How can a person prove to others the bible's not some "man made book corupted by man"? For those who believe it's God's word but it's been corupted over the years.
And, what do I do if I tell someone a doctrine (the deity of Christ), that it's in the bible but I get a comment "Than the bible's wrong!"
Hmmmm. I've never thought about that before - Thomas needing evidence. He literally had to physically touch Him to know it was truly Him. Sheesh. I've never looked at it in this light.
What is interesting to me is that here we are with all our modern technological machines and still nothing explains the universe better than Genesis one. Only a fool comes to the conclusion that there is no God. The Bible claims to be God's Word. As Stig mentioned that doesn't prove that it is but it does make sense that He would communicate to us. He made us. We can be certain that the documents translated into His Word are very accurate. In other words, we do not have forged documents. We have the Bible. The Bible has created faith all over this world in God and His Son Jesus. It is a very powerful Book. It changes lives. I'll never figure out why some people believe what it says while others do not. I think we have to conclude that it is either God's Word or it is not. On which side of the fence of that question a person comes down on determines his worldview.
Do we have enough evidence of the resurrection to believe? I don't think so. We do have the testimony of some that do believe the Scripture when it comes to the resurrection. We do have some historical documents that give us evidence that a person by the name of Jesus that certainly fits the description given to us in the New Testament did, in fact, live in the first century in Israel. His following is documented. But is there evidence for His resurrection? I think it still requires faith to accept the resurrection story. Believing Jesus is God requires faith. I really don't think you can witness on an intellectual level. You cannot come to God without faith. Sometimes you just have to wait on the individual to get to the place where they are ready to receive Christ. An intellectual discussion might be interesting but it will never save anyone. To be saved, everyone of us have had to take a leap of faith. There is just no way to convince someone that Jesus is God from an intellectual standpoint. That requires faith which the Bible states is a gift of God.
Do we have enough evidence of the resurrection to believe? I don't think so....... But is there evidence for His resurrection? I think it still requires faith to accept the resurrection story
Speak for yourself Roy. It was the evidence for the resurrection (which I've documented in my blog) that helped convince me Jesus was the Son of God. No one is saved by evidence, they are saved by believing Jesus Christ is Lord and I have never said anything to the contrary. But evidence helps us make that realisation or it certainly did with me. There is no one knockdown argument of piece of evidence, it's a combination including Gods revelation.
I have not read your blog but I am assuming it is more of a logical approach with some circumstantial evidence rather than physical proof which obviously we do not have. The main evidence for believing is the witness of the witnesses. Isn't it amazing that so many dismissed all those eye-witnesses?
It's based on events that historians agree happened using evidence that even sceptical historians and scholars will allow - but since you haven't even bothered to look at what I've presented, you're not in a position to critique/comment on it
I will read it when I can get some time. Faith is a gift. It comes by hearing the Word. I doubt that you are disputing that. You had to be given faith in order to come to Christ. Perhaps some historical documents helped confirm your faith or something.
Perhaps some historical documents helped confirm your faith or something
Did more than that but yes, that is generally what I have been saying since minute 1
Sorry, I have not read all the posts. My experience was different. I came to Christ as a young boy. My parents were Christian. However, I had a crisis experience at the age of 27. I began to doubt, not God, but my own salvation. I went on a long fast and spent hours every day reading His Word. Finally at about day 9, faith broke through. I understood mostly from Romans and Galatians that Jesus had indeed saved me and that I was eternally saved. My life has been changed since. I am still the same imperfect person, but know for certain that I am saved from all my weaknesses. The problem was, the church I was pastoring split. The church was a strong Armenian church and I had become a Calvinist. I don't allow myself to get into those kinds of arguments as they can become very heated as I found out here on AAG. However, it was a glorious revelation that Jesus was indeed my Savior.
Your experience is obviously much different and God obviously approached you differently. But, in my theology (which many if not most will not agree with), God had His eye on you and you were not going to escape Him no matter what. Just disregard all of this, though, as I understand your position. My understanding is limited and because of my upbringing I needed convincing that a guy like me could really be saved. I really thought I was just too bad of a character to ever be loved by God. I think many are in that same category.
I do give all the praise to Him for my salvation. By the way, I still belong to an Armenian church and get along fine.
Yeah mine was very different. I had to get to the point that God even existed before I could start thinking about salvation.
You got the information about the woodpecker and other things you mentioned from the Bible? or you got your information that the Bible is corrupted from simply reading it? BTW you misquoted Scriptures. The Bible does not say make out your own salvation. Sometimes in paraphrasing we can err. We do well to heed the warnings in Revelations. To which one are you referring? There are many. Here is a good article about it, from the internet:
Question: "Does the warning in Revelation 22:18-19 apply to the entire Bible or just the Book of Revelation?"
Answer: Revelation 22:18-19 contains a warning to anyone who tampers with the biblical text: “For I testify together to everyone who hears the Words of the prophecy of this Book: If anyone adds to these things, God will add on him the plagues that have been written in this Book. And if anyone takes away from the Words of the Book of this prophecy, God will take away his part out of the Book of Life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which have been written in this Book.” The question is whether these verses refer to the whole Bible or just the Book of Revelation.
This warning is given specifically to those who distort the message of the Book of Revelation. Jesus Himself is the Author of Revelation and the giver of the vision to the apostle John (Revelation 1:1). As such, He concludes the book with a confirmation of His testimony to the finality of the prophecies contained in Revelation. These are His words, and He warns against distorting them in any way, whether through additions, subtractions, falsifications, alterations, or intentional misinterpretations. The warning is explicit and dire. The plagues of Revelation will be visited upon anyone guilty of tampering in any way with the revelations in the book, and those who dare to do so will have no part in eternal life in heaven.
Although the warning in Revelation 22:18-19 is specific to the Book of Revelation, the principle applies to anyone who seeks to intentionally distort God's Word. Moses gave a similar warning in Deuteronomy 4:1-2; where he cautioned the Israelites that they must listen to and obey the commandments of the Lord, neither adding to nor taking away from His revealed Word. Proverbs 30:5-6 contains a similar admonition to anyone who would add to God’s words: he will be rebuked and proven to be a liar. Although the warning in Revelation 22:18-19 applies specifically to the Book of Revelation, its principle must be applied to the entire revealed Word of God. We must be careful to handle the Bible with care and reverence so as to not distort its message.
Recommended Resource: The Big Book of Bible Difficulties by Geisler & Howe.
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