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The Scopes Trial—formally known as The State of Tennessee v. John Thomas Scopes and informally known as the Scopes Monkey Trial—was a landmark American legal case in 1925 in which high school science teacher, John Scopes, was accused of violating Tennessee's Butler Act which made it unlawful to teach evolution.[1]  

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.


Science v Christianity -  Certainly seemed to be the case (literally) in the above mentioned Scopes trial - which effectively was about the doctrine of human origin and evolution. Indeed there were two opposing sides - the scientific and Christian communities, at least that was the public view. The Christian community rejected scientists account of evolution claiming it was unbiblical. Science was wrong!


Is science wrong though? I do not believe it is.


It is some of the scientists who are wrong in their speculations. But I also believe that some in the Christian community should not discount evolution - as a process used by God. I've heard many Christians say "I don't believe in evolution", but there are valid scientific claims in Darwin's theory of evolution; some aspects of his theory were/are obviously speculative.


The creation is another issue that seemingly separates science and Christianity - how old is the universe? Is there a designer? Who created God? etc etc


It is not a case of science v Christianity - rather isn't it a case of science for Christianity? There should be scope for understanding between both communities I believe.


After all - science is only revealing what God has created.


Any thoughts on this?






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Archeology Proves The Bible

Why evolution cannot fit into the Genesis text:


(Gen 2:15)  The LORD God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it.

(Gen 2:16)  And the LORD God commanded the man, "You are free to eat from any tree in the garden;

(Gen 2:17)  but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat of it you will surely die."

(Gen 2:18)  The LORD God said, "It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him."

(Gen 2:19)  Now the LORD God had formed out of the ground all the beasts of the field and all the birds of the air. He brought them to the man to see what he would name them; and whatever the man called each living creature, that was its name.

(Gen 2:20)  So the man gave names to all the livestock, the birds of the air and all the beasts of the field. But for Adam no suitable helper was found.

(Gen 2:21)  So the LORD God caused the man to fall into a deep sleep; and while he was sleeping, he took one of the man's ribs and closed up the place with flesh.

(Gen 2:22)  Then the LORD God made a woman from the rib he had taken out of the man, and he brought her to the man.

(Gen 2:23)  The man said, "This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called 'woman,' for she was taken out of man."

(Gen 2:24)  For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh.

(Gen 2:25)  The man and his wife were both naked, and they felt no shame.


1) Adam, a man, was alive without there being the presence of a woman. Without the presence of a woman, female gender, reproduction was not possible. Man could not have reproduced in an interim time period awaiting the evolution of a female suitable for reproduction.

2) The man Adam was alive and self-aware of his existence. He was alive and interacting with the animals God had created, but God noticed (act of intelligent being) that living man needed a helper. There was no woman.

3) Man was aware of His Creator and His Creator’s command regarding the tree in the garden.

4) There was no woman. God put the man Adam to sleep and extracted a rib. From this rib woman was formed. If God allowed evolution to take its course of a man evolving into a woman, then man would have died without reproducing long before a woman would have evolved from man.

5) If evolution takes millions of years then we are to understand that Adam was in a slumber for a prolonged period of time and lived. That makes no sense. It would also call for Adam to be in the garden for millions of years while the woman evolved, and that makes no sense.

6) The text states that God took a rib and formed woman from it. God closed the area up with flesh. This is a clear picture of an operation, not an evolutionary process.

7) It is clear that man and woman are called to reproduce, not Adam and another Adam, if one were to argue for Adam meaning a race of men. (Note: To make Adam to mean mankind there is a problem in the genealogy. One would have to prove that at some point the genealogy went from nations (Adams) to individuals (Noah), but that makes no sense.)

8) God introduced the newly formed woman to the man who then named her. Adam did not watch her evolve.

Assuming a very linear, literal, face value interpretation of Genesis is the only correct interpretation but the whole issue is whether Genesis is meant as that



Yes, I take the text at face value, but the burden is on you to overcome a period of time in the evolution theory where there was only man and no woman for reproduction purposes.  Thus, I ask the following.


Even if you try to allegorize the text and apply time period over day, how can you explain the existence of man without woman for a prolonged period of time, especially his survival and inability to reproduce, plus the sudden appearance of woman on the scene after man is alive and cognitive? He was aware that there was no one similar to himself and God acknowledge that there was no suitable helper for the cognitive and operating man.


In order for there to be evolution there must be changes that take place at a slow rate in

a species. In order for their to be change in a species through evolution there must be reproduction and death. How did male Adam reproduce before God created Eve in the evolution theory?



Listened once to a Rabinical speaker who explained that prior to the forming of eve man was A-sexual  possably that is the answer. Or possably our concept that change(evolution) always takes long periods of time is mistaken.

The other equation is the idea that is everyone in this discussion talking about Drwinism  or about simple changes in the make up of particular species. 

Hahaha, that one cracked me up ... prove anywhere from Scripture that man was asexual ... hahaha, that is hillarious ...


Explain the transformation of man to woman, from male organs to female organs that not only changed, but are capable of reproducing in a short order ... short enough time for man to survive and reproduce.


This does not require only Darminism, it addresses how woman appeared and man survived until woman appeared.





LT  the speaker was well educated and an expert in the Hebrew language. I found it interesting don't know that I can believe it. Do know that man lived a fairly long life and much like you I wasn't there so much like you can only speculate. Can not give absolute proff and realy if our faith is based on absolute proof we should maybe check our motives.

God can and does use any method He pleases.

The man,educated or not, is wrong. Let him show in the Hebrew language that man was asexual ... not goning to happen ... I still think it is hillarious.


God's Word is proof and is trusted by faith as given to man by Holy Spirit. Both the Word and faith are inspired by Him.


Even if Genesis 1-3 were taken allegorically in an attempt to prove a form of evolution, people are presented with the problem of an Eve-less man.


God can use any method He chooses, and in this case, He outlined it for us.

Right on He OUTLINED it for  and has given us a lot to discuss.

Yes God's Word is truth and trusted by faith. And wether God chose to take 6 man days or 6 days in His timing  doesn't change my faith in Him.

As for the man and the thought he brought out  he said in his presentation that God had created man complete both male and female. Andthere seems that thereare those that from the original writings somehow believe this. As for myself I don't know and again it does not change my faith in God.

He did create them both complete on th 6th day.


Praise God!!!


Lord Bless,


Oh I have no problem with that LT in fact the way I read scripture that is exactly right. Although I am arrogant enough to erase a Hebrew Scholar  and his thoughts as I do not read Hebrew I only read our english translations.


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