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Sex before marriage -- 1 Corinthians 6:18 says, "Flee from Sexual immorality"

We all aren't perfect, I know that many of us are born again believers, or grew up in church and lost our way, till now. I am still working on it. I am new to this so if I am too detailed, or graphic or upset someone, please forgive me. This should be the place that I can get the answers I need without judgment.

1 Corinthians 6:18 says, "Flee from Sexual immorality"

My boyfriend and I have been together 4 months. I grew up in church, been married, divorced (for legit reasons) and now, at the age of 23 am looking to get closer to God and get my life right. He was a virgin when we got together and we were sexually active. I know that was a horrible thing of me, but I was living in sin. It doesn't help that though we are in a monogamous relationship, when single and in my past, I have used sex for pleasure, rebounds, all those WRONG THINGS and he knows this. It has given him the perception that I won't last a month, I cannot go without sex or that it is just phase I am going through. He actually advanced sex with me because my past intimidated him, and he thought I would leave him if he didn't ( NOT TRUE! I actually admired it ) I’ve also used sex because I’ve been made to feel that was the only way I’d be able to keep certain relationships. I was right about that. The thing is the relationships like that are not worth it at all. I have began to realize that outside of sex, and with sin, what "relationship" is left?

Here is the problem. In the last 6 months that I have been set on rededicating my life. I have found less and less interest in sex and more disgust. Not just with him, but in general. I know that the closer I get with God, the more I recognize sin. I have also found it to be a distraction from being where I want to be with my faith. Last night I finally told him that I want to cut sex out and just work on other parts of our relationship.

He is not a Christian, even though his mother went, he never received the Word. I have tried to get him to come to church, read with me and pray, but it is a slow process, with many deceiving friends. He begins to try and then falls away at their misconceptions. I just need guidance on the CHRISTIAN approach to this, how to answer it to him when he continues to ask for understanding of why God says it is for MARRIED people, and support for myself to TRULY change my lifestyle in a Godly way.

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I am going through the same exact thing but the only difference is that I am engaged and he is a Jehovah's witness. I am so happy that you got to express yourself and shared your story because it let's me know God is trying to talk to me also. And as I learn more things in the bible I already know my answer but it's just a hard thing to process and to do. So my one answer is to pray and ask God to give your strength to do what is right and is in his will and to guide you in the right path. God bless.


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