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The verse describes the coming destruction and ends with , and to destroy the destoyers of the Earth.


I need some help with this, Who are the destroyers of the earth? Have we missed the reality Christ called us to? Should we have literally adhered to the birds of the field don't sow or reap for food, why do you oh men of little faith? Is God preparing a people who live by faith alone as did the Israeli's in the desert?


Let the fun begin...

Peace in Christ!!

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I think the biggest destroyer of the earth is greed. And greed can to shown in many forms, whether it's money, or power, or being the best, Our country is going down the tubes right now because of greed. And power. We because of our "need" (greed) for these things are responsible for the destruction of the earth.
We have brought ourselves and the rest of the world to a point where we don't know how to get back to a peaceful place. We have appointed leaders who are more concerned with money and power than they are concerned about us. Instead of humanity paying heed to God, they have determined that they are the most important, along with others like them.

I think on one situation that happened recently (though there are numerous ones) where a couple went to the inaugural ball uninvited. Who better to go than the people who are footing the bill. So the American government is saying in essence, " you aren't invited but you are paying the bill."

When a person is drowning, he will do anything to get his head out of the water, including climbing on top of the person trying to save him, therefore drowning the rescuer.
Humanity is drowning, and the only person big enough to save them is the Lord Jesus Christ. And even though He is right here holding out his Hand, few will give him a thought.

So, the answer to your question is "we are the destroyers of the earth."

Blessings in the Name of Jesus...
I find your comments to be refreshingly humble, So, from your perspective it would have been better if we had followed the words of Christ literally, ie don't sow or reap for food and if we pass at an early age so be it, if God decides to care for us with manna so be it... I too believe that is the perspective he has taught and we have strayed fom the truth with fear of dying... I think he is pushing the world back to this realization and reality as most are incapable of even considering it. When the world falls and system of things is no more what will be the choices for God's people. Either mankind will fall at the knees of the antichrist who may temporaily save the body in a world we are dying in anyway thus appeasing the fear, or some may choose the path to not accept the mark to buy sell or trade and place their faith in God as did the Israeli's in the desert.. The question would then be on us, would we rather die than to repeat what has been done to the earth, or do we choose to live a while longer before we die anyway. I have also considered a third alternative, if we are not to sow or reap for food, then even returning to an agricultural based society would be less destructive yet not fulfilling in the end.
This choice would leave us to live totally dependent on God, if the world was to reform and we were placed back on it what reality would fulfill our souls? Be it so to you according to your faith. I believe God is giving mankind time to consider these choices and if we choose to walk with Him, only God can answer these things totally, so let us pray for guidance, let us pray for strength, let us pray to be delivered from evil, and let us pray to live in His reality, in His way.. In Jesus name our prayers are heard, have faith...our deliverer hears us..
Peace in Christ
Philippians 4:4-9
Joy and Peace
Rejoice in the Lord always. I shall say it again: rejoice! Your kindness should be known to all. The Lord is near. Have no anxiety at all, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, make your requests known to God. Then peace of God that surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.

Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is gracious, if there is any excellence and if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. Keep on doing what you have learned and received and hear and seen in me. Then the God of Peace will be with you.
Destroyers of the earth are evil doers who do not know what real love is. People who follow in the deadliest sin of anger and greed are also destroyers. When someone is angry there is fear and terror and that is not welcoming at all. Anger can bring someone to vengeance and will make someone want to kill another person. Anger can drive a person to mental sickness. I hope that everyone is slow to anger, if anything no anger at all, is what I pray for. God is merciful and thank goodness. When there is greed people suffer, there are extremes to things and there has to be harmony, everything has to be shared or else someone suffers and life should not be about suffering. For example in America we are in a recession why is that? well part of it or pretty much it is because someone or something or some group of people is not letting the money flow. Money needs to flow, unfortunately there is a blockage somewhere. If the rich would just give back to the poor or share some of their wealth then poverty would not have to be as bad..I have a lot to say about the poor but i keep in mind that BLESSED ARE THE POOR. As much as i would like to snatch all the money out of the hands of the rich and give it to the poor I must be obedient to my Heavenly Father and pray. I believe Christians have become lost from the reality Christ called us to. Christ is around but people choose to be blind or just want to live content lives and not seek more. Not that being content is a bad thing, but life is so precious why not go for the winning. FINISH THE RACE. As far as little faith I get a little frustrated with this world especially when I hear believers say "I can't do this, I cant do that, I am worried, I am sick, I am tired, I am blah blah blah" I do not mean to offend anyone if so I apologize, but do know that I hear this all the time everywhere I go, there is complaining or even gossip goodness gossiping is bad. Why can't people just realize that God is waiting Jesus the savior is waiting to give you rest, waiting to take away the pain, waiting to make you happy and in love with him. HAVE FAITH PEOPLE SHEESH lol IF SOMEONE HAS FAITH WHY WORRY? EVERYTHING WILL BE ALRIGHT. This generation has little faith i must say and it saddens me but i still hold my head up to encourage others and to show others the way to live a life like Jesus Christ. As for "God preparing a people who live by faith alone as did the Israeli's in the desert," I believe God has been preparing. He has a plan that is so great that I have faith and trust in God that whatever happens happens and I hope for the best in life, there will be a happy ending. I am not afraid to die. And I pray that everyone would come to examine their lives to repent and to come into the light of a good and a righteous, loving, truthful life, living to love and serve the LORD. It is time for people to start improving in their faith and for people to begin walking in the light to show other lost ones the way.

I am having fun lets keep in touch :) <3

Love in Christ PEACE.
Brother -

Christianity is not a game that is for sure, but We rejoice in the Way of the Lord. The joy of the Lord is our strength. if we are sad Christians - we are sad. We are to be Joyful Christians through it all.

I have lots of Godly fun through these discussions :)

Grace and Peace beloved.

Fun refers to something that provides amusement or enjoyment. Fun usually implies laughter, but may imply merely a lack of serious, which is from what you wrote how you are viewing it. So do know that when we talk about having fun through these exchanges, we do not mean to lessen their importance or make light of the topics.

We simply mean that these discussions are a source of joy for us.

Grace and peace brother. :)
It's fine beloved - The Joy of the Lord is my strength and you have chosen well.
I of course prefer Joy as well, yet have lots of fun and joy. i enjoy both positive meanings of the individual words. Don't lose sleep over this one my friend. :)

Be blesed.
Those who destroy the earth and the physical realm are those who embrace confusion (babylon/ bable meaning confusion). While many do so out of ignorance Many do so out of embracing their own lusts which is the root of sin (James 1:15).

This is evident when we see what the Mark of the Beast is and how those of the World have always had this mark. Most people today bare this mark. There has been and remains two basic people. Those who are in good standing with YHVH and those not in good standing.
Those in good standing are set apart ones (Nazerites, saints, devoted, Born from above,...)
When it came to "Israelis" in the wilderness (as a group), YHVH'S patience was pressed many times over. Moses even reminded YHVH of his promises when he had proposed to destroy them all and start over with Moses alone (all have fallen short at times and have need for repentance).

God will provide for his sheep. Those willing to put God first shall be armed in such a way that they can stand weather it be food, clothing, spiritual armour, daily bread or comfort.
God Provides:
To be a Nazerite:
2 Corinthians 12:9-10
My wife (Jill Ann) and I talked about this last night. I would not want to say discouraging words to anyone who strongly believes that God is calling them to live a Freegan or monastic lifestyle. This is essentially what all the saints of the Church did for at least the first three centuries AD, and it's what the saints like Francis, Benedict, and many others who are less well known to Protestants tried to revive in later centuries when they saw that greed, pride, power and extravagance were corrupting the Church. They really followed Jesus' admonition to "Go, sell all that you have, and come and follow me, and you will have treasure in heaven." Nevertheless, there are also many Apostolic admonitions about providing for yourselves and those of your own household (and others in your community who are poor, needy, widows, or orphans) with the work of your own hands (or mind). Having said that, I want to add that there is a very satisfying middle road that leads to a very simple, LIBERATING lifestyle. For three years, I have lived as an oblate to the Rule of Saint Benedict. I have enjoyed it tremendously, and I would be very happy to discuss it publicly with anyone who is seriously interested.
I would like to say this I believe is a condition of the "heart". The giving to others is more important than the putting in money markets - for instance. These factors are only as it leads to the most important things in life.

The care of the needy is a condition of wanting to ease the burden of others. Sometimes the need is for those who just need to hear and see the life of the true believers' passion of the Love of Christ.


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