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Can anyone explain to me about salvation in the old testament? Like did the old testament saints have to be born-again/have Jesus as their Mediator?


I know they had to I'm just trying to figure out a way to show that to a JW if the time ever arives. Like are there any scriptures that could help me on this one that anyone knows of?

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In the OT people were saved by grace through faith just as they are now but only under the New Covenant are people born again. In the OT, they lived under the law and sought to fulfill what the law required and they offered burnt sacrifices to atone for their sins. No one can live without sinning. We all fall short sometimes. They had faith and their faith was shown in doing what God required of them. Jesus fulfilled all the requirements of the law. Not only did Jesus die for us but He kept the law without erring for us. His death started the New Covenant. When we accept Jesus as Lord and Savior, we are born again. The difference is between the two covenants but under both the Old and the New all people are saved by faith through grace.

Wouldn't people like David of had to of been born again though? Since no man can enter Heaven unless the person is born again. That's the main part I don't understand.


It makes since that both people in old and new testament are saved by grace since Jesus took all of our sins, both those in the old and new testaments.

Do you think they were unknownly born again or did that verse about "no man can be born again" only apply to those after the old testament? Sorry I'm confused. 


He died for everyone including those in the OT. That makes Him Mediator of the OT too,right?


Wait a minute...Jesus died for them but they didn't know that at the time since it didn't happen yet. They trusted in the God of Abraham,Issic and Jacob, they had faith. So, that's how they must have been excepted by trust God knows what He's doing,right?

Thanks sis. I think the topic of the OT and born again is a little too complicated for me right now. Could you explain a little about the Mediator part though? Forgive me if it's already been mentioned. I can think about that easier now because I'm not trying to concentrate on the born again aubject and the Mediator subject at the same time.


When did Jesus walk through blood and make a covenant with Abraham?

Thank you sister. :)

18 You ascended on high,
leading a host of captives in your train
and receiving gifts among men,
even among the rebellious, that the Lord God may dwell there.
The Holy Bible : English Standard Version. Wheaton : Standard Bible Society, 2001, S. Ps 68:18

These verses tell me that Christ carried carried many OT Saints with Him to Heaven. The gifts that He received was their trust and belief in Him. Rebellious means to me that He received these souls from men who had heretofore not believed. He is continuing to receive the gift of souls from people who have been disobedient in the past. I think this was a *one time happening* and that now we have to believe in Christ before physical death occurs.



Thank you Rita. :0)



yes the general understanding is that while Jesus was dead for three days, He descended into the Abyss (Sheol or Hades ) to collect the OT Saints and take them to Heaven.  There are only two characters of the old testament that never experience death and was transformed and was taken by God (Enoch Hebrew 11:5) I can't think of the other name.


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