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Why do men sometimes refuse to confess Christ?


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Hi Michelle,

Pride. Some men are too proud to bow down and confess. Some think it looks weak. I had a boss who told me that when he died he would look God in the eye and shake his hand, but he had no intention of bowing down before God.


Many Blessings


2Co 4:1

Therefore, since through God's mercy we have this ministry, we do not lose heart.

2Co 4:2

Rather, we have renounced secret and shameful ways; we do not use deception, nor do we distort the word of God. On the contrary, by setting forth the truth plainly we commend ourselves to every man's conscience in the sight of God.

2Co 4:3

And even if our gospel is veiled, it is veiled to those who are perishing.

2Co 4:4

The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God.

2Co 4:5

For we do not preach ourselves, but Jesus Christ as Lord, and ourselves as your servants for Jesus' sake.

2Co 4:6

For God, who said, "Let light shine out of darkness," made his light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ.

2Co 4:7

But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us.

Some have seen bad examples form other christians.

Some have not seen the hope, as though a christian life and conflicts.

Others simplely don,t believe they have any need.

The real questions begin in; Do men have the ability to confess Christ? I been seen a lot of people inspite of the hardship and sickness they are experiencing they still refuse Christ. Some tried but the sincerity is not there only making the misery worse.

Many are blinded by many factors in this world;

1. One factor is the testimony of Christians, they may ask what the difference? This world is to see is to believe world. Even   christians when we are new in fatih we look at the people not directly to our author and finisher of our faith.

2. Are Christ believers united in doctrine teachings?

3. Ears and eyes are the way to our mind and heart. the Gospel of Christ is great but the manifestation and evidence to the life of His propesying followers are not affirmative.

4. Predestination?


Hi Michelle,


I don't think this is limited to men...  I've seen it in many women as well.  It seems to be a particularly strong stance among people who see themselves as 'good'.  They think they have a leg to stand on by their own 'goodness'...that when they stand before God, they can say 'but look what a good life I led".  They need to get to the point that they realize their need for a Saviour..  This is a prayer that I pray often, and God comforts me by reminding me that through Him all things are possible.  He reminds me to never despair over men or women who are in unbelief...  God is able to break through.  He reminds me that love always hopes, and always perseveres.. Love never gives up.  God can and does break through their unbelief.. He broke through mine beloved...and I was a tough stubborn case.  We must never despair over people who do not know the Lord..  I believe that when we have a burden over someone standing in unbelief, that God is giving us this burden so that we will pray for them..  Because it is through prayer that God moves..  When He acts, He uses us..  It is our part to preach the foolishness of the gospel message so that they will believe.  With God..  All things are possible.


Blessings and Love to you sister..  beloved in Christ.



It's a good question Beloved... :-D

Hi Amanda,


Yes the desire to be good is in all of us.  Non-believers have not yet realized that they can never be good enough on their own.  They do not know that all of their works are as filthy rags.  Believers know that... 

I think that one of the biggest differences. 


Believers can sometimes strive to do good things for God..  Even things God has not asked us to do.  I think the important thing is to wait on the Lord and learn to listen for Him.  He will lead us...He opens doors and closes them.  God does not want human-doings..  He wants human-beings in intimate relationship with Him.  :-D. 


He will lead us to do good works...  but the works that are as precious rubies rather than hay and stubble are the works He asks us to do...not what we decide to do ourselves...for Him.  There is alot of preparation (in us) to work for the Lord that is needed.  It is in the process of that preparation that we learn to listen and follow God's lead.  He is always working..  God wants us to be in that constant process of preparation...continually moving forward in Him..learning and growing.  I think that is why alot of Christians grow so weary...  because they have decided to do something for God that He never asked them to do...  OR .. if He asked them to do it, they went out in their own strength rather than in the strength of the Lord OR-  they have moved ahead of God and rushed into something that God has not prepared the way for yet.  We need to learn to wait, listen..  to be still.  God is teaching me that right now.  Doors are opening as I am learning..  It's the process, and the preparation.  It's God's doing...  and it takes my surrender and obedience.  I am learning that to say no to God, or to move ahead of Him is pride...  and that part in all of us needs to die.


No one can earn a right standing with God--I agree.  Our right standing with God is in Christ..  When God looks at us He sees Jesus...because we are hidden in Christ.  That is the place of our right standing---nothing else.  Jesus is Saviour--He has saved us from death and from the wrath of God..  He is also Lord.  He is the only One who gets to tell us how to live.  He will give us things to do...  and part of the thing we are to do is to learn to listen to Him...obedience and surrender.  When He gives us a specific job to do we will hear Him....because we have been trained in that way..  the preparation in the life of a believer.  It's a lifelong process.  He is faithful to finish in us the things that He has started. :-D


Blessings and Love to you beloved..


Miss you..  Carla

Amanda..  God is not finished with you yet. 


I think this site is wonderful..  I think that fellowship is of the utmost importance.  Face to face fellowship is extremely necessary. 


Amanda, we go through different seasons.  It may be a season of working, or maybe it is of learning, or in deep intercession, worship.. ..people go through times of weakness and doubt also.  Sometimes people can so beaten up by life, that they think they can't go on anymore.  The truth is that you can go on.  I don't think that it is abnormal that you may be going through a time now that praying is difficult..  I think all Christians go through that at some point.  When I go through that, I just try to be honest with God.  I tell Him that I'm having a hard time knowing what to pray. 


Amanda..  Our faith must be built on the foundation of Christ.. just Him.  Meet with Him as often as you can.  Pray, and read your bible ...just you and Him.  God will meet you where you are.


You said that you feel like you feel like you have to do something, like you have to show some effort..  I think that it is good to be out in community showing effort....  It helps lead people out of depression to be involved in the lives of other people, and also to receive support and encouragement from others.  I'm not talking about that sort of thing..  what i am referring to is doing something for God for His Glory..  to ultimately lead others to know Jesus.  That always must be the final destination of our works.  For His Glory, and His namesake.  To get to that point, we must know God intimately ourselves.  We must have an intimate close relationship with Him first--that is the foundation of all of our works..  These are the works that will not be burned up.. Works that come as a result of our personal intimate relationship with God.  He wants us to get to that point.  We can do that through study and prayer.  Jesus met with God continually as He went away to pray...all the time He was disappearing to be alone with God.  When we are intimate with God in that way, He will lead us to works....specific things. It also takes surrender and obedience, and time to develop this intimacy with the Lord...  that is the preparation i was talking about.


This verse is coming to mind: 

Rom 8:28 And we know that [fn]God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.


When we live in surrender and obedience to God's calling... I believe we will see God's purposes unfold in our lives.. 


God is never in a hurry as we are..  He knows how much time it takes to mold us and carve us into the likeness of His dear Son.   He will finish what He has started--He promises to.


Blessings, Carla

Very clever Amanda..  You are clever and articulate..  I'm happy you're feeling better today. 

Blessings beloved... Carla

Yes Amen!

This is exactly what I have learned in my life. I feel like I could of written what you did word for word. Proves the reality of God in our lives.

My reply was in response to Carla's posts. I have never been in a group like this where the replies fall under anothers's post even though I hit the reply under Carla's. Can someone tell me how this works?



You responded correctly to Carla. The reason this post seems so far down is that there are other posts inbetween that took place between Amanda and Carla.


Lord Bless,



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