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I was reading through the gospel of John last night and there were several scriputures that I read that I need some clarification on.
John 5:28-29
John 10:34-36
John 11:11-13
John 11: 21-24
Can someone tell me what did Jesus mean by these scriptures? I have my own ideas of what I think they might mean, but I'm sure that I what I am thinking might be misinterpretation.

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Ok... my point in posting this was.. I was confused. Jesus told the thief on the cross that he would meet him in paradise once they both had died. I'm assuming that meant that once they died thier spirits went on to heaven. But these scriptures and several other's made reference to us sleeping once we have died, and that we would rise again once the Jesus comes again.
So the whole "point" of Abraham's bosom seems contradictory to sleeping....
One more question.... Why when the second coming of Christ the "dead" in Christ shall rise? Why does the grave open up and the bodies rise again? I never understood that... especially since when we die we have glorified bodies. Why do our physical earthly bodies rise out of the graves? Especially since it's nothing but bones and no flesh anyways.
If we have no need for our physical bodies ever again, they why is that our bodies will be raised when Christ returns?
I wouldn't agree with the statement, "we have no need of physical bodies ever again." We do not have any need of our current physical bodies in their present state, but for some reason, God wants us to have transformed physical bodies when we are raised.

The pattern here is the resurrection of Jesus. Jesus after his resurrection had a transformed body that could be seen, touched and could do things like eat and talk. On the other hand, his body could also do things that our bodies cannot do, like just appear instantly in a locked room (Luke 24:35-43; John 20:24-30).

My understanding of God's plan from Scripture is He intends to restore everything he originally meant us to have at the creation of the world and in the Garden of Eden. His original plan was for us was to be people with bodies that lived forever in relationship with Him.
Luk 24:36 ¶ And as they thus spake, Jesus himself stood in the midst of them, and saith unto them, Peace [be] unto you.
Luk 24:37 But they were terrified and affrighted, and supposed that they had seen a spirit.
Luk 24:38 And he said unto them, Why are ye troubled? and why do thoughts arise in your hearts?
Luk 24:39 Behold my hands and my feet, that it is I myself: handle me, and see; for a spirit hath not flesh and bones, as ye see me have.

Luk 24:40 And when he had thus spoken, he shewed them [his] hands and [his] feet. KJV

sounds to me like Jesus has flesh and bones.
Thank you brother Glenn for further clarification.. How blessed is our Lord!
Dear Glenn,

I am responding to 'So you believe by Holy Spirit I am on track?"

scripture tells us this:
John 19:34
34 Instead, one of the soldiers pierced Jesus’ side with a spear, bringing a sudden flow of blood and water.

What is meant by this scripture?
I read a commentary that the parable on Luke 16:19-31 is not like those parable told by Jesus and recorded by Luke or other gospel writers. Writing style, headings, etc.. The commentary suggested that Jesus wasn't telling a parable but telling an eyewitness account like the one from Luke 10:18. Kinda like a glimpse of his pre-incarnate nature. He was in the beginning as John 1 says. Besides Jesus had no intention of telling the dying thief figurative words of hope. I think he meant it literally. =)
I read a commentary suggesting that this may not be a parable but an eyewitness account of Christ. It doesn't begin with the usual introduction like "Jesus began to tell them with a parable" etc. Maybe Jesus was telling us a fact what he(pre-incarnate Christ) knew and saw regarding death. It would make sense about what he said to the thief at the cross. He couldn't have meant it figuratively because there's no need to speak in jargon to a dying man and i think its safe to assume that the thief is not a religious type so he wouldn't be familiar with religious jargon and figurative language.
LaBrock: It does say that our bodies will be raised, " the dead in Christ shall rise" I Thessalonians 4:13-18.... It says that the dead in Christ who are in the graves shall rise... what else is in the graves beside our bodies?
And the trumpet that Paul was referring to in this Chapter is not the last trumpet or the 7th trumpet blow of Revelations, I think that phrase was more symbolic than anything. A trumpet call was very common for a lot of events back in those times. I have the New Living Translation refers to it as the "trumpet call of Christ" and the King James version refers to it as the "trumpet of God". In neither translation that I read about this referred to it as the last trumpet or the 7th trumpet.... so I am not for sure which version you are reading..

Just for my clarification, so our bodies will be raised again to meet with our spirits? I thought that once we die and go to heaven that we get new bodies that looks nothing like our earthly bodies. I was always told that once we get to heaven that we will recognize our loved ones and friends by our voices.... meaning that we will look totally different.

In I Thessalonians Chap 4, Paul was not referring to the 7th trumpet that Revelations was talking about... That is two separate events. In those times, it was very common for people to use trumpets for all sorts of events.
Paul never said anything about when the "7th trumpet sound". The New Living Translation says the "trumpet call of God" and the King James version says the "Trumpet of God"
So I am not for sure of which version of the bible you are reading, but neither of the translations that I own say anything about the 7th trumpet.
There is a 7th trumpet that Revelations mention, but that is the 7th trumpet Judgment that happens once the tribulation starts.


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