Perhaps this question has already been dealt with.
Hi Margaret,
You sound angry: "it not for you to make up your mind, its what scriture says is all that matters."
I agree that the Scritures are all that matters, but the Lord does want us to study to receive His approval and show ourselves as worthy workemen. Failing which, how are we able to make up our minds about what the scriptures say by simply believing? What are we to believe?
For instance the Bible says: " It would be better to have a millstone tied around your neck and caste into the sea, than to offend a child" Luke 17:2 Somewhere else in the New testament it says: "go and do likewise."
Also I might be out of my depth here, I was sure I would find the word "Restrainer" In fact I am sure I have seen it in the Bible myself. But no ways can I find it. Could anyone be of assitance here?
It is good to hear from you. The verse she is talking about is in 2 Thessalonians.
2 Thess 2:5-7
5 Remember ye not, that, when I was yet with you, I told you these things?
6 And now ye know that which restraineth, to the end that he may be revealed in his own season.
7 For the mystery of lawlessness doth already work: only (there is) one that restraineth now, until he be taken out of the way. ASV
However, the verse does not place the rapture before the tribulation. The first of the chapter does talk about the coming of the Lord. I personally believe the coming of the Lord will be at the resurrection, not seven years before. I don't see anyway to separate the two. Some feel this verse is speaking of the invasion of Jerusalem in AD 70. It is impossible to state that absolutley. That is the reason I hesitate to discuss this issue. I grew up with pretribbers. Some can get pretty dogmatic about what they have been taught. I was taught it my entire early Christian life. I now see it is full of flaws.
Blessings. How is you wife doing?
Hi Roy,
Good to hear from you my friend and brother,
There has been very little activity on AAG. In fact I'm surprised that folk are still on this particular subject started some time ago. Never the less it is always good to read comments and can learn from them.
How are you and your Bride keeping? My Bride has been through a really rough patch. We almost lost her after surgery.. I phoned our son and told him that she was at deaths door. He flew down from Johannesburg, walked into the ICU ward, took one look at her and said: "She's drowning, her lungs are full of fluid" He instructed the staff to bring a drainage system which he set up and then contacted a Specialist physician to watch over her. He instructed the surgeon who was quite happy to leave things as they were, despite the sudden deterioration....... to stay away.
Port Edward and surrounding towns are literally small Villages and I'm afraid doctors do not get hands on practice that Doctors do in the larger cities such as Johannesburg etc. Which I guess accounts for their lack of experience.
Never the less she is OK but not OK! if you get my drift. Les says we must not "Molly Coddle" her, but rather let her do whatever she feels she needs to do around the house, which will assist in her recovery.
Yes! Prophecy can be exciting and yet if too much emphasis is put on it, one can come adrift rather badly. During my 55 odd years as a Christian I have noticed that many who decide to indulge too heavily in the subject, lose their enthusiasm and even backslide.
By the way thank you for your help on the "Restrainer" Its been some time since I heard that word being used. I knew that it was listed but still could not find it in any of my Bibles.
Hence I put out a call for help. Ten minutes afterwards my brain got into gear and I realised that the word I should have looked for was either "restrain" or "restraineth".
Thank you for your help.
Just realised it's after midnight.
Lotsa Blessings to both you and your Bride.
Your Brother and Friend,
I have been tribulating for a few years now. (: or so it would seem. But 'earthly things' are only earthly things. The whole while that whilst it seems my earthly affairs are somewhat of a mess....I have been growing in leaps-&-bounds in the Kingdom of heaven. All the 'stuff'...of this world....does not matter. All that matters to me; is my Love for Him who loves me first. If any of the things of 'end-times' come sooner...or if they come later....or somewhere in the middle; what is important for me WILL NOT CHANGE! One thing I do that these things WILL come.
24But in those days, after that tribulation, the sun shall be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light,
25And the stars of heaven shall fall, and the powers that are in heaven shall be shaken.
26And then shall they see the Son of man coming in the clouds with great power and glory.
27And then shall he send his angels, and shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from the uttermost part of the earth to the uttermost part of heaven.
28Now learn a parable of the fig tree; When her branch is yet tender, and putteth forth leaves, ye know that summer is near:
29So ye in like manner, when ye shall see these things come to pass, know that it is nigh, even at the doors.
Even so.....come Lord Jesus, Come. Amen
New American Standard Bible "This gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all the nations, and then the end will come.
Hi both Margaret and "Forgiven",
This is the wonderful thing about the Bible. It gives you just enough information each time you open it, to wet your appetite and make you want more.
Causing us to study deeper. The moment one does this, he/she is hooked and at the same time realise that the truth is in there. Be it Pre-Trib, Mid-trib or Post-Trib.
Just when one is convinced that it is definitely a Pre-Trib rapture, you come across Scripture warnings to Christians who will be going through the Tribulation. Why the warnings about the mark of the Beast, if we are not going to be here? Or are all the Tribulation warnings meant for Jewish folk who become Christians during the Tribulation? The next question is when does Israel become convicted and become Christians? Is it before the tribulation starts or only when they see Christ standing on the Mount, and Israel weeps for their Son whom they persecuted and crucified?
We see then that there are so many "IF's" and "WHY's" and to me this is WONDERFUL! WHY? Well lets imagine the Bible was written in such a way that everyone would understand it right away. If this was true...... The Bible would have been a dead book before it was ever published. But the way the Bible is written, demands that we study it to dig out the truths therein. What gems we find when we do this.
So for me, if today I believe in the Pre-Trib , Post or Mid-Trib, it really does not worry me when I continually change my point of view. I simply quote a verse I learnt years ago and it goes like this
"I have no othe argument
I have no other plea,
But that Jesus died for you
And He also died for me."
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