the farmers with help from the government cannot contain these pests as they begin hatching ,which they have in many areas.Your prayers would be much appreciated, blessings ,...Andrew.

I am confident you know that the last thing I would want would be used to misrepresent Scripture. I love His Word. Each morning I lead the children in my school to say the following:

I pledge allegiance to the Bible, God's Holy Word. I will make it a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path. I will hide its words in my heart that I might not sin against God.

Then, after lunch count, etc. I get the wonderful joy of teaching some of them about His Word. Yesterday, I got the joy of teaching them what Jesus meant when He said you must become like a little child to enter the Kingdom of God. They understood what I was saying better than sometimes adults can understand.

I knew you were only concerned and that was the exact way I took it.

I know what you guys are facing with your harvest coming up. I grew up on a farm. We have people here already harvesting corn with the beans soon to follow. God can drive those locusts right back where they came from. I pray that He does.

Thanks again.

Roy sorry Dave I must have ,entered the links wrong,...blessings all the same....Andrew.
Amen Andrew.

Proverbs 3:5
Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding

One of everyone’s favorite scripture.

"There has been an unfortunate tendency to downplay the importance of the intellect in the Christian life. However, to neglect the role of the intellect in the Christian life is to deny the command to love the Lord God with all of our mind". Sproul

Our intellect and logic comes alive when the Spirit quickens our Spirit beloved.
Hello again David,I believe we are to come to The Lord as a child,even as a weaned child that has moved on from its milk,I agree about intellect and reasoning ,for sure ,I am just stating that intellect and reasoning can be clouded if too many thoughts and ideas are coming from this world rather than from His word.The more we progress in The Word ,the more we let go of our fears and doubts,as a child who puts their trust in their parents.I pray this makes sense,I am allways wary of my intellect........blessings......Andrew.
Hey bro,

I think we are saying the samething in different ways. I agree with you beloved.

"For the wisdom of this world is foolishness in God's sight. As it is written: "He catches the wise in their craftiness"1 Corinthians 3:20

Blessing to you my bro.
Hallelujah bro!!! we must ask God for wisdom apart from this world ,Solomon was the wisest of men ,but he still fell.
Amen to this Chip.......Praise the works of Jesus.

How about women preachers? Is that okay?

Roy ,I am just responding to your earlier post about women prophesieing , i pray you do not think I have anything against women ,in all this ,like Carla said earlier ,God has put women into important roles in the bible . I praise all the strong women of the Bible and through history ,who have stood up to Gods truth.Now I pray that I do not offend Carla by using her as a type of example of why prophesying need'nt apply to this discussion ; firstly I would just share a few thoughts on this girl Carla, I respect her a whole lot ,and she demands respect for the work she does here.God loves variety,and in Carla I can see the character of who she is in this world,without compromising who she is in Christ. I pray that one day soon, God will open her husbands heart ,that he may see the true treasure that he has in her,that the seeds she has planted will come to fruition.She is a wonderful gutsy woman,who is not afraid to let others know where she stands.Now lets say hyperthetically (I hope thats the right word and how to spell it ?) that God blessed her and gave her the gift of prophecy.I trust that she would take the words of that prophecy , to one of the senior men on the staff here ,or at her church ,so that they could discern if indeed it was a true prophecy or not and then act on it accordingly.Would not this be the preffered way in which God would have things done.Perhaps sometime soon ,there will be someone who will prophesy that women may step foreward and take these higher positions in church ,as Gods will.but at this stage I think we can safely say that noone has.Carla ,I pray that I have not offended, you or yours ,with what I have written here...Gods blessings to you and also to Roy ......Andrew.

That is good advice for everyone who receives a prophecy - not just the women. However, let's take a look at what you are saying. I am gathering from your discussion that it would be okay for a woman to speak a prophecy in the assembly as long as that prophecy is approved by a man. Am I understanding that correctly? My question, then, would be how can you equate that with the command from Paul that the woman remain silent? I think you are advocating that a woman can speak as long as it has an approval from the man. By the way, I doubt that Carla is advocating the right to speak in her church.

However, as Carla and other women receive understanding from the Word they are speaking on this website. In Paul's instruction, women were not even allowed to ask questions. They were instructed to ask their husbands at home. It would seem to me that all these questions and teachings from women on this site do not quite fit into Paul's teaching on the women remaining silent.

I am not speaking about women seeking high offices in the church. My question is simply this: should women be allowed to speak in the assembly? I am gathering from your above post that your answer is "yes" as long as it is under the supervision of a qualified man. I see God prophesying that He is going to pour out His Spirit upon men and women and they will prophesy. I am just wondering if that should be allowed in the church assembly.

We are praying for your harvest. Please keep us informed. Roy
Roy ,I am saying that the prophesying woman ,take the prophesy ,to men of high rank ,so as if it is deemed to be Words given from God ,that then the men may give the go ahead for other men of high rank to carry on the words of the prophesy in the assembly.I know this is a short answer ,but I am running late for work now ,I pray you can get my meaning from this Roy.......blessings .....Andrew.


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