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In the second chapter of revelations Jesus praises the church at Ephesus for 3 verses then suddenly tell them He has something serious against them , " You have lost your first love."


Then He admonishes them to " remember the height from which you have fallen" .  I find it curious ( but that's just me) that He speaks of them 'fallen from a height ".  I have my own ideas about the point He was trying to make but I'd really like to hear the inpute of others.


God bless.

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Hey Charles,

We can do all the things the Ephesus church was doing and do all the things that 1Corinthians 13 mentions in the first verses of the chapter and forget the beauty of fellowshiping with the Lord. We can fellowship with the Lord as we can fellowship with any person, of course the beauty of fellowshiping with God is greater in every way than the one with a human.Just like we talk, cry, laugh and vent with a person, we can do with the Lord, in a much personal and intimate way.

When thigs pertaining to our walk replace or shadow our Love relationship with the Lord, than we have fallen from the highest heights.

Brothers Charles and David,

Here's my contribution to the subject =

Acts 20:32 (after serious warnings in preceeding verses), "And now brethren, I commend you to God, and to the word of His grace, which is able TO BUILD YOU UP, and to give you an inheritance among all them which are sanctified.".

Ephesians 2:6, "And hath RAISED US UP TOGETHER, and made us sit together IN HEAVENLY PLACES IN CHRIST JESUS".


Just a couple of Scripural thoughts to add to the discussion.


Grace and Peace. 

Hi Charles,


I agree that "Therefore remember from where you have fallen" means ...remember the things you did at first when you first came to the Lord..  Repent, go back to those ways.  Do not become 'religiously' ritualistic.

Can we put new wine into old wineskins?  no.. the wineskins will burst.

We must put new wine into fresh wineskins, so both are preserved.

Turn to the Lord for new birth and new life so both are preserved.



Blessings, Carla

Carla , David,Richard


Thanks for your input. You all seem to have added a little diferent perspective and have fit together very well.


Richard mentioned a scripture that I had totally forgotten about being 'seated in heavenly places with Christ Jesus 'and David  said "When things pertaining to our walk replace or shadow our Love relationship with the Lord, then we have fallen from the highest heights'".   Then Carla mentioned about returning to the "things you did at first wheh you first came to the Lord".


It is a terrible thing to fall from the place of fellowship with that He has meant for us to enjoy . And we can safely assume that it was not His doing ,but ours . So then in is on us to seek out the fellowship that He desires and return to those wonderful days of fellowship that we first experienced when we came to know Him.


It not only seems to be something God wants , but by the language in Revelations 2 it is something He demands of us.


God bless you and thank you all again for your input.


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