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I been reading over Psalms 37, mainly versus 4 through 7.
Verse 4 Tells us to Delight yourself also in the Lord and He will give the desires and secret petitions of your heart.
First of all, I need a clear understanding of "delight" yourself in the Lord. Can anyone shed any insight on this verse?
Thank you.

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Hi Dee....

Long time no talk! :)

The first desire of my heart is to delight in Jesus.

I know that Jesus died for me to save me from death. He willingingly gave His own life that mine might be spared. I know I am not a good person. I know I constantly make mistakes. I also know that because of my faith I am saved because of what Jesus has done for me on the cross. God's Love is unfailing. He is merciful towards me because He knows how weak I am. He demonstrates His Grace towards me constantly....His Grace is sufficient for me. He is far bigger than any trial I face, and He upholds me with His strong hand. He guides me through my troubles, and answers me when I cry out to Him. He knows my heart. He tells me to not worry, because He cares for me. He keeps telling me to rest in Him and wait for Him so that I do not move ahead of Him. Jesus wants the best for me, and He holds my best interest ....while He is working everything out for all others also, so that His purposes will prevail. He disciplines me and that proves His Love. He is my Shield and my Fortress. My next breathe is dependent upon Christ. He is my life--completely! He is my Savior, and I want people to see Him. My desire is to please Jesus entirely.

Therefore, I "delight" in Him. Much Love in Christ, Carla
To me, it means to make the Lord a priority in ones life, and as this happens... you begin to receive the joy of the Lord... causing you to truly desire to be in his presence. He wants to be # 1 in our life... he does not want to take a backseat to anyone or anything. He is a jealous God, and he desires our whole heart, and he wants it to be stayed upon him.

This is not a legalistic thing, by any means, he wants us to truly love him, with all our hearts, and he works to that end,
I believe.
Hey Deedee :)

This Psalm 37 particularly mainly verse 4 and 7 are so precious and comforting, bless God. To me, it means to be happy in the Lord, His words and His ways. Not to be offended in the Lord, , trust His words and His ways and make what He says to be the priority in what you do and what you decide, then He will bless you with your heart desires. Give and it shall be given back to you....

You are blessed Deedee :)
Thank you so much for the replies. I knew I was on the right track, but I wanted to get more opinions about this, especially from Christians who are more mature than myself. I try so hard to delight myself in God but it is really hard sometimes. Especially in the midst of a trial, it's very difficult to remain positive and reprogram the mind to think positive when it's use to thinking negative. Over the past months, I have been struggling to trust in Jesus regardless of the circumstances that I face, but it's difficult and sometimes very over whelming. But I am going to continue to trust in God, and pray for guidance in my life. I am learning to be more appreciative and count my blessings. I do have a long way to go though before I am strong enough to honestly say that I completely trust in God.
Hey, whassup ? I just signed up cos though I know and believe that GOD sent His Son to die on the cross for my redemption I still need to become more rooted in HIM. 'delighting' ur self in serving the LORD is simply once you taste HIS glory theres no going back. For example if chocolates are a delight just imagine what GOD's mercy and Love is like. Be joyous in HIM, serving him with all ur being... Well thats my understanding of delighting in serving the One True GOD.

Hope this helps.


1. A high degree of pleasure, or satisfaction of mind; joy.

His delight is in the law of the Lord. Psa 1.

2. That which gives great pleasure; that which affords delight.

Titus was the delight of human kind.

I was daily his delight. Prov 8.

Delight is a more permanent pleasure than joy, and not dependent on sudden excitement.


1. To affect with great pleasure; to please highly; to give or afford high satisfaction or joy; as, a beautiful landscape delights the eye; harmony delights the ear; the good conduct of children, and especially their piety, delights their parents.

I will delight myself in thy statutes. Psa 119.

2. To receive great pleasure in.

I delight to do thy will. Psa 40:8.

DELIGHT, v.i. To have or take great pleasure; to be greatly pleased or rejoiced; followed by in.

I delight in the law of God after the inward man. Rom 7.


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