All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

How can one increase joy, hope, peace, etc.? If God gives peace and we can do nothing apart from Him, can we cause our own hope, joy or peace to increase or do we just pray and it's up to God to increase it?

Why do some people seem to have a greater hope and joy, even in the face of adversity, than others? Even some sinners remain joyful in adverse circumstances while some Christians do not.

If someone is continually subjected to evil or adversity in great measure, how would they be able to, in their very being and not just mind only, begin to expect or hope for better unless God instills this in them? Just as one who sees so many blessings in life would be hard pressed to always expect the worst.

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>>>I have the joy of my salvation but as far as joy in life...

I wonder if that's a distinguishing difference in Biblical joy and what we see as joy.


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