All About GOD

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For all you who read your bibles, please help me by answering the following questions.

1) How do you read your bible? 

I started off by reading cover to cover (against advice received).  Initially this was not to learn the Word of God but to find out who the people in the bible were and where they fitted in so that when it came to sermons in church I could relate a bit easier.  It soon had me hooked that I wanted to know more.  Now, I follow a reading plan but this one doesn't seem to be working for me.  Some people feel led to read certain passages; again, this doesn't work for me.  Any advice?

2) Which bible do you like best and why? 

Having been using a study bible I would like to change to another without the study notes.



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Wow! Hi Choco, I chanced upon this post of yours and was moved to browse through it. I am struck by the many insights it elicited. I gained from those that I've read. I have plans of joining a bible group on a regular basis but sadly... it has just not materialize yet. I am doing my own reading in my own capacity and I feel I need some guidance of some sort. How wonderful that I benefited too by reading the answers to your post... got some useful and credible advice on how to read the bible. Thanks! (",)

I go to a book of the Bible, and start reading it, not necessarily the first chapter. I noticed, I am prone to go to the new testament more in books James, Acts, 1 and 2 John, 1 and 2 Peter, also Psalms in the old testament. I learn a lot by reading the Bible this way, about how to live a Christian life, and grow stronger in God.

I have the Living Bible my Mom and Dad gave me when I was 18 years old, 31 years ago. I have always cherished my Bible, and enjoy the learning from it.

My Dad gave me a Life Application Study Bible a couple of years ago. I do find it very knowledgeable because of the study notes of information about the verses, and what they mean. But I always end up going back to my Living Bible more.

I myself don't understand why I pick my bible over the study bible. I feel I learn more not having the extra notes.



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