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Death and life are in the power of the tongue,
And those who love it will eat its fruit.

I would like thoughts on what this means to you.

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I’m sorry Seek and Amanda, I don’t have time tonight to respond fully to your posts, but will as soon as possible. There’s an old western song that pretty much describes how I feel about this subject right now; maybe you can identify the way I feel about it; “we have a long way to go, and a short time to get there.” Just a little humor for now.

May the Lord Bless.


Actually it's like I was telling Tammy yesterday.  Deep thinking goes over my shallow head so I can't for the life of me figure out how ya feel about it.  But I was thinking that was a trucker song.  Old western?


...Do not cover the whole, do not try to patch it over to pretend that is not there, you will find that you can't ignore it, so YOu have to give it purpose....


Give it purpose - Let the Name of God be blessed through your circumstance.

About three minutes from the end, she says, "Remembering that you're dealing with a person ... It is a person, and it's raw wounds, and be careful how you step on those sometimes and how you reach out to someone. I think the message of grace is far more powerful than the message of ... making someone feel condemned to a label that they'll never be able to erase."

Sadly, even the way mind renewal is commanded and the way people are rebuked for failing to show that their minds are being renewed is not even a message of grace anymore, but one of personal effort. IMO

It is written that by your words you will be acquitted, by your words you will be condemned. God not only looks at actions, but thoughts and words as well, he say, "You will give account for every idle word you have spoken."

After all, He's perfect... If it were not for The Messiah, nobody would make it. But those of us who believe might benefit from looking at these things and tossing out our old behaviors.

If people could toss out old behaviors, we wouldn't need Jesus.  Only God can change the inner man, can help us to break old behaviors/habit.  And we most certainly will give an account.  If we use words that bring other people down, we will be held accountable for that.  If however, we are discouraged and feel as if we are not worthy, not loved, etc., God will do the same for us He did for Gideon.  He will encourage us, build us up, and let us know we ARE mighty men of valor.  He won't wag His finger at us and refuse to help us overcome low esteem issues because we can't speak as if we're confident.

It is by the power of Christ we are enabled to toss out our old behaviors. Christ asked, "How is it you call me Lord, Lord and then don't do what I say?" So I agree with you, we couldn't change anything without Him, he does expect us to call upon and use that power to effectively stand against the adversary. But, as with salvation, we must be willing to receive and act accordingly - those who rationalize have a hard time receiving. This isn't God punishing, He gives us what we need... There are humans who, instead, prefer to wallow in self pity, greed or what ever other sinful attitudes they got themselves stuck in. Those who live with night, call it light.

I think this is why Scripture says to come into HIs courts Boldly, after all, the prodigal son returned and that father celebrated, but the son did have to humbly return.

But even one who might wallow in self pity, or have a period of discouragement at times, even God admonishes encouragement to the brokenhearted.  We have to discern when to preach and when to encourage, so that when one is down and out and speaks out of that for a time, we don't shove them down even further by telling them God won't help them unless they always speak in the positive.

Self-pity can often be a learned behavior, become a habit.  It is something God will break with time if the person is willing and truly trying.  But we won't be "changed in the twinkling of an eye" until Christ returns.  That means upon salvation, we are new creatures, but we have to grow in Christ and not expect we will change overnight.

I'm not saying otherwise, I'm not the judge, I'm in the same boat as everyone else and am not in any positions to pass judgement. There are some however, whom it seems no amount of consolation has any constructive effect - and that tends to drag me down - so I move on to the next and check on them later - I'm sure to encourage them to ask for comfort of the holy spirit.

I know painfully well we don't change overnight... The very things I hate, I end up doing.

Yes, sometimes it can drag us down helping and we need to take a break or move on and God will send another to help.  But we can keep praying for them and help when and where we can.  Some people can take longer to heal.  We're all different in how we respond to things.

Only God can change the inner man, can help us to break old behaviors/habit.

I believe this is one of the biggest problems with Christians that believes that God will do everything for them, without them doing anything to bring it about. Waiting for God to make a change in their hearts; not realizing that by filling the heart with “His Word” the change will be made, But we have to first get His Word in our hearts, He doesn’t do that, we do, He gives us the desire, But we do the studying of the Word to allow it “the Spirit” to do its work, and that is what will make the changes in the way you think, in other words, by the renewing of the mind, which “you” must do. 2Cor.3:18 says “but we all with open faces, beholding as in a glass, the glory of the Lord, are changed into that same image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord.” Is not His Word the Spirit of the Lord? Jo.6:63 Thy words are spirit and life. (Paraphrased) His Words will become the abundance of your heart from which you will speak.  Luke 6:45-46 “ I heard a man say one time, “I can tell what’s in your heart, by what comes out of your mouth”.2Tim.2:20-21,”But in a great house there are not only vessels of gold and of silver, but also of wood and if earth; some to honor, and some to dishonor; if a man would purge himself from these, he shall be a vessel unto honor, sanctified, meet for the Masters use, and prepared unto every good work” please note; “if a man would purge himself”  who is doing the purging? So in light of this scripture, how can we say that “only God can change the inner man”? By meditating on the Word, and giving the Word first place in our hearts, the change will take place “effortlessly”. We need to change the way we think, or even our perspective of God. Your thoughts will determine your decisions; and your decisions will determine your actions; and your actions will eventually become your habits; and your habits will develop your character; and your character will determine your destiny. The mind is the play-ground of the devil; he is trying to take over your thought life. We must learn how to take it back, because you can control what you think. Every thought needs to be checked against the Word, or image of God. 2Cor.10:5,”Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ” It is Christ in you, our hope of glory!!


Excellent! WE have to do the footwork, He assists if we turn toward Him and walk in His ways. It's like, well I was called upon to help others and thought, 'What have I to give?' - it's supposed to be a flow, like surrender, if I resist I stop the flow, if I do His will I find I already have everything I need because he knew before the foundation of the world who I would be, what I would need, and he made a plan for me at that point in Eternity. If I truly believe it shows in my actions, I don't just sit around and wait for angel to tap me on the head with a magic staff and make everything ok. Though I have my times of doubt from all that spiritual oppression from the dark side - I can praise God that evil considers me important enough to attack! If I didn't have Him in me they wouldn't spend so much energy on lil' ole Vince. So I understand why it written rejoice in your sufferings because the testing of your faith refines it. May we  remember to pray for the unity of all believers, everywhere, for we need to bind together in faith for the hardest times ever are approaching. So we really need the edification. Amen.


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