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Spiritual Revival's are both Biblical and Historical. Will we see another great national Revival in the western world as we did in the 18th century, 1859, 1904, etc?

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Hi I'm New but have something i want to share, I'm a Prophet with dreams and visions, In 2004 I was in a bible study group and as we were praying God gave this awesome vision. A voice was calling me" Come up Here" and as I looked around for the person speaking. I found myself high up on top of a mountain. From there i could see the whole world and it was desolate, dry, with some very stunted little bushes here and there, there were animal skeletons scattered here and there. I started to cry because I was afraid and the voice spoke to me, "Why are you afraid" so I answered"There is no Life Here" " Yes said the voice, very little Life, but do not be afraid, look to the west" as I turned and looked I saw far away a line of briliant blue forming and growing on the horison, as I looked the line turned into water, a flood ot the purest clear water that I have ever seen. It washed over the whole world and as it passed plants and trees and grass sprang up where there had been nothing before.
The voice spoke to me again and said " I am going to pour out my Spirit in these days the like of which has never been seen before. In the days of Noah I poured out floods for destruction. but this flood will be for Revival, Renewal, Reconsecration and Resurection.

So wait for it IT is coming soon
I Thank you brother Keith from bringing this topic up.

I would like to throw out here a couple of questions in view that We are living in an age where the preachers and teachers of today want to make claims to new insights - things the church somehow missed this last 2000 years of ecclesiastical history. Revival is given many twists now these days.

I certainly do not doubt that our God is forever doing a new thing among us, but those new experiences/practices need to aligned to His word.

What is the biblical precedence of scriptural revival, can we find it in the word.

What characterizes a sound biblical revival?
Revival in the New Testament differs from that in the Old. First, we are dealing with a supra-national people of God rather than the national people. Second, we have the Spirit poured out upon all Christians rather than just upon anointed leaders. Yet we have fewer examples of revival: at the end of the century less than 10 percent of the people in most areas were converted; there was no marked social change; and the church was More OF less underground, often persecuted. These are not the marks of revival. Yet, in Jerusalem and Ephesus we find something like revival.
Jerusalem revival. The church started in Jerusalem in a revival-like situation. Large numbers of people were converted in a relatively short time. If the permanent population of Jerusalem was only about 25,000, a group of 5,000 Christians (Acts 4:4) was a very significant factor in the city. The level of the miraculous was highly significant (Acts 5:12-16), and this was obvious to all from the sick being laid in the streets. Internally, the church was in good shape, as indicated from their sharing and their ability to come to a unified, trusting decision over an explosive topic (Acts 6). All this probably took place within the first year after Jesus' resurrection without church buildings, without modem communication, without even large venues for gathering.
What was the outcome of this revival?
There was remarkable church growth, including the conversion of many priests, yet the outcome of it was the scattering of the church. The church did not keep on growing until it became the most influential force in the city. Instead, the church was attacked and scattered. Even if only the Greek-speaking Jewish Christians were scattered (which is likely) the explosive growth slowed. There were mighty signs and wonders and great growth, but it led to eventual rejection, not eventual triumph.
Ephesian revival. In Acts 19:10-12 we read that because of Paul's activity in Ephesus, all who lived in the whole province of Asia heard the gospel and that extraordinary miracles occurred over the period of two years. The depth of the repentance shows in the burning of magic books (Acts 19:18-20), for these people were making a decisive, expensive break with the past. These are certainly revival phenomena, although revival started more slowly than in Jerusalem.
The outcome of this revival is similar to that in Jerusalem. It ended, not with the conversion of the city leaders of Ephesus (although some were converted, Acts 19:31), but with persecution. Paul, who speaks of his being crushed and despairing of life (II Cor. 1:8-9), ends up leaving town quickly (Acts 20: 1) and the last picture we get of the church is of a doctrinally correct group in which the Christians no longer love one another (Rev 2:4-5).
What can we conclude from this brief description of revival in the Bible'? Let us draw together some of the threads.
Revivals often relate to sociological phenomena. In the Old Testament we noted that many of the revivals had political oppression or similar sociological phenomena as preparation. Jerusalem had many people in its pilgrim throngs who longed for a Messiah to end the Roman oppression. Just because one can point to these phenomena does not mean that revival can be explained away. God prepares people for revival in many ways, not least of which is through various forms of oppression. People join in revivals for a variety of reasons. Some people join because their hearts are truly turning to God. Others join because they see in it the hope of (political or social) freedom. Still others join because they want to be in on what is happening or simply to be close to the power of the leader. Involvement in revival phenomena doesn't reliably measure a person's true heart condition.
Revivals may start suddenly or may develop gradually. Pentecost started with an explosive one-day conversion of 3,000 people. The persecution probably started no more than a year later. In Ephesus the revival seems to have started slowly, but before the end of two years, extraordinary power was being displayed.
Repentance often precedes or accompanies revivals. This was true at Pentecost and in many, but not all, of the Old Testament examples. In all of these cases it was Jews, the people of God, who were repenting. Yet in Ephesus, the repentance (seen in the burning of the books) seems to have followed the development of the revival. Likewise, some of the Old Testament revivals began by powerful movements of repentance, while in the case of Nehemiah's revival it was a late feature of the movement. We cannot create revival by repentance, but if revival runs its course we will likely see the people of God purified.
Revivals usually have a strong leader as a central figure. Revivals usually center on a person, often a charismatic individual, who has, or is seen to have, power. Even Joash's revival fits the pattern, for although he was himself led by others, the nation as a whole saw him as a leader. In Jerusalem there were 12 apostles, but it was Peter's shadow that people wanted to fall on them. In Ephesus Paul had close colleagues around him, but it was his "handkerchiefs" that were curing people.
Thus, if God sends revival, strong leaders will likely emerge even in groups that want to discourage such charismatic figures.
Revivals often have a strong biblical base. Whether it was the case of a prophet pointing people back to the ancient traditions, Josiah discovering anew the law, or Peter proclaiming the relationship of the Old Testament to the life and death of Jesus, revival is normally based on the Bible and rooted in a new appreciation of the biblical text. Revival phenomena will not likely produce lasting good unless they drive people to a deeper study of the Scripture resulting in a more devoted living of Scripture. Revivals' effects depend upon what happens to the majority of the people. When large numbers of people change their lives, revival lasts. If people only change while around the revival leaders or while the influence of these leaders is felt, then it is unlikely that the revival will produce lasting good. The best place to measure the real effect of the revival is at the grassroots, not among the leaders of the movement.
Revivals end. All the revivals we have observed ended, some after a short time and some after a longer time. Revivals are not the normal state of God's people, but extraordinary visitations that give the normal work of the people of God a boost.
Revival may lead to persecution as easily as to triumph. It is untrue that if enough signs and wonders occur and enough people are converted then the culture as a whole will turn to Christ. This may appear superficially true in the Old Testament, for it was usually the cultural leaders (the king, among others) who were leading the revival. But both New Testament examples ended in persecution. Revival heightens the action of God, but it also heightens the resistance of those against God's move. Revival may lead to triumph, but the New Testament examples show that they also may lead to being crushed.(Here i would have like the writer to use persecuted instead of crush)

This article was reprinted in Good News (May/June 1995) with permis...

2 Corinthians 4:5-10 (New King James Version)

7 But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellence of the power may be of God and not of us. 8 We are hard-pressed on every side, yet not crushed; we are perplexed, but not in despair; 9 persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed— 10 always carrying about in the body the dying of the Lord Jesus, that the life of Jesus also may be manifested in our body.

I was searching about Dutch Sheets and the Wilderness Cry coming close to thetown I live in and in the town I go to church in. Many are gathering to unite with this event. I have a check in my spirit ... the Lord told me to warn the shepards ... that I did not have to convince just warn. I have been praying to the Lord to lead me to the truth. to confirm what I heard. It all sounds so convincing and yet ... I thank you for taking the time to be obeident We must be as wise as serpents and as gentle as doves. I am not wise ... I don't want to miss God ... I pray for our nation's peoples to be revived but I have a caution sign up ... and I believe the Holy Spirit is warning me against not only not getting involved but some of the people who have become involved I love dearly ... I respect and know they love the Lord I am to warn. I am not a pastor ... not a prophet ... I am a middle age nobody. I am on my face seeking the Lord for clearer understanding ... for truth ... and for those that I love in the midst of this ... I would like this to be of God ...BUT ...
Thank you, this is great, The Bible says in Isaiah that in the end times God will pour out HIs Spirit on ALL flesh. this means an awesome revival which is still to come. I can't wait I pray that it is during my lifetime. But that is in Gods hands.He has given me a vision of just such a revival and I'm So excited. I share it all the time and some people think I'm quite dilly, but I don't care I know what God showed me.
The Lord led me through a study of the Abrahamic blood covenant and how it is still relevant today. God is faithful. The new everlasting blood covenant with God and Jesus Christ is for all mankind. When the Israelites could not keep the old covenant God gave up His only begotten son as a spotless lamb for an everlasting covenant with Jesus as our high priest. We need to stop chasing the spectacular and start chasing Christ.
What God said in 2 Chronicles 7:14 is still relevant today. If we read the long dedication of the temple by Solomon before this verse we see that Solomon asked God for just two things. He asked that there would always be someone from David's family tree on the throne and that when God's people sin if they repented God would hear. We will only see rival in this country ... if it starts with humility and earnest repentance in the church ... "If my people who are called by My name "
2 Corinthians 13:5 tells us to examine ourselves to see if we are in the faith. This is not a one time occurance ... if we ask the Lord He will show us our hidden sin. He will help us break apart our idols! Jesus is just as zealous for the temple as he was when He cleansed it of money changers ... only this time His temple is within us.
Revival will only come when we humble ourselves ... seek His face with repentent hearts asking for forgiveness. Revival can not be manipulated or scheduled by man ... it will come as a sudden move of God ... "If 2 Chronicles 7:14". That is why my heart is so heavy when I hear about what is coming to PB MO in June. It is about the spectacular ... there are reportedly 3-500,000 people coming. I have a check in my spirit in its regard. It is an event where they are saying it will be like "Woodstock without the sin." Pray with me about this event ... that the truth rise up.
There are revivals occuring in third world countries ... these people are willing to lay down their lives for their faith. We in the US have not had to go through any real persecution ... Christianity is outlawed in many parts of the world ... when someone stands for their faith it is most certainly an open declaration awaiting persecution ... sometimes a death sentence.
I heard a minister "Paul Washer" on the internet who gave a talk to a college youth group in 2002 ( it is on the internet as Paul Washer's Shocking Message) where he talks about the difference between Christianity in America vs third world countries ... it is a worthwhile listen.
I pray for revival in America ... I pray that we become true disciples of Christ ... following Him ... learning from Him ... not seeking the gifts of the spirit more than we seek Him. He is our great reward ... We should walk in the comfort of the Holy Spirit and the fear of a Holy God. The only thing between us and the wrath of God is the blood of Jesus Christ. The Holy Spirit will guide us into Christ's righteousness ... we are not righteous on our own. It is all about Him for His glory!
In Christ,
Not many Christians seem to understand that they are in a covenant with God.....despite the Bible being divided into old and new covenants. That's quite surprising, don't you think?
Not many 'Christians' read and mediatate on the Word. Not many Christians ask the Lord to give them discernment and relevation. The church in the US is sleeping in complacency...willing to sit in a pew a few times a week. That is not true worship. Many are in a compromised state ... calling themselves Christians but not really disciples of Christ. People are pushed through a scripted prayer, patted on the back and told they are saved. There is a reason we are called a remnant ... a little flock ... the gate is narrow but so is the path. Jesus said , "Come out from among them." We are pilgrims ... travelers ... how many American Christians do you think are at a place in their faith that they would choose Christ over their life? I heard a story about a young boy who was shot to death because he would not renounce his belief in Jesus. This happened in a third world country. He cried out," don't shoot me ... I don't want to die but I can not say that Jesus is not God." He was left to die in a pool of blood. I know of a Jewish believer in Israel who lost her home ... her job and her kids spit in her face because she would not renounce her belief in Jesus The Messiah. No, I am not surprised ... I am saddened. Many will say, " Lord, Lord ... Abba ... Father " Jesus will respond, "Depart from Me I never knew you." I wonder how many professing Christians really believe these are the end times? It is not the status quo!!! We are not promised tomorrow. There is much work to be done.
In Christ,
Thank you, Rebecca. Do you think then that the Institutionalised churches are to blame for this apathy?
If we compare the church of today to the church in Acts we would not find many similarities...if any. The answer to your question is complex. It isn't just the church ... the head all the way to the tail is sick. The pulpit preaches humanism ... and the people are comfortable hearing that perspective. Not much is required from either. The Bible teaches that during the end times sound doctrine will not be accepted or tolerated ... instead messages that "tickle the ear" is more palatable. There is so much compromise going on that it is hard to tell a Christ follower from a non believer.
I have watched the church we attend dwindle down in size ... and no one wants to help in the one seems to see another's struggle ... there is much legalism and self righteousness. People come and go. There seems to be a mind set of building one's own kingdom instead of the Kingdom of God. I have lost my zeal for the 'church' ... I struggle with and would leave it if Jesus would release me. I teach a class of preteens and I sometimes feel that is the only reason I am still there. My husband is in the ministry of helps ... he runs the sound system ... along with many other jobs in this church. We have not been released so we continue...not in apathy but by standing in the gap ... sometimes being oppressed or rebuked in subtle ways. We are fed more by our own reading of the Word and prayer with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. My husband and I have several internet sermon downloads from various ministers. I would suggest you listen to Paul Washer, He preaches the Word. You will be blessed by him. He is a humble man. There are others that we listen to that still preach the Word. We fellowship with another couple who are also believers in Bible study. We have stopped the cable and only watch christian films that we rent from a monthly club. He said, "Come out from among them" A while back we prayed for the Lord to show us what was not pleasing to Him in our home and The Lord showed us. We ended up with 2 lawn bags of DVD's that we trashed along with other things. We moved from a life in the city to a simpler life in the country. I believe God arranged that for our own good. I am not trying to be holier than thou ... it is just that the more we have separated ourselves from the world the closer to Him we are becoming. He is holy and we are called to be holy. Before Christ we were worldly people ... our idols were many. And God in His mercy and grace continues to expose areas we need to get out of our lives. Finding this site was a blessing from God.
I believe that someday ... and in our life time if the Lord tarries ... the real church will be underground just like in third world countries...then we will have true unity because we will have to depend on one another. Our country is under judgement. Why would we think otherwise. If you read the Old Testament ... which is a foreshadow of things to come...when innocent blood was shed there was always judgement. The US aborts almost 4000 babies a day. I believe the glory has left this country. The hedge is no longer in place.
Two years ago I called for a prayer day ... we sent letters to over 8000 churches across the US ... we received less than 100 replies. Just one example ... a pastor said , " We already have such a busy schedule." There were less than 20 heart felt responses saying they were praying the same prayer...2 Chronicles 7:14. We developed three great relationships from being obedient. Our eyes were opened to the apostasy that is in the churches of America. We were babes and shocked by the lack of response.
Sorry this is so long... Yes, I am sick about my country...our churches...and we stand in the gap. No one will stand in a group when we face our Lord...we all will have to stand on our own. Many who think they are saved are not. I should cry Marentha...but I cry out wait a little while longer Jesus ... there are so many lost. What is going to happen to those who are comfortable just sitting in the pew not feeding themselves on the Word ... not developing their relationship with Jesus through His Holy Spirit? They will be swept away by the spectacular...the message is not popular but we must warn no matter what. We must repent for the sins of this country. We are to be watchmen ... and sound the alarm.
The present day foundation of compromise and apathy being presently formulated will continue to cultivate spiritual deception ... many are and will be deceived as they are mesmerized by false prophets... some with counterfeit ablities to deceive "even the elect if possible."
Read Isaiah 56:11 ...Ezekiel 33 ...2 Peter 3:3-4 ... Rev3:3...Jeremiah 6:17-19...
You know revival is taking place in third world countries but not in America ... would you agree? What do you think about all this? Do you see what I see happening across this country? Would you join us in prayer seeking the Lord for a time of grace ... like God allowed in Josiah's time ... or in Ninavah? It all goes back to 2 Chronicles 7:14

I appreciate your reply...I don't mind how long it is. And I understand your concerns would you perceive Jesus releasing you? There are no scriptures which require church attendance...especially not Hebrews 10:25 which is misused and abused out of context by "churches" to control and manipulate their attendees

I do really sympathise with your feelings. And I can tell you that when I separated myself from the institutional church that I attended, I also discovered a much, much closer relationship with God

However, I do see those scriptures from the prophetic books somewhat differently to you..And I perceive God's will and purpose in everything that has, and is happening, in the world. Don't forget 2 Corinthians 5:7....plucked out of its immediate context but I do believe relevant to almost everything spiritual."....for we walk by faith, not by sight--..."


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