What is your opinion on legalizing marijuana? Is it a sin or not? Is it good for some with ailments? Is it dangerous?
Thank you so much Amanda. It's tearing my heart apart seam by seam. Could I ask that you lift her up so the Lord would reveal the full truth to her? The funny thing is when I seen the pic of her & the bong, I discussed pot & the dangers, etc. She was defending it. I went home & took a shower & prayed "Lord, whatever it takes to show her Your true will here in Her life, I release You to show (not that He needed my permission but handing over our kids is the hardest thing in the world as I well know you're aware). I pray that He would show her the affects, the destruction that it caused. I kid you not, 5 minutes after praying that she was arrested. One of the quickest answers I've ever had.
You have some blessed children. Thank you ever so much for the prayers & listening.
I too will be praying for you and your daughter as you go through this.
I've been praying on this girl. But one thing I want to say. DON'T YOU DARE BAIL HER OUT! Let her suffer the consequences. As parents, that is the first thing we want to do. But it can be the most detrimental.
Hi Tammy, God bless you!
It's true marijuana has medicinal use. Medicinal use is way different from illegal abuse. One is with the guidance of a trained medical professional and the other is not. To use the medicinal use as an excuse to use pot, I just feel it's not a good idea. Love, Mary
Hi Tammy,
Good discussion.
Count me in strong agreement with everyone's thoughts here so far, even with someone who has never picked peas.
I might add another dimension to this discussion.........
Back on June 6,1983.......I was about 10 years into my sanctification period......and still a heavy smoker. I was coming out of the doctor's office after my annual physical exam, lighting up a cigarette. Doctor's warnings about lung and throat cancer, and every other conceivable malady that would befall me still echoing in my ears...........none of these fears even phased me(it always happens to somebody else).........I even had justified stinking up my body - the Temple of the Holy Spirit. BUT........
As I took a deep puff, and blew out the smoke, I stopped in my tracks and stared at the cigarette in my fingers..........the thought shouted out in my feeble brain........This little stick is an IDOL TO ME!
It was true. I had to have my "smoke fixes" regularly. I worshipped the habit of smoking.
I threw the unfinished cigarette in the gutter.........and quit smoking cold-turkey then and there, never to smoke again since.
Course I literally climbed the walls at home for several weeks.......my family deserved medals of honor for putting up with me.......but it was worth it. Good old sanctification time.
I can only imagine how easy doing any kind of drugs would become idol-worshipping...........
I John 5:21, "Little children, guard yourself from idols". (N.A.S.B.).
P.S. Any smokers out there thinking - well, it's not an idol with me.....I can quit anytime without a problem.
I sent her to the grocery store 2 nights ago. She was gone way too long so I went to find her. I asked the Lord "Please let her be passed out in the parking lot & not driving around killing someone or herself". I pulled up & there sat my car, running, lights on & she sure enough was passed out behind the wheel. I found some pot in a purse she had. We had to kick her out. I can't expose my babies to this behavior. Please continue to pray for her.
Praying for her and your whole family. Cannot be easy ...
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