Used to I believed that there was still a chance to be saved after Jesus came back for His chosen. Im not sure why I believed that way. Maybe it was just what I heard. I don't believe that way anymore. I think the reason I don't is because someone saying that once Jesus comes back and takes His people, the Holy Spirit will go with Him. If the Holy Spirit isn't here to draw you to Jesus then how would it be possible? Does anybody have any verses that convinces them one way or the other about if you can be saved or not after Rapture? Thank you in advance.
Greetings all,
My comment is not meant to demean the question as all questions are worth asking if one wishes to know or at least investigate the questions. Ribbon, this is not pointed at you ... please do not take this personally in any way. I am responding because I think a different question is of more importance in the end of the day.
My thoughts:
As we read Scripture we find that there are at least 4 popular views regarding the rapture and 3 popular views regarding the millennium. People in all of these various camps, including me, can use Scripture in an attempt to proof text their position. What is amazing is that in the end of the day 5 of the 7 are surely going to be wrong and maybe all 7 will miss the mark to some degree. It is easier to look back to see what God has done, and easier to understand what God expects from us today, than it is to attempt to understand the future. The Bible tells us that we will recognize signs as one recognizes the seasons, but it is difficult, IMO, to impossible to know these things with certainty or even to some degree of great assurance, that is at least when one tries to cross every "t" and dot every "i" in the process.
Let me give what I think is of most importance regardless of which tribulation is true and which millennium is true. Over the past two thousand years +/- people have been born and have died without either the tribulation happening or the millennium unfolding. The greatest question is not what might happen in an era yet to come (and yes some form of an ending/transition is coming), but rather are you ready to meet your maker today? now? For two thousand years people have been passing into eternity and until the end unfolds this process will continue. With that in mind I would also encourage us to understand that not many people are scared into accepting Jesus because they are afraid of being left behind. If that is their only motivation I would have to question their true motives and repentance to begin with the as assuming people accept Christ because they are scared out of hell.
Im not taking your comment personal. I know it is more important to be ready now and really shouldn't focus on after the rapture. But however. I cant help it I do think about it and think about it a lot. I do not have the faith that the bible talks about 'saved by grace through "faith". I have loved ones who are not saved and family who deny that God is real. This scares the heck out of me. The way this world is falling apart the way it looks like its close to the end... I think about that and the coming rapture. LT there will be many left behind and unless God chooses us we will be left behind. My question topic wasn't to make sure all the i's are dotted or t's are crossed. I am not saying you were saying that about me.. just putting that out there. I asked the question and asked for verses because I want to know what I should be doing if left behind... would there still be a chance for the lost? I am scared very scared yet I have still not accepted the Lord but understand that there are some who have done this out of fear or at least think that they have. Anyway just letting you and others know my reasoning on this question. Thank you to yall who have replied.
If you believe the Lord is real and He is coming back (as I believe you do) I must ask what keeps you from coming to Him now ... today. For none of us know what tomorrow holds, but we can be sure of where we will be if tomorrow in the flesh does not come.
I do believe He is real and that He is coming back.
For none of us know what tomorrow holds, but we can be sure of where we will be if tomorrow in the flesh does not come.
Sometimes , out of the blue, when Im just thinking about nothing really... this fear will rush over me about the very thing you said above. I plead with God to protect us and to save us. I do know we can pass away anytime . Because I do not follow the Lord, I know "unless He saves me " I know where my destination will be.
I must ask what keeps you from coming to Him now ... today
If you know He is God and that you are a sinner deserving separation from God, but for the fact that Jesus has shed His blood in order to pay the sin debt for us that we could never pay ... you need only believe it true, confess your sin (need for Him) asking Him to forgive you and then desire to live for Him as you move ahead, trusting that as you read His Word and live life the Holy Spirit will guide and direct you.
Tomorrow's message ties into the conversation. It has not been preached yet and thus is not recorded, but i will give you the outline to look over if you wish:
Title: Jesus Our All in All
Scripture: Colossians 1:13-23
Church: Family of God Fellowship
Date: June 14, 2015
I. Jesus, complete God and complete man. Vv.14-15, 16-23
..A. Jesus is the image of the invisible God. V.15
....1. Mirror image – DNA match.
....2. Mirror action
....3. If you have seen Jesus you have seen the Father. John 14:9
..B. Human identification. Vv.18-19
....1. Jesus is the first born. V.18
......a. Jesus has always been God, just not clothed in flesh.
........1) What a sacrifice, at least from my perspective.
....2. The fullness of God dwelling in the flesh.
......a. Same God as before creation now clothed in created flesh.
........1) Joins us in a sense.
....3. Jesus is the head of the church.
..C. Jesus the Creator. Vv.16-18
....1. By Him (Jesus) all things were created. V.16
......a. Heaven and earth.
......b. Visible and invisible.
........1) There are invisible things.
........2) There are things outside of science, the Bible is clear on this.
......c. Thrones, powers, etc …
....2. Jesus was before all things. V.17
......a. Jesus is not created, but is the Creator.
....3. As Creator Jesus holds all of creation together. V.17
......a. Creations existence depends on Jesus.
....4. Jesus is the first born among the dead. V.18
......a. Not spiritually, but physically.
......b. We experience spiritual birth and physical transformation.
..D. Jesus, His work. Vv.20-23
....1. God is reconciling all things to Himself through Jesus.
......a. Everything in creation needs cleansing because of the dual fall.
........1) Satan fell bringing contamination into creation.
........2) Adam fell bringing all of creation under judgment.
......b. Man is redeemable, Satan and the fallen angels are not.
........1) God will restore creation.
..........a) There will be a new heaven and a new earth.
....2. Jesus blood brings peace with God. V.20
......a. Atonement/Redemption: Jesus blood paid the required price.
......b. The blood of Jesus brings peace which means an escape from God’s wrath. 1 Thessalonians 1:10
......c. The blood provides peace between God and redeemed man.
........1) Fallen angels and unredeemed men still face judgment.
..........a) This judgment is the second death, the Lake of Fire.
II. Jesus, our Redeemer and Advocate. Vv.13-14, 21-22
..A. Our rescue through Jesus. Vv.13
....1. We are rescued from the dominion of darkness. V.13
....2. We have been brought into the kingdom of His Son.
....3. Two sided coin: Saved from …. Saved unto ….
......a. We are now part of the kingdom which tells us that we previously were not part of the kingdom.
..B. The judicial act of God (and more). V.14
....1. We have been redeemed.
......a. Debt paid.
....2. We have been forgiven.
......a. Debt erased because it has been paid for.
..C. Man’s default position. V.21
....1. Man is alienated from God.
....2. Man is enemies towards God in his own mind.
....3. Man’s behavior is evil in the sight of God.
..D. Our new position. V.22
....1. Reconciled by Jesus physical death.
....2. We are presented as holy, without blemish and free from accusation through Jesus.
III. Jesus, our hope and the “if” factor. V.23
..A. Our new position is contingent on our continuing in the faith.
....1. Not a works faith, but a faith that produces change.
......a. This change must produce perseverance.
..B. Our new position must be one that is sold out to Jesus.
....1. Our faith must be established and firm, not moved.
..C. We cannot be moved from the “hope” held out in the gospel.
....1. If you doubt God … if you doubt your salvation … you have every reason to question whether or not you are really born again.
....2. Not attempting to judge, nor trying to pacify you … I am simply pointing out what the Word says.
....3. We are to continue established and firm, not moved from the hope held out in the gospel.
....4. In the days ahead your faith is going to be challenged at levels you have never experienced before. Are you ready?
I pray and look forward to the day we rejoice together because Jesus lives in your heart by the power and presence of the Holy Spirit!!!
Lord Bless,
Thank you, I will look listen to it when you post it.
I listened to to the link LT.. thank you... I plan on listeing again. :-)
Since Jesus spoke of the last days, people have been searching for the end of times as they eagerly await the coming of our Lord and Savior. It's that longing to know that prompts people to ask this question. Even the disciples believed the last days were already there:
Dear children, this is the last hour; and as you have heard that the antichrist is coming, even now many antichrists have come. This is how we know it is the last hour.
1 John 2:18
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