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Hello all

My 1st post. Can anyone show me the scripture telling us that we going to heaven at the rapture event. Thank you


Blessings. The Scripture does not necessarily tell us that we immediately go to heaven. It speaks of a resurrection where the dead in Christ rise and then we which remain will be caught up with them to meet the Lord in the air. (I Thessalonians 4:13-17) You may be speaking of another rapture that some believe will happen before the tribulation or the great tribulation where the believers are raptured from the earth and go to heaven. I personally do not believe the Bible speaks of two separate events - one before the tribulation and another at the end. I believe all the verses used to speak of the catching away of the believers to be with Christ is one event towards the end of this age. I personally believe this is a future event maybe sometime very soon. I believe that once this event happens, there will be no more salvation for the Gentile and maybe even for the Jew even though some believe the Jews will be saved when Jesus returns to the earth. In Revelation 14, John speaks of the harvest of the earth. These are all those who believe in Jesus whether dead or remain that will be caught up together to meet Jesus. I Cor 15:50-51 says we will be changed in a moment. This is the moment when all believers in Christ are given their new bodies. I cannot find another event in Scripture where this takes place again. This is the resurrection. It is the end of the church age. There may be a judgment following that but that judgment will not include the church. That judgment is complete once you become a believer in Jesus. You are judged righteous in the sight of God. You are made whole. Jesus has redeemed you from all your sin and you become complete in Him. That is what is important. What we believe about future events are not nearly as important even though important as how we believe we are saved. 

The Bible teaches that there is coming a great day of tribulation upon the earth that cannot be compared to any other time period to date. Jesus taught on the subject in Matthew 24 as you all know. He talks about the beginning of tribulation with discussions of wars, disasters, earthquakes, etc. Then He begins to speak of a more serious time for the believer when they will be handed over and killed for their testimony. He talks about many people falling away due to the increased persecution of the believer. My question is this: Is this time necessary to the church at the time of the end? If one considers the warning to the church of Laodicea, is that us? Only the true Gospel can save us from our sins. Are we receiving the true Gospel in today's church? Or, is the Gospel we are receiving watered down to make it popular?

A true believer will never fall away (IMO), but Jesus is speaking of a great falling away. He goes on to say that the love of most (not a few) will grow cold (comparable to the Laodicean Church). He talks of false prophets leading many astray. The large mega-churches will cease to exist. As much as we would like for Jesus to exempt us from such a time, He does not give us that promise. The contrary is true - in John 16:33, He promises tribulation and sorrows. Yes, there have been times of peace for the church; but during those times the church grows lazy, indifferent to those around them, uncaring, and very busy in nonsense. It just may be that we really need tribulation to get us to where we need to be. I don't want trouble but probably need it. I get very lazy when times are easy.

I want Jesus. I don't want this world. However, I am human and need a big push every once in a while to keep me in His Word and trusting in Him for all my needs. Here in America we have it pretty easy even in these troubling times. We are lazy, spoiled and selfish. We are getting caught up in the things of this world. We are told to rejoice during times of trouble. We need to learn to embrace tribulation as the end result is always good. Yes, Jesus could rapture us out of or before tribulation but probably won't. He could keep us from all sorrow in this world but obviously does not.

On the other hand, I do not believe God will pour out His wrath on His people. The day of His wrath may be soon. Somehow, as Noah and Lot were, we will be delivered from that hour. Are we getting close to the days of Sodom? O God, whatever it takes, do not allow us to get to that level. God bless you all. You are wonderful people that are on this sight.
Thank you for the wonderful and inspirational msg. I agree we must remain focused on what GOD has called us to do.I hear there are films to discredit jesus, the end is near lets start saying goodbye to the world and all its sins.The anti christ is operating he has no power over us he is under the blood of jesus.The kingdom of GOD suffereth violence and the violent shall take it by force.No weapon fashioned against us shall prosper and every tongue that rises against us we shall condemn it on the day of judgement (HALLELUJAH). My brother we are heading for victory come rapture day, these days hypocrisy is a disease and we must live, talk and meditate on the word of the lord.Lets sell jesus wherever we are never mind the devil"s angels and advocates. Jesus will appear and everyone shall see him the only son of the living GOD.
Now that is very interesting. I don't think I have heard anything like this before. What other Scripture do you have to support your view? Now that our President has declared this is no longer a Christian nation, do you still hold to the idea that the special land is the U.S. I have heard that the Woman taken to the special place was Israel. The church is the bride but does the church labor in births pains? Anyway, you have me at a big disadvantage because I am not familiar with your view. I do believe there will be catching away of the believers at some point in the tribulation probably very close to the end.
Hello...I'll like to hear your responses from my questions...first..I'm a new christian and quite confused about the sequence of rapture to the second rapture going to take place before the anti-christ rise...what is the difference between great tribulation and wrath of God..most important, where are we as christians in this sequence..thanks
Well, the rapture was supposed to go on 10, 12 years ago. However, it never happened. I hope this is not a sin, but the Bible was wrong this time.

 Rex -

 You previously stated that you can't get a bible (Can we not be saved if we haven't read the Bible?), so how do you know the bible says that the rapture was going to happened 10, 12 years ago. How do you know my friend that the bible was wrong if you haven't actually read it or have you and you can't get one now or someone told you that or?


Blessings to you friend.


Charlie obviously was taken in by some prophet or something that told people he knew when Jesus was coming back. Charlie was not aware that Jesus had specifically said that no one knows the day or the hour when He will return. This would be a great site for him to learn.

Are you staying dry out there in California, David? I have been missing hearing from you but have been very busy myself.

God bless you brother,




Hey beloved I have missed your impute as well, but life has gotten real busy and Cali got more rain than i have ever seen in my life time. Three days straight of raining bro, Day and night and no haven't been able to stay dry hahaha, the rain got me a couple of times

I've been thinking of you out there in California. The weather has been pretty good here in Kansas. I hope you guys don't fall into the ocean with all those mud slides.

Hi Charlie, God bless you!

A lot of people kind of jump the gun with the rapture. We aren't given an exact date. We are given certain signs to watch for that we can know it's close. IMO the purpose of this is to inspire us to get our lives together and live for God. When we believe in the rapture we can live our lives more pleasing to Him.

There's lots of opinions going on. I listen, yes, I do. Just don't jump onto every band wagon. I like to make up my own mind. I think it makes a more convinced person.




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