What is your opinion on legalizing marijuana? Is it a sin or not? Is it good for some with ailments? Is it dangerous?
Since there isn't a "thou shalt not smoke pot" verse in the Bible we have to look at some things to come up with, I trust, a biblical answer to your question. We could go down the oft used trail of the body being a the temple of the Lord, but I will go in a different direction. What affect does pot have on the mind (and reflexes)? Is it not similar to alcohol when one drinks too much? I know they are different, but they lead to the same out come with one great exception. Regardless of where a person stands on the alcohol debate you (at least most people) could drink a glass or two of wine and still be in complete control of your faculties. Drinking does not always lead to inebriation. Whereas the point of pot is to get high, or at least a buzz, which is still a mind altering state. I don't ever recall anyone saying I smoke pot for the taste and only have the equivalent of one or two glasses of wine.
What about medical uses for pot, especially since some pharmaceuticals lead to mind altering states? This is debatable, but even prescription drugs are illegal to the masses unless they get the doctor to write the prescription. Thus, it would be tightly controlled.
Is pot a gateway drug? In an unsupervised environment (black-market) there is no doubt that running in circles where pot is present will put you in places where other drugs are as well. If legalized it would minimize this, but not eradicate it. Again, comparing pot to alcohol there are only three basic alcohols with varying taste and some degree of potency. To move from beer to hard liquor is the maximum range and both have the same basic effect. In the world of pot and harder drugs this is not true. There is a great variety of drugs with a great variety of effects ... just remember the days before LSD became illegal and all of the people who died believing they could fly. Thus, it is an easy and often followed path to move from the mild high of pot to a hallucinogenic drug or worse.
Lastly, when we take anything that alters our mind (to the exception of mercy drugs at the time of great pain) we are giving an open door to Satan and his hoards to attack the individual.
The effect is similar to inebriation and rarely is the goal to not be affected when smoking pot.
The fact that it is a strong candidate to be a stepping stone to a greater high.
And, the fact that it is capable f altering the mind and opening the door to Satan and his hoards.
I believe it is not acceptable for the child of God to partake ... leaving room to debate the mercy aspect (but here I would still refrain).
Short version for Tammy:
It's bad ... hahaha, couldn't resist :-)
I totally agree & will elaborate further later. Thanks so much.
My son asked me this question just the other day, on what I thought about legalized pot. I told him pretty much all that LT said here except not as well as LT did. LT if you dont mind I would like to copy your answer to your question and send it to my son. My son didn't really give much of his views , I guess he just wanted to know mine.
Feel free to use anything I post at any time.
Lord Bless,
You have hit the nail on the head LT.
People take drugs entirely for the high and not the flavour.
I love wine and beer, solely because of the wonderful flavours that I find. I absolutely hate any level of intoxication, therefore never have anywhere near sufficient that it gets me that way.
Intoxication, whether of alcohol or drugs, immediately opens the door for demonic powers to enter, its as simple as that. Sobriety is the watchman over our temple.
If you have ever indulged in drug induced highs, then you should repent and get some deliverance asap!
Scripture uses the word sorcery (pharmakeia) which specifically means drug taking!
Galatians5v19Now the deeds of the flesh are evident, which are: immorality, impurity, sensuality,
v20idolatry, SORCERY, enmities, strife, jealousy, outbursts of anger, disputes, dissensions, factions,
v21envying, drunkenness, carousing, and things like these, of which I forewarn you, just as I have forewarned you, that those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God.…
LT pretty much covered it. We will not be mastered by anything. Yet who is really pushing for the legalization of pot? Are there truly that many people out there who are so ill that they need a daily dose of pot? Maybe they should be in a hospital on an IV of morphine if they're really that bad off. So who is truly pushing for it's legalization? I'll guarantee you that 99.9% of those who want it legalized and who claim to use it for medicinal purposes are those who are simply being mastered by it...feeding their addiction.
Romans 13 says it all: 1 Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God. 2 Consequently, whoever rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves. 3 For rulers hold no terror for those who do right, but for those who do wrong. Do you want to be free from fear of the one in authority? Then do what is right and you will be commended. 4 For the one in authority is God’s servant for your good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for rulers do not bear the sword for no reason. They are God’s servants, agents of wrath to bring punishment on the wrongdoer. 5 Therefore, it is necessary to submit to the authorities, not only because of possible punishment but also as a matter of conscience.
Many will ask then what about Hitler? This is talking of those leaders with laws in place for our good. Pot impairs judgment just as alcohol does. I've heard many claim it doesn't. Yet I've known some who have been arrested for driving under it's influence. How did the cop know they were under the influence unless their judgment had been so impaired as to warrant notice? Therefore the laws governing it are there for our good. And we're to obey the laws of the land.
The reason I asked is my older son called his dad & sent us a pic of my daughter blowing out a huge puff of smoke coming out her beautiful face with a bong. Well, after going through that for a day or so, her friend knocks on my door, hands me my car keys & her phone & said "Destiny has been arrested for pot". I just slammed the door in her face & then realized she was holding my keys. I was so shocked. I would have never believed my daughter would have been where she is. I knew she had her struggles but really thought she had a little more sense then this. Well, she is arguing her position of trying to tell me that it has these good sides. She knows I've always been one you can talk to & I don't jump to conclusions unless I investigate the matter. So, I'm investigating. I know what my stand is morally on the issue but then my mind comes back to alcohol. Alcohol isn't illegal however but it's also not a sin unless it's abused. Pot, in Texas, is illegal & we are to follow man's law. I know it affects other areas but she is so gun-ho that it isn't bad. I first wanted to pose it to you guys just to see if you can give me Scriptures & stuff to back my view. The next move is my study of how it affects you mentally. I know of a few possible situations I wouldn't argue the use. There is a kid who is around 20 now that has used it for years & his parents have given him the medical amount. He was having over 100 seizures a day & it helps his seizures stay under control. This is one of the few times I would agree with the use of it & I wouldn't have believed that I would have agreed to any of it. So, this is just an effort to do what I told her I would - investigate it within the medical field, which she has not been prescribed any - as well as it's social pros & cons. Thanks for all of your replies. This has been a couple of tough weeks.
She feels no harm comes from it. I haven't smoked the stuff since high school but my mental capacities on it were 10X worse then a 12-pack of beer.
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