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All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

My Bride who was born into Judaism and Born Again to become a Christian, still feels strong trends towards the Sabbath day being Saturday. So guys, we are fully aware that for Christians, the

day of worship are basicly every day. But kindly allow me to stir the pot some more.

Why hold church on Sunday and not Saturday? 

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By the way, I forgot to mention that the church I am attending is now worshiping on Saturdays rather than Sundays. It doesn't matter to me at all what day we come together to worship on. If you desire to worship on Saturdays, I am behind you 100%. However, just don't make it a rule that the church is supposed to go back to worshiping on the Sabbath. The question is should it be Saturday or Sunday and the answer is, "It doesn't matter." I am sorry you understood me to be saying I was advocating Sunday worship. I am here clearing that up. However, I do understand why the early Christians changed to Sunday, the Lord's Day. They were completely set free from bondage to the Law and they were demonstrating such by worshiping on Sunday. Rod was criticizing the church for being misled by Constantine. Constantine was not the one that initialized Sunday worship. He was wrong to make Sunday worship a rule just as you would be wrong to make Saturday worship a rule.

I am very sorry for offending Rod and I respectfully ask for forgiveness.

God bless you both. You do not need to respond.


I do not think that we are free from the commandments of God - they stand! The commandments can be summarized like this:

Love the Lord your God and then your neighbour:

Thou shall have no other Gods before me - GOD
Thou shall not make unto thee any graven image - GOD
Thou shall not take the name of Yahweh our God in vain - GOD
Remember the Sabbath day and keep it holy - GOD

First 4 GOD

Honor thy father and mother - NEIGHBOR
Thou shall not kill - NEIGHBOR
Thou shall not commit adultery -NEIGHBOR
Thou shall not steal - NEIGHBOR
Thou shall not bear false witness - NEIGHBOR
Thou shall not covet -NEIGHBOR


That is why the law can be summarised as Love God then neighbour. The 10 commandments are a guide to that love. The perfect law of love.

Constantine did change the day of worship and the RCC by its own omission admits that the day for worship (4th commandment) was Saturday:

“The purely a creation of the Catholic Church.”American Catholic Quarterly Review, January 1883.
“ the law of the Catholic Church alone...” American Sentinel (Catholic), June 1893.

“The Catholic church for over one thousand years before the existence of a Protestant, by virtue of her divine mission, changed the day from Saturday to Sunday...The Protestant World at its birth found the Christian Sabbath too strongly entrenched to run counter to its existence; it was therefore placed under the necessity of acquiescing in the arrangement, thus implying the (Catholic) Church’s right to change the day, for over three hundred years. The Christian Sabbath is therefore to this day, the acknowledged offspring of the Catholic Church as spouse of the Holy Ghost, without a word of remonstrance from the Protestant World.” James Cardinal Gibbons in the Catholic Mirror, September 23, 1983.

“Protestantism, in discarding the authority of the (Roman Catholic) Church, has no good reasons for its Sunday theory, and ought logically to keep Saturday as the Sabbath.” John Gilmary Shea, American Catholic Quarterly Review, January 1883.

I could go on.....

Rod was stating facts.

Roy, I can from scripture prove that you are wrong in regard to early Christians changing to Sunday. I can prove from scripture that they kept the 7th day - Saturday but alas your mind is made up.

Many blessings
Linda Ruth

I will talk to you later. Here in my time zone it is nearly 10:30 and is way past my bedtime. You will have to prove me wrong later. I have to get up for work in the morning and I am past the young age of being able to stay up late. You and Rod are in my prayers.


One more thing: I know you don't hate me but I can tell you are going through a rough time with something. I am praying for you.

Hi Roy,

I have been away at work all day but now back.
I see it has been a busy day in my absence.

Nice sidestep above to Linda's post on the comments made by the RCC admitting that they alone changed the Sabbath worship day. They admit this Roy and gloat about the fact. They even go on to say that Prodestants should do their own thing on the Saturday Sabbath because Sunday worshipping is their (RCC) invention.

You can pull scripture out that shows the disciples worshipped on Sunday, but then they worshipped everyday of the week with our Lord, face to face as He went around spreading the word
Jesus was a Jew and he kept the Sabbath.
The disciples were Jews and they kept the Sabbath on the 7th day like all Jews.

They didn't throw out the 10 commandments, because Jesus told them personally to keep His commandments.

It is no secret that Linda is physically unwell, but I have to tell you mentally she is as sharp as a tack.
Her comments above show no sign of any rough time (as you mention) they merely quote scripture and fact, and now no one wants to reply or contest these comments.

Roy you haven't offended me by your comments, Linda said that I was grieved, not offended. It takes a lot more than you disagreeing with my opinion on scripture to offend me.
My hide is pretty thick.

I know only too well that you and David talk privately and by your own comments have a very low opinion of the beliefs of others when they don't line up with yours.
I have seen this and read this for myself.

You haven't given a reply to the comments above and now we have David saying that this discussion is getting ugly and should stop now.

I see that as a sidestep to not responding to the posts above.
My apologies if I am wrong and if David is just taking some moderator precautions.

I am more than happy to continue on here discussing this as I see it as a fundamental mistake of the church today.

Blessings in His love
My brother Rod,

We love you and your family, if you do not know that by now and think different there is nothing anyone of us can do, except continue to pray as and when the Lord brings you and your family up to our remembrance. As you know I live to walked and talk theology with the hopes to bring Glory to our King. However at this point I firmly believe the wises thing to do is to refrain from further comments until LT and/or Carla can review this discussion. I am not interested in discussing this any further.

To love, is what has always matter to me above all else. You have had enough interactions with me I hope to know I am not offended or upset. As I have said many times, this is not about winning arguments. That any member thinks that I am trying to sidestep and issue has me without concern as long as we maintain the bond of peace and allow God and not pride or Satan to win.

Our brother Ron, a beautiful man of God, the man that started this discussion with the one and only desire to bless the community is grieved more than any of us over this. Let's bless our brother and show him and our enemy that God wins in our lives, amen.

Please refrain from further responses.

Thank you and blessings to all.

David V.
Volunteer NET Moderator
Hi David,

I have already spoken privately to Ron and he is fine.

My discussion here was with Roy and it was going along quite nicely as I have said in my last post.
I am not upset by you or Roy or anyone else here on AAG. (Certainly not Ron).

The discussion is just that a discussion.
I am not bringing personalities or anger into it, only my opinion and facts that I see as relevant to make my point.
It has never worried me what other people think of me or if they love me or hate me.
That is for them to deal with not me.
I am a very easy going person who loves a good arguement.
I am passionate about my love for the Lord and how we should be worshipping Him.
That will not always meet with agreemnet from others, but hey, we are all individuals and hopefully all grown ups.
I am still waiting for answers from Roy on a couple of points and would greatly appreciate you leaving the thread open

Hello Linda, Rod and Roy,

I have been following this discussion and I took some time to go back and reread the exchanges between Rod and Roy. I think they have both been dealing with each other as members who have built a relationship with one another to the point of taking some liberties in their exchanges, but overall the discussion has been kept healthy.

At this point however the discussion has the potential to turn ugly. So I am asking both of you, in love, to refrain from further comments on assumptions of what the other is saying and rather end this well.

As LT stated at the beginning of this Discussion, this topic tends to get heated, so with this subjects we do well to go back and remember the following:

* We should not ever respond to a post we disagree with immediately (Note below for exceptions).

* We need to reread the post several times seeking the whole of its content and not focus in on one sentence or statement initially.

* We need to pray about the content of the post seeking discernment.

* We need to examine it in the light of Scripture.

* We need to pose questions to the author about their post, rather than assume and accuse.

* If, after time, rereading, prayer, Scriptural analysis, and posing questions we find the post in error, we need to address the issue(s) directly substantiating your position with Scripture.

* Never attack the character of the poster. (If you defend your position scripturally you do not have to digress to attacking the poster).

* If attacked, brush it off and stay on topic. Scripture will always win the battle, not your verbal assault or defense of self. You can defend Scripture and turn the other cheek at the same time.

* Be teachable. You might actually have this one wrong. If you do, accept it, acknowledge it and embrace the truth. None of us have it all perfectly right (If you do, stay away from me, I will corrupt you … little humor please :-)

* Lastly, not everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will see it the same way as you or me on every issue. There are a variety of views on numerous topics.

You are both love and appreciated here. Let us love one another above all else.

>>Not at all Roy - don't assume - are you Jesus? - do you know me intimately! You are Roy and you know diddly squatt apart from what you see on here or someone gossips about.

Linda - I think brother Roy, who loves you in Christ was simply trying to be nice with His comment above, but your response is harsh. Please refrain from such, their is no need for such reaction beloved.

Thank you and blessings

David V.
Volunteer NET Moderator
No problems here David - no ugliness - just truth - I have learnt my lesson with you - I will leave off now - blessings to all!

If the exchange was healthy how come Rod felt grieved?

Enjoy the discussion.

Stranger again.

Romans 8:28 (New International Version)

More than Conquerors

28And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, whohave been called according to his purpose.

The beauty of being in Christ is that our Lord can turn it all around for His Glory. We can learn from this exchange, that is not wise to take too many liberties with one another when dealing with hot topics. So you see sister, Love always wins with us.

Blessings to you and yours.

David V.
Volunteer NET Moderator

Roy knows nothing about where I am at - not unless people are telling him such. I have been off this site for many weeks - so how could he know where I am at. The assumptions are being made by him. I believe I have been cordial in this discussion.

I don't believe my comments are harsh. I am getting tired of people gossiping about me - thus I will end all communications with this site publically and privately.

Thank you!

I am really sorry to hear that. You are loved here and you know that. You know sometimes I email friends here and tell them that I do not really know why I am communicating with them at that particular time other than God placing them in my heart. I tell them that God has not given me specifics about them, but I have a tugging at my heart for them from the Lord, so I ask if everything is well and tell them that I will be praying for them.

All that said to say that I think that is what Roy was attending to do. We have to think the best of each other. You are loved here sister, please tell me you know that. People have actually e-mail me asking, where is Sister Linda, does she have another account we have missed?

No reason for you to feel condemned, you know Roy, you have enjoyed some wonderful interactions with him, and so has Rod.

Blessings sis.


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