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Hi everyone!


We were having a discussion at work a day or two ago about pre-marital sex.  We all agree that it is wrong, but what do do after you have sinned?  One group said that if you were having pre-marital sex all you had to do is ask for forgiveness and sin no more. 


The other group said that those two persons should get married (Deut 22:28), and that they are now one in flesh.


Both groups motivated their points out of the Bible. Personally I feel that they should get married.  What do you think?

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wow thank you for that! that opened my eyes i never thought about it that way :)
Hi Adriana,
The varied response of your group is so interesting, being that I just told someone on Tuesday " You can ALMOST find a scripture to support any view. Anyway, it sounds like the members of your group have at least the basics of Christianity in their knowledge. Just to share a scripture with you, Hebrew 10:26, For if we sin wilfully AFTER that we have received the knowledge of the truth, there remaineth NO MORE sacrifice for sins.

So going into the situation, even children realize this act is wrong despite their limited knowledge of God's word. If you will, to me, it seems that getting married AFTER the deed is like getting a glass AFTER the milk's been poured. The intimatcy of relationships that was to be saved for that special moment between a HUSBAND (male) and a WIFE (female) in just my opinion has become the equivilant of a quick spin around the block on the newest bike.

Taking a saying from another member "Here's goes my neck", If a person is taken sexually against their will, in that case I could see forgiveness. Meanwhile, I would STRONGLY urge you and your friends to encourage all you know to continue to apply God's word because falling out of God's grace is not somewhere one wants to be

I hope this response is of some help. ;-)

Always Hoping

I can speak from personal experience. I lived with premarital sex. I repented but continued to fall into sin. I was in college and had no accountability to anyone. When we did go to a pastor they said we should get married. what they did not know was that this guy was a loser, a druggie, cheater, ect. We married and it did not last.

Separation, break up, and counseling and acountability AND repentance would have been better advice to me. My father tried to discourage me from getting married but I had already made up my mind that marriage was the only way. I thought I really loved this guy. Listening to our parents is biblical and encouraged. They have been there done that and burned the t-shirt. I am remarried  with 3 kids,by the grace of God and am so thankful for the blood of Jesus washing me of all my sins and giving me  a new beginning. We should have never fallen into sin (we were highschoolers for heavens sake) but we did. But I believe that is what the blood of Jesus is all about. Repentance and change.

Misty, I agree: marrying a person simply because you've copulated with that person could be a disastrous idea.  Even the Law God gave to Israel through Moses did not require (or permit) those who sinned sexually to marry in all cases.

I'm also concerned that Hope quoted that Hebrews 10:26 passage that is so often quoted out-of-context.  The proper context is the entire Book of Hebrews, and reading it out-of-context can give one the deadly impression that God does not fogive Christians of intentional sins. 

thank you for pointing that out, i have not yet read hebrews but it doesnt seem right and i am going to do research on it
A person would confess their sin to God and the proper authority(ie: bishop) so the person could receive full forgiveness. 
I disagree...God does not want any marriage to end in divorce so if you have premarital sex, ask forgiveness and do it no more. If you get married just because of a sin, who does it serve if it ends in divorce?

PRE- marital sex is committed due to physical sexual desires NOT OUT OF TRUE LOVE. Selfish benefits and one sided satisfaction is usually the only motive. Pre-marital sex is purely physical attraction no Love at all, in any kind.

Marriage is the union of two different persons to be come one. Each persons cannot decide on his/ her own alone or for his/her own benefits alone but for the two that become one.

Love is sincere, hopeful, not selfish, respectful, does not delight in evil....... Romans 12: 9 - 21

TRUE LOVE HAS NO PRE-MARITAL SEX... the True Christain way... but if you are of your father the Devil - may the Lord forgives you or let your soul enjoy the  burning sulfur of hell?


Sex outside marriage it is an offence against our creator. It shouldn’t be encouraged as it says in the book of Deuteronomy 28:12, 30:15. When we disobey we suffer severe consequences. Today we have a serious problems of HIV so many people have perished because of disobedience to their creator. We have to be very careful when God warns it is serious we need to listen and obey, it is absolutely for our own goodness. Today we have so many street kids, crime, drugs, and broken homes; it is because of our inability to listen to our God who loves us so much. He created life, he is the one who knows it better to lead us, show us the way. But we are so stubborn we want always to go it alone hence we suffer. I for one I dont condone Sex before marriage.

Think of God as your father or mother...parents teach their children lessons so that they will not be hurt by the consequences because every choice we make, be it good or bad, will have a consequence.  Our Father already knows the outcome of any given choice we make just as our Parents or family and friends who have gone through similar things...they know that pain and do not want you to have to go through it either. But God loves us more than any human, we are his kids and he will gently say hey 'don't do that'.  

It is always our choice to decide to listen and not do that thing, or think that we won't be like others and not get hurt and do it anyway. I don't know how many times Father God has gently said don't do that...and me thinking i know better than my creator went ahead and did it anyway lol gets me into trouble every time! lol

So the trouble that I caused from not listening takes me or others days/weeks/months and or even years to overcome, which gives the enemy a foothold in our lives. Check out Psalms 91 ... when we walk in the shadow of the almighty he will not allow anything to touch us...but once we step outside from under the protection of God our Father, all kinds of things happen which we may not be able to deal with. 

It all boils down to God not wanting us to do something that is going to cause us undo harm. The choices are always ours as free willed agents.


My contribution is that these people first they should repent and seek Gods direction. As it says in Proverbs 16:3 commit everything to God, his approval is very important. Before I committed my life to the Lord seriously I was sinning with a girl I called her my girl friend. We decided to settle down together as a married couple just before that happening I had a very serious warning from God, telling me that I was going to have a very misery life if I went ahead with the relationship. I thank my God because I repented, obeyed and brought to an end this relationship. After something like three months of praying seeking Gods direction, the Lord told me that I had a fiancé in a vision. When I woke up I said to myself how can this be possible, but with our God everything is possible within two months I met her, at first I didn’t want to have anything to do with her because I had seen someone else, But once again the Lord warned me in a dream he gave me Proverbs 29:18 when I woke up I knew that my girl was now Cecilia and not Janet as I wanted. With passing time the Lord has confirmed this to me, that Ceci is right person for me. Our God is so wonderful, he always gives the very best to his obedient children, my girl is special, simple, loving, and young and to top it all undefiled. When we obey our God it is entirely for our own goodness because our God wants us to be happy with the very best. Esau lost the blessings because of wanting to live for the moment. Living for the moment is very dangerous it ruins what God has for us. When we look in the book of Jeremiah 29:11 the bible says God has good plans for us, but because of rebellion (Sin) not waiting upon our God we always end up in trouble like Esau, losing the blessings of our God.  My advice is for these people to ask God, whether they were meant for each other or not. Well this is my contribution.

I like ur contribution David. I just wish I cud hear from God as cleaarly as u did.


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