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All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

Would like to hear how inter-personal relationships ( Mom, Dad, spouse, children, friends etc) have either rejected or betrayed you since you came to Christ, or prior. But more than this, would like to hear testimonies of the faithfulness of the Lord to get you through these painful experiences. The enemy would like us to waste our lives in sorrow and despair when we are rejected or betrayed by those who should love us the most. Have you had one or more Joseph Experiences in your life? If so, has your life been one of constant suffering, or have you reached a point where you have allowed God to show you how to rise above it?

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Jane, I don't know because I am not living that...  I do know that I can't move ahead of God..  but follow His lead as things come.


Totally agree with your approach as this is the same thing I am saying. You are not a doormat to your husband. Your submission is to God first and foremost and He honors that. Could you please give examples of  what you said as far as giving honor and respect to your husband in all things that do not dishonor God. I think this is where many wives of unsaved husbands become doormats. Also, let's kick it up a notch. Say your husband became emotionally, verbally, physically or sexually abusive, what would be your approach then?


I am having problems with the edit button today which is why its looks like I am saying the same thing twice about abusive husbands. So, please skip that since you already answered. Would you please answer my other question when you get a chance as that is the other thing I am asking you.

To all in this discussion:


Just for clarafication.


I trust we all realize that when we so that no man is 100% correct that the statement includes us, each and everyne one of us.


Lord Bless,


We will then see as He sees. Hard to imagine!
Totally agree LT!


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