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All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

Would like to hear how inter-personal relationships ( Mom, Dad, spouse, children, friends etc) have either rejected or betrayed you since you came to Christ, or prior. But more than this, would like to hear testimonies of the faithfulness of the Lord to get you through these painful experiences. The enemy would like us to waste our lives in sorrow and despair when we are rejected or betrayed by those who should love us the most. Have you had one or more Joseph Experiences in your life? If so, has your life been one of constant suffering, or have you reached a point where you have allowed God to show you how to rise above it?

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I have had friends and family reject me since coming to the Lord...  in the early days particularly.. They still reject me, but not as openly.  ...not as mean as the early days of my walk for the most part.


But now the Lord is healing those relationships.  I love to emphasize how God is a God of reconciliation...because I have seen that so plainly in my life.  Those people who reject me know that I will not move from my solid stance, and they respect me for it.  I believe the Lord is using it to speak of his faithfulness...  my solid stance, and my changed life speaks to them. 

I don't get invited to many parties that I previously would have been invited to...but that's a relief because I don't have to worry about saying 'no'.  :-)

I have found that the ones who have rejected me with the strongest of reactions, are the ones who now like to show how 'good' they are.  They like to talk about the charities they are involved in around me...  things like that.   I think they are trying to find a common ground for something to connect on.  There can't ever truly be any common ground until the reason for all of everything is Jesus Christ.  I like hearing about the good things they are doing, because people are still benefitting by being helped. 


I love that we have been given the privledge to pray and the freedom to talk about Jesus...there is a time however when we just leave the person (people) in the Lord's hands and move away.  sometimes people make it very clear that they don't want to hear about Jesus, or talk about Jesus.  God meets us exactly where we are, and I believe He calls us to meet those who are lost exactly where they are too.


It's not personal when people speak badly of you because of your faith.  They are rejecting God's only Son.. They are rejecting the Holy Spirit, and they are rejecting God the Father.  i believe that God gives us compassion for them, and the desire to pray.  I like to pray hardest for the ones who reject Jesus the strongest...  Those  testimonies are powerful.

I was one of those hard hearted..  'don't even talk to me about Jesus'... types of people.  I heard the gospel and repented.  I understood that I had sinned against the One and only True God.... I believed.  God met me where I was.


There is always going to be tension in these particular relationships, because of the opposite spirit and warfare, but God has shown me to always respond in Love.  Don't allow them to shake me or move me.  In Jesus I can do it.  Remember, greater is He who is in us, then he who is in the world.  We can say what Jesus said "Forgive them Father, for they do not know what they are doing."


Brothers and Sisters all around the world are experiencing rejection, betrayal, and persecution.  In North America, severe persecution is not something that we come into contact with really...  We need to be praying for brothers and sisters in parts of the world where severe persecution is the norm....places like Asia, India, Africa,

In the Indian subcontinent, if a missionary builds a church, they face things like being beaten to death, the church being burned to the ground, lies and character assassination...of which the penalty is often death.  If they preach the gospel, they risk being beaten or thrown into jail.  in North America we don't have that.


there are Missionary groups set-up to help and support missionaries who do face severe persecution every day.  These missionaries are working hard to get the gospel message out.  They need our prayers.


Jane, I'm not sure if this is what you were looking for...  but I hope somehow it helps.


Blessings, Carla

I actually receive more reject from the Christian community than I do from the nonbelieving community. Wonder why that is? Could it be that I don't believe exactly like they do?


Hi Carla,

Thanks so much for sharing. This is exactly what I'm looking for- hearing how others handle rejection, betrayal and I should add, persecution. I agree with all your conclusions. Can you say more about how the Lord is healing your relationships with non-believers? What was it that caused you at one time to be one of those hard hearted don't want to talk about Jesus ppl? What is your testimony of how you got saved? How do you meet those who are lost exactly where they are? If your family members or others you are acquainted with are walking in sin or acting strifeful, do you still fellowship with them or separate yourself from them?


As you can see, I ask a lot of questions. These questions are for you or for anyone who wants to participate in this thread. Feel free to answer all or just the ones that interest you or that you have time for. I think you are so right that when ppl reject us, it is not us they are rejecting but Jesus who lives in us.

Hi Jane,


Can you say more about how the Lord is healing your relationships with non-believers?

Most definately.  The Lord is healing my relationships with non-believers, by showing me what needs to change in me.  He will work with the one who is willing to be changed.  When I submit, apologize forgive and seek forgiveness, that allows the Lord to work in the relationship.  It's amazing how healing occurs when we hand it over to God, submit to His leading, and step out in obedience and forgiveness.  Take the first step in love...honoring the other person and letting them know of their worth.


What was it that caused you at one time to be one of those hard hearted don't want to talk about Jesus ppl?  in a word.. Pride.  I didn't want to give up life as i knew it, and I couldn't see my need for Jesus.


What is your testimony of how you got saved?  It's on my page.. you can read it there. :-)


How do you meet those who are lost exactly where they are?  talk to them, ask them about themselves, and really listen.  When we take the time to get to know them, and take an interest in their lives, we will get to know where they are...  Don't seek or even desire to change them.  We can't change anyone, only God can.  Share your own personal experiences, and the power of prayer if there is an opening to do that.  Serve them whenever the opportunity arises.  Offer to pray for them.  If they reject everything regarding the Lord...pray for them.  There may be a time when we have to just not share our faith...get out of God's way.  Jesus never forced anyone to follow Him.  He simply says.. Come..follow Me, and He keeps walking.  He never turns around to see if we are.  He won't coerce...He keeps walking.  So, your question, how do we meet those who are lost exactly where they are...  I think a good way is to ask them questions, like you are doing with me.  Hold them accountable for their thoughts.  If they believe in reincarnation, ask them how they know that they can trust their memories to remember a past life?  Isn't it true that even dreams can sometimes seem so real to us, that we think they really happened.  Who's to say that you didn't just have a dream?

What if someone believes that the bad things happening to them now are a result of something they did to deserve it?  Ask them what they did?  Ask them why they think that is worse than things other people have done?  Why do some people seem to suffer more than others....but by what we can see, they have done nothing wrong?  Why is a young child born with cancer?  Ask them about the things they believe in.  Ask the Holy Spirit to guide you in the conversation.


If your family members or others you are acquainted with are walking in sin or acting strifeful, do you still fellowship with them or separate yourself from them?  Are they believers?  If they are not believers, it depends what they are doing.  If they are living what we may call a typical 'party', I will not partake.  If they are doing other things, and it gives me the chance to hang out with them and not dishonor God, then I will...  It depends what they are doing.  My husband does not know the Lord.. I have alot of experience in being around hostile non-believers.  he is only hostile if and when I try to talk about Jesus.  so, as a result, the only time I talk about Jesus with him is if he asks me a direct question.  I answer briefly, and drop the topic.  I have learned it is good to always leave them wanting more than you provide.  Do not throw your pearts to the swine, or they will turn and attack you..  I have to say YUP..  that's true.


Regarding Believers... The Believers I hang out with are a pretty good crew.. I'm blessed.  I haven't run into that issue that they are living sinfully.  I mostly hang out in bible-study, meal fellowship and serving..  When we hang out it's usually because we are about the Father's business.  I don't hang out with believers in ways the world would call 'socially'..  I actually don't really hang out just socially at all anymore. The Lord is teaching me to be purposeful.  I'm not there yet, but improving.


I'd love to hear your responses to your own questions..  They are very good questions.


Blessings., Carla

Hi Carla,

I'll answer my questions for you,  too.


When it comes to unbelievers in my life I wouldn't say my relationships with them are healed. Just know that I am always respectful to them and I always lift up Jesus to them when the opportunity arises. I seem to get one of two reactions from them. Either they are respectful back to me while not into Jesus or we wind up not being able to maintain a relationship if they are very anti-Jesus and constantly strifeful in the ways of the world. As far as the ones who are respectful, I keep it short and sweet as that's as far as it can go unless I want to waste my time with their lack of interest in spiritual things and constant worldliness. All I know is, they know where I stand, we get along when we do speak, but I do not find that there can be strong fellowship with an unbeliever. I pray for them. As far as the ones who are extremely strifeful, they are perplexed at why I will not compromise with them and always maintain my stand for Christ. It makes them angry, they think believing in Jesus is weird, I'm weird, they can be very persecuting, and they never can understand what I see in Jesus and why I won't give Him up. I separate myself from them and pray for them, because the times I see them they are very devious and attacking. I feel I have to completely surrender them to the Lord.


I was never a hard hearted don't want to talk about Jesus person. Before I knew Jesus I had heard of Him and thought He was a very fascinating figure. The day I was introduced to Him I knew without hesitation that He was the missing puzzle piece to my life.


The short version of my testimony is I was lost and searching for what I called the Truth of Life. At that time, I had no idea what salvation is. Many ppl offered me their philosphies, lifestyles and  religions, but my heart said no to every single one of them. It wasn't until a witness simply said to me, "Sister do you know Jesus?" that I knew instantly that, like I said above, that he was the Answer and my heart was drawn staight to Him never to look back.


As far as meeting those who are lost where they are, I do what you do and I treat them with love and respect and am there for them when their other friends and associations can't be depended on so they see the character of God in me.


Re your answer on how you handle family members, again I do what you do. With your husband being a nonbeliever I have some specific views on that and I will start another thread so we can have some discussion on what wives of unsaved husbands should do.


Finally, I think you are so right that it is important to fellowship with believers who understand what it means to be used of God both singly and jointly as a fellowship of believers to make a difference in the community,  not just fellowship the way the world does talking about mindless things and worldly/selfish endeavors.


I was editing my post just now and lost the edited revision. I wanted to say re unsaved husbands that I agree with what you said about being brief when it comes to what you say spiritually, like you said let him ask. But at the same time, I also believe that it is important to bring things to a head, otherwise a husband will endlessly suck a wife and children's lives away and might never ever take his role as husband and father. I was going to start another thread on this subject, but recalled I did so once and did not get very much participation.


God Bless,


My son is very anti-God, he get quite vocally angry when I'm watching Christian television or on here, or mention things, but you know we were in the kitchen he was quoting all this scripture and why it cant be true but I thought wheres he got it all from, very odd, Also, i was like well I'm not angry at you for being your way, why the anger,? its a strange one, I mean some are agnostic but not angry, hes very anti a lot of things could be an age thing, he quite immature in many ways, although 19. Whats good now is I can answer his comments with more knowledge now that I am saved and knowledgeable of Gods word. (i mean a bit, still a learner myself).


Never worry my friend. God will give you an answer to any question as you need it.

Blessings, Sister...


Thanks girls, very true Rita, and Nancy, really that's amazing. bet he didn't see that coming . Praise the Lord !

Ya just don't fight something you know doesn't even exist! :) Amen, thats sooo true! I think that too cos if you feel so passionate about something, somethings happening there, you're so right about rebelling, I too rebelled.

Hi Lucy,

I feel a little differently then most who have posted to you thus far. It is one thing for your son to be at a rebellious stage like we all once were, but it is another thing that he gets vocally angry. To me this is the presence of demonic oppression that is controlling him to speak as he did. You are not alone as this happens to a lot of Christian parents and yes the teen children are very immature for their age. Wish I had an answer for you, but I am still learning myself how to handle situations like this. Now that God uses me to witness more to ppl I get all kinds of reactions and I know this is a spiritual warfare. One of my sons did the same thing and at the time I did not know how to handle it. It was like he was over-sensitive to anything Christian. I believe as Christians we need to have knowledge of spiritual warfare and know what to say and do to take authority over such behavior, not just let it slide. Because it doesn't usually get better and might get a lot worse. I believe to understand it and know what to do one must specifically study this area of spiritual warfare. Often we don't get to this because we have so many other things to learn about living for the Lord. But I have come to realize this is an important area of knowledge we all need to have.

Hi Rita,

Yours is an interesting comment. Why do you think you get more rejection from the Christian community? When you say Christian community do you mean a church you go to or the community at large? In what ways do you believe differently? If you believe the whole Bible and not just parts as so many do, then rejection means you are on the right path lol. In what ways are non-believers more accepting of you then your brethren in Christ?


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