I agree with you Seek. The grievous troubles that we can go through I believe are designed to help us grow even more closer to God. Even God's apostles endured tremendous heartache and pain. I know that we are all sinners. All of us. But, I see this as one who is mournful and crying out to God.
Seek, The Holy Spirit loves you. Draw near to him and let him hold you close in God's word. :-D
Though the storms and pains of this life surround us, we are not alone.
Though sometimes we feel so lonely, we are not alone.
Though others cause grief, we are not alone.
Though we raise our hands high in the sky as if in surrender, we are not alone.
Holy Spirit cover my Sister Seek in comfort and calm her heart. YOU are not alone. This is my prayer Abba, anoint Seeks head with your love and give her rest. In the name of Jesus our savior we pray, Amen.
I have noticed that a lot of born-again Christians are still praying to God as Job did, not realizing we are in a different dispensation than that of Job, and our communication with God is different. Job didn’t have Jesus Christ as his mediator as we do. I think that the reason we pray the way some do, is we don’t have a proper perspective of who we are IN CHRIST. When we are asking God for things that Jesus has already appropriated for us, rather than thanking Him for it, we really don’t believe it is a finished work by our Lord Jesus. We forget scriptures like “By whose stripes we were healed.” 1Pet.2:24, “according as His Divine power hath given to us all things that pertain unto life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him…”2Pet.1:2-3. Did Peter and John ask God to heal the lame man at the gate beautiful? Acts. 3:6, No! but it was “IN THE NAME OF JESUS” this is what Peter had; the name of Jesus. He had His “Jesus’s” authority to cast out demons, lay hands on the sick, etc. Because of our wavering about whether or not it is God’s will to heal or deliver, we will ask if it be thy will. Or they are looking for a fleece, i.e. if it be thy will, let this or that happen so I will know, and on and on it goes. I don’t believe there will ever be another situation like Job had.
Must go
PS. Amanda,
I think all of us at one time or other have asked, "God, how could You let this happen to me?”
I know this might be off subject, but this one part: I can’t believe anyone could ask God, why did you let this happen to me?
When something happens to me, I always look at the decisions, or choices I made that led to my successes, or failures. I have always believed that I am a product of my choices. But it seems most people must blame someone else for their misfortunes, or failures, as if they had nothing to do with it. I am a child of God because, when He called, I believed and chose to follow Him.
Joshua 24:15 (KJV)
15 And if it seem evil unto you to serve the LORD, choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD. Amen ?
Grace has already provided everything a person needs, but everything a person needs is appropriated by faith. As with salvation, by grace through faith. In Christ we are complete. Our wisdom, righteousness, sanctification, and redemption. 1Cor.1:30. It is a completed work in Christ, again, appropriated by faith, even we have access by faith into this grace wherein we stand. Ro.5:2. But with a wavering faith, let not that man think he shall receive anything of the Lord. Ja.1:5-8
JM, it's all good. What used to take me a week or more to come back fighting from doesn't go past the day now. Whatever doesn't kill us makes us stronger. And anymore I'm like...if it kills me, I'll just be with God a lot sooner. LOL
Amanda, AHA! See I totally missed that one. It certainly does sound that way.
From my youth I have suffered and been close to death;
I can't see how on earth anyone would see this as someone suffering for their sin. I just knew when I read this commentary that it wasn't ringing right to me.
JB, I'm gonna hafta wag a finger at you and say bad boy. Bad bad bad boy! Now that I have that out of my system, and in a humongous hurry, as usual, consider this...
If you are molested when you're 5, what did you do or choose to do that caused it? How about when you were 2 and being severely beaten by foster parents growing up never having been taught about God, but taught to steal and lie for those just using you as a paycheck? What choice did you make that caused a masked gunman to stroll into your church and shoot you in the back of your head as you prayed? There are many things that many of us might want to ask God why. But that is where faith comes in that, after facing such situations not of our own freewill, but put upon us by others, that we ultimately have to decide that God may not share with us the why, now or ever. But we can still trust to know that His ultimate plan is for our good. Believing in the unseen while seeing the evil all around us I'm convinced makes one even more blessed. As Christ told Thomas, blessed are those who HAVEN'T seen and believe, I feel that even more blessed are those that not only haven't seen, but have seen the complete opposite throughout life, and yet still choose to believe. I'm gonna leave you that one to gnaw on and skedaddle before LT comes in and tells me to play nice. :-P
You and I both know the Word says that “in this world you will have tribulation, but be of good cheer, for I have overcome the world” Why would He say “be of good cheer” for I have overcome the world? My big question, or response was, yea you have overcome it, but what about me? Then I realized I was in Him, I am not my own anymore. But to be of good cheer, as you said, we either get stronger because of them, or we die, which Paul said it was much better for him to go and be with the Lord, but for their sake, he would stay here. Reminds me of what a preacher said the other day, At church they will sing “when we all get to heaven, what a day of rejoicing that will be, when we all see Jesus; we will sing and shout the victory” they go to the doctor the next day for a check-up, and the doc says you’re going to die, and the first thing they will do is start to cry and ask for prayer. Lol
See as it was asked above, what is an abundant life? It is peace with God, by assurance of salvation, it is not by any means accumulation of the things of this world; for the Kingdom of God is not meat nor drink, but righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Ghost. Rom14:17. You can read almost every day about people that has everything money can buy, yet so depressed, they will take their own life. I used to ask why, then I realized they didn’t know Jesus, they didn’t have the peace of God that passes all understanding. The Word says, love not the world, neither the things that are in the world, if any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in them, for the things that are in the world, the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eye, and the pride of life is not of the Father, but of the world….1Jo.2:16
But the things you mentioned earlier, things that happened before we had any control, either too young, or in the wrong place at the wrong time, or as some have said, I knew I shouldn’t have done this or that, being disobedient to that still small voice inside saying, this is the way walk ye in it. That still small voice is the grace of God that leads us out of situations we find ourselves in, as Paul and his thorn. That grace is sufficient for us as well if we obey it. But those things you mentioned, is all due to the fall. It is going to happen to us, but for the most part we don’t have to let those things control our lives. We stay defeated by feeding on them, constantly letting the enemy bring them back to our remembrance, and we will feed on them till they dominate our thinking, bringing on all sorts of thoughts.
God’s ultimate plan is to get us back home.
I have probably gnawed enough, it is getting late and I must get up early for work. God bless.
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