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First and foremost I want to say GOD BLESS YOU!

I wanted to come to you to ask for prayer in reconciliation of my marraige. I am a new christian, just got save about 4 months ago after experiencing a horrible car accident that has left me temp disabled. I was raised in the church, but never had an intimate relationship with our precious Lord. I am so grateful and filled with HIS love. This was such a blessing to me and my family. I was very lost in the world, filled with anger, bitterness, and resentment. Our Lord rescued me. I am slowly writing my testimony that I hope to share with the world soon. For now, I am praising, worshipping and giving him all my thanksgiving for all his continuous blessings.

I was married for 7 years before we separated. I didn't know how to love and appreciate my husband. He also, had some issues but who doesn't. Instead of looking to God first I looked and followed the devils ways. So to make a long story short. Alot happened in my life as well as my husbands life in that time of separation. But we both remained unmarried and have not had other children. We have a 9 year old son, Anthony, who is truly a blessing to us. The Holy Spirit came to me one night and cleanse me of the devils lies. And told me to be obedient to our God and that God wanted me to fight for my marraige and have faith and hope in Him our savior to reconcile my marraige. Since then I have been faithful in the Lord praying and carrying myself as the wife waiting for God to reconcile my marraige. So I come to you today, for prayers, to pray for me and my husband Juan Taveras, so that God continues to work within us and cleanse and reconcile our marraige to make us one agian, that my husband becomes saved and stops dating the woman he is with now. That he is cleanse from all negativity and bad thoughts in his mind as well as heart. and comes back to his nest back to his family where he belongs.

Thank you so much for your support for your prayers and for your time.

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Be still and see how God fulfil his word to you in His own way.thanks.
Thank you...Yes that is how the Lord works...pouring your heart is what he wants us to do and have faith in Him. Yes my son is a believer. God Bless.
Continue to keep the faith and know that God is capable of doing what my seem impossible in our eyes. Continue to pray that he breaks down the strongholds that keep you husband from being saved. Also, remember to be patient because His timing is perfect. Sometimes we want things done within a certain timeframe but He is the perfect might God! In situations like these my favorite Bible passage is Philippians 4:6-7 - Be careful (anxious) for nothing; but in everything through prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made know unto God. And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Jesus Christ.

Don't worry.............God will grant you peace and joy.....just keep praying and have faith.
Thank jen and yes Prause the Lord...He is truly awesome. God Bless.

Yes Davina...being patient and waiting on Him is what I am doing and remaining faithful and praising him each day....I love that Babile Verse of Philippians I have it encorporated in my prayer...Thanks and God Bless.
((((hugs)))) Your reply touched me very deeply, as I see Gods loving hand all over it. He is soooo good, and soooo faithful, and sooo gentle with his children. He loves each of us very much, and desires only good for us. It hurts his gentle heart, when one of us is hurt or harmed in any way, or when we have lost our way, and are headed down the wrong road.....

He reaches out to us, in every way possible to place roadblocks in our path, when it is wrong. We should not ignore those signs, however, how many of us, even recognize them for what they really are?

You are so blessed, that the Holy Spirit spoke to you concerning your marriage, and what to do about it. It is wonderful that you have a loving, caring forgiving heart, and that you know that you truly love your husband.

This second chance opportunity does not come to all, or if it does, many of us do not recognize it as such.

I am delighted to pray with you and for you, so that I can share in the glory of what God intends to do with your life, and marriage.

Father God, we thank you so very much Lord, for your faithfulness, we thank you for the guidance that you delight in giving, thank you for touching this heart, and bringing change, where only hardness was, Lord, you have given this dear sweet precious soul, a heart of flesh, and one full of love for you, and for your commandments, thank you now, for holding her steady, as you work on the heart of her husband, thank you for making things that are wrong...right once again, and we give you praise ahead of time, for what you are willing to do. Amen. God bless you,.... I can't wait to hear a praise report !!!!
My heart longs for a miracle to save my marriage. I will "keep on asking."
God Bless you Mayra, you will be in my prayers. I am going through an extremely heart wrenching separation myself. The day after Valentines day my husband informed me that he doesn't love me anymore, and has a girlfriend, wants a divorce...and then he left. I never saw it coming, never saw it! WE thankfully have no children of our own but my three boys and his daughter (both from previous marriages) are close, and it is affecting them.
Just keep praying for God to do what ever his will may be, and invite the Holy Spirit into your heart for constant comfort. This is what seems to be working for me. Read a ton of scripture out loud, especially God's own words, this pleases him greatly. I am a Christian also and my husband is unsaved. I ask you to try this, "standing in the gap" for him while praying, your believing will sanctify him. Plead the blood of Jesus against the adultery he is committing right now, and ask God to lay his holy hands on the situation to break this bondage off of his back. Ask God to guide him to the right path so your marriage can be saved.

God Bless You, Jackie


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