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I was reading through the gospel of John last night and there were several scriputures that I read that I need some clarification on.
John 5:28-29
John 10:34-36
John 11:11-13
John 11: 21-24
Can someone tell me what did Jesus mean by these scriptures? I have my own ideas of what I think they might mean, but I'm sure that I what I am thinking might be misinterpretation.

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The question is LaBrock are you serious?
Why is it that when I post a comment or question some of the unheard of comments,theories, doctrines that YOU come up with then you get offended???
What is the point of a discussion forum if there are some who get defensive and nasty? Everyone has a right to their own opinions especially if they have been taught a certain way all their lives. I don't get offended when I read some of your post and I have never heard of a lot of the things that you post in your blog. The point of a discussion forum is to share ideas without being nasty when someone disagrees with you?
I would not refer to this site as a denomination as you so kindly put it. I have been on here for a while, and from what I gather this site is a group of people who are seeking the God of Abraham, Issac and Jacob. There are many of us who have been taught different but we share out opinions and thoughts RESPECTFULLY with one another.
The question is Labrock,,,,, what denomination or faith are you a part of?
No Thank you LaBrock,
Seems to me you are taking the scriptures out of context. This is the first time that I have ever heard an explanation such as yours on any biblical issues. Everyone seems to be on the same page, you have been very sarcastic and rude with just about any reply that you have, including private emails that you send. I don't appreciate anyone trying to insult my intelligence especially when they claim to be a follower of Christ. The questions that I ask are sincere and I am only trying to learn about God, Jesus and the bible.
From now on, I'd rather not discuss any more biblical issues with you.
It seems to be that many of us here are depending way to much on the internet to find the answers for things that were given us in the Word of God. Its fine that we all have our own opinions on the Bible and what God has given us but why argue? In todays world I do not think as Christians we need to argue, we need to stand together and fight for the common good and what God has written not how we interpret it. We need to stop going to Christian search engines and other peoples Blogs that seem to think their opinion on scripture is the only correct view and get back to good old fashioned Bible reading and Teaching. After all when your standing in front of the Father do you think He is gonna hand you a Laptop and say "What did you say in your Blog" or "look it up on the Internet", no he will expect you to be able to pick up HIS Word and quote from it, how He wrote it not how we interpret it.
Well that's a nice response coming from the Great Man of God that you are Labrock!
Well number one I put this question in the forum for everyone to answer.... not just you.
Secondly, if you feel as though your time is being wasted, then why bother to reply? I don't recall specifically emailing your or sending you a message asking you for your help. It's your CHOICE to reply to questions.
I don't recall forcing you to answer any question of mine, there are plenty of knowledgeable people on this site and in my life that are more than willing to help me at this time in my life.
Trust and believe, I am not hurt nor concerned whether or not you answer any question to my post, I will continue to live and continue to ask questions at my leisure on this website!!!

If you calling yourself trying to insult me again, its not working. That's not what this website is about. The forum is not an arguing match, it's for people to discuss their opinions like adults and disagree like adults.
As far as you being a person of God, your answers and your responses to people speak for itself.
what does "inticeing" means?
I'll keep you in my prayers as Matthew 5-43:48 tells me to do.
La Brock thanks so much for your teaching I totally agree with all that you have said. When the bible talks about the second coming of Christ and all the dead raising, it doesn't refere to the physical body, but it referes to the spiritual bodies. Hope you get this my sister Dee dee.
AMEN! Irene & LaBrock....


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