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Question: "Will there be a second chance for salvation after the Rapture?"

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Dear Raj,

I believe we are in the last days. The Rapture could occur at any moment. However, this is not the same as the second coming. The second coming happens at the end of the tribulation. The 'Rapture' is the 'fly-by'--when Jesus comes to collect the 'church', but HE will not be seen by anyone on earth at this time, The Second coming is the 'touch down.'

The rapture is not the beginning of the tribulation, the signing of the 7 years of peace between Israel and the anti-christ will mark the beginning of the tribulation.

Here are some things that i understand we can watch for.

`signing of the seven year peace treaty
`temple in Israel to be rebuilt--God has not asked for this temple to be rebuilt...a faithful remnant of the Jewish community will refuse to participate in this temple building.
`Invasion likely from Russia to Israeli-likely to take place before the trib, but not necessarily.
`One world government.
`Ten Kingdoms coming out of One World Governement. These kingdoms will be worldwide.
`Rise of the anti-christ seemingly out of nowhere.
`Blackouts--this means the sun moon and stars are literally 'blacked out' over the entire earth, and the earth is in total darkness. Some references of this are Exodus 10:21-23 (this lasted for 3 days), and in the NT, when Jesus died Matt 27:45 (lasted for 3 hrs). I don't think these scriptures have anything to do with the trib....but they give an example of what the earth would have been like in the past when this had happened.Maybe someone else can help with the significance of the '3'.. if there is one. Joel 2:31 gives us the reference for a world-wide blackout... I have heard that there will be 5 total blackouts, but I don't know if that is accurate or not.
`The return of Elijah--for the purpose of restoring unity within the Jewish families in preparation for the coming of the Messiah. Mal 3:1 and Isaiah 40:3-5
`Once the temple is rebuilt there will be sacrifices once again, with the authority coming from the Trive of Levi--The only tribe permitted by mosiac law to take care of the temple. Records of all other jewish tribes have been destroyed in A.D 70.. But the tribe of Levi records have been preserved, these are the Jews who are able to make sacrifices..They must be able to prove they are from the tribe of Levi, and they will have the records to do so, so that they are able to perform the sacrifices. For the purpose of conducting sacrifices, only the tribe of Levi matters.

Regarding the temple, the stage is set for the building to begin if they wanted..The jews became owners of this land during the six day war in 1967. This war was not part of biblical prophecy, but it did set the stage for the jews to own the land opens the possibility for the temple to be rebuilt.

Mark 13 speaks of the church age and the general signs of the age..These are only the beginning of the birth pangs:
Nation will rise against Nation and Kingdom against Kingdom
Famines and earthquakes in various places. Local wars are the norm.

1914-1918 was the fulfillment of the first birth pang with WWI. Historians generally agree that WWII was a continuation of WWI. Both wars had a decisive impact on Jewish history. WWI was the growth of the Zionist movement--it prepared the land. WWII lead to the establishment of the Jewish state-it prepared the people. We have entered into the last days of the church days. The end of this age has begun. The church age is the age of Grace.

I am doing an official study on this in the new year, and I will be more confident to discuss it further at that time. It is exciting to see these prophecies unfold before our eyes. When I look at the prophecies that are yet to be fulfilled, I can see how they are possible... Only God knows when

I am only beginning to study this (and really I haven't even officially begun yet)... Anyway, this is why I believe as i do.
I truly believe we are in the last days.
Blessings, Carla

Please share your Scripture for this fly-by rapture.

The 'Rapture' is the 'fly-by'--when Jesus comes to collect the 'church', but HE will not be seen by anyone on earth at this time, The Second coming is the 'touch down.'

Are you saying that this is when the resurrection of the dead takes place as well? If so, when will those who are saved and die during the tribulation resurrected? Are you only talking about a few (144,000, witnesses, etc.)? Or, will there be another mass resurrection following this first resurrection?

Roy, I've removed my reply for now until I can spend more time on it. I hadn't intended to 'get into it' as I have not studied the topic indepth enough at this point in time. Some of your replies came down with mine when I removed them.
Blessings, Carla
Raj......'who' really 'knows'....any of this stuff?
Job 38:
1 Then the LORD answered Job out of the whirlwind, and said:
2 “Who is this who darkens counsel
By words without knowledge?
3 Now prepare yourself like a man;
I will question you, and you shall answer Me.
4 “ Where were you when I laid the foundations of the earth?
Tell Me, if you have understanding.

5 Who determined its measurements?
Surely you know!
Or who stretched the line upon it?

6 To what were its foundations fastened?
Or who laid its cornerstone,

7 When the morning stars sang together,
And all the sons of God shouted for joy?
There are various views regarding the original topic. One may feel strongly about their view, but it is often difficult and in some case impossible to clearly identify the events of the future with crystal clear certainty. The following is not meant to be comprehensive, but simply an overview of some of the different beliefs regarding this topic.

What are some of the views of the rapture?

1) Rapture occurs with sufficient time between the rapture and Second Coming for people to be saved, both Jew and Gentile. There are various views as to how people may be saved once the church, the bride, is removed. Some believe it is a return to the covenant with the nation of Israel as the time of the Gentiles has passed. Some believe it is still an extension of the ongoing grace of this era. Some believe a new covenant will be in place for that period.
2) Rapture occurs with sufficient time between the rapture and the Second Coming for only the remnant of Israel to be saved. It is believed that God will turn their hearts to Him in a miraculous work of calling the remnant unto Himself before the end comes.
3) Rapture occurs at the same time as the Second Coming and thus there is no in-between time for people to be saved, and thus the current question is moot.

What are some of the views regarding the resurrection.

1) The first resurrection happens at the time of the rapture which is in conjunction with the time of the Second Coming. All are resurrected at the same time in one event.
2) The first resurrection is not a single event, but a process that began with Jesus being the first and will conclude at the Second Coming. This view accepts several distinct times when people are resurrected, all under the banner of the First Resurrection.

Food for thought.

Lord Bless,
TheNET Coordinator
Hey Raj.. I'm answering for myself here...

I love to think on the things of heaven. And even though I don't have most things figured out, I like to discuss them. I like to study them, and I am continually blessed when the Lord gives me understanding on any given topic. The more I study, pray and discuss, the more understanding I am given. I love to talk about Jesus...and I love meeting people who want to talk about Jesus.

For me, it's not a debate..but a discussion. I'm not here trying to prove to anyone that I am right. But I will question things that do not seem right (as we all are I guess).
Blessings, Carla
Amen and Amen!
Amen sis Carla.

People discuss these things because they are the things of God. In the discussion, though we may not find the definitive answer on this topic, often times we find other hidden jewels or nuggets of truth. Studying and discussing God's Word is always a good thing as long as the people do it in a God honoring manner.

Lord Bless,
TheNET Coordinator
Amen and amen LT

I think this discussion has grown cold. I would like to shed some light on your question. As I have said I am not so sure that there will be people seeking salvation after the rapture. The key to this question has to be the timing of the rapture. If you put a rapture at the beginning of the tribulation, it does appear that there are people getting to heaven somehow during the tribulation. However, if you put the rapture towards the end of the tribulation, you do not have as many problems with this question. If the rapture comes at the end, it will obviously take place when the full number of all of God's children are brought through the gate and safely in the fold. This is the view that I have come to believe.

If the rapture occurs after the full number of all those who are to be saved are in fact saved, the question then becomes a mute point. The answer would be that all those who are going to be saved are already saved. The full number is in and He returns to harvest the earth. He gathers the elect from one end of the earth to the other. This is my belief. It certainly simplifies everything. What do you think?
Sorry for coming in so late Raj.

When one sits in an examination, the study books are closed. All opportunities for further study is finished. One either knows the answers BEFORE or fails.

Now Scripture tells as that the Just shall live by faith

Hab 2:4 Behold, his soul which is lifted up is not upright in him: but the just shall live by his faith.
Rom 1:17 For therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith: as it is written, The just shall live by faith.
Gal 3:11 But that no man is justified by the law in the sight of God, it is evident: for, The just shall live by faith.
Heb 10:38 Now the just shall live by faith: but if any man draw back, my soul shall have no pleasure in him.

Once we realise that we have been left behind, Faith falls by the wayside. The position would then be:
"Hey Guys, seeing is Believing. Now that we have been left behind, We better Repent." Now that is not faith. The Bible is very clear in it's definition of faith: Hebrews 11:1

"Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." I prefer to play it safe and complete my Study before I am presented with reality .

Think about it. There must be millions in Hell at this present time. Once there we understand that there is no escape .
Now if the Rapture happens today and Unbelievers are given a second chance, would it not be unfair of God to deny everyone in Hell a second chance? What makes today's world of Unbelievers different from those who have already spent thousands of years in Hell? Also what factor would decide who does and who does not get a second chance ?
But scripture is again quite clear: "To day if ye will hear his voice, harden not your hearts." Hebrews 3:15


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