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All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

Tammy will be thrilled to know that Joyce Meyer's site was down a bit today and therefore, I took to listening to Jackie Francis Chan.  LOL I gotta pull her chain on this occasionally. 

So Chan is talking about how most people say they're not persecuted because we live in America and he disagrees.  He says if we're not persecuted it is because we don't go to the dangerous places to preach.  He quotes about Paul going into the places he knew were dangerous but doing so because that's where God told him to go. God told Paul to go there.  To some He called as pastors, some teachers, some evangelists, etc.  And to some...maybe He told them to be missionaries, to go into dangerous places, etc.  Perhaps He has another call for others.  If we're not being shot at, imprisoned or threatened with that all there is to persecution?  How about being refuted by relatives, neighbors, friends?  They may not threaten our lives, but then did God tell each of us to leave your home and family and go into the most dangerous places you can find?

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If Christians want to talk about being persecuted, they need to visit the likes of Syria and Egypt.

There are various types and degrees of persecution. To point out one does not negate on invalidate another form of persecution.

I agree LT. We don't face death threats but there are many other ways we're persecuted for sure but I do think we're blessed with an awesome country to be able to practice our freedoms - or to this point we can. Whose to say when that's going to change tho?

Not negating, just giving some perspective. Many who are "persecuted" in the west are for their views. In Egypt, it's purely because they are Christians.

The Lord has let me see persecution happen before He even saved me.


Ok,the first part took place in 8th grade. I wasn't a Christian back than.
I still remember it. It was a cold, snowy, day in November of 2006. We had groups in 8th grade homeroom and would rotate what we would do each day whether it'd be games or computers or whatever.
That day the group I was in was on computers. I sat down and seen a screensaver of,as I would of described it back than "The man on the cross". I didn't like what I saw. It was very disrespectful. Jesus was shown in a cartoonish,mocking way with people gathered around Him. I heard of Jesus [mainly from things promoted during Christmas and Easter and stuff like that] before but didn't really know anything about Him.
Well, I changed it to a nice peaceful snow background with a lamp post. Fit the mood perfectly since it was snowing out. Well,Josh came over. He was not happy. I don't remember everything but these words I do remember. They will be embedded in my brain the rest of my life,that's how much this has had an impact on me. And the reason I went into a depression and eventually tried to take my life atleast once and did self harm because I had been bullied most of my life and couldn't take it anymore. Greatfully,I can say,this was the beginning of my testimony for the Lord would eventually use this to lead me to Him starting with this over three years later. That's part of my testimony.

 Anyways,this is what Josh told me. "You're so dead! I'm going to stab you with this pencil. Just wait until I get you out onto the street alone." I went into a very deep depression afterwards. I eventually tried to commit suicide atleast once and I was a cutter [I found out scratching is a form of cutting]. The Lord used it to draw me to Him though.
I was in the 8th grade. This was sometime after I thought I became Christian [I wrongly thought that because I said the sinner's prayer found online]. I took my little Bible out of my backpack [you see I didn't carry purses in Junior High I wore little backpacks]. My friend,Ann,told me if Mrs. M. [she was the principal] caught me with the Bible she'd take it and rip it up and throw it away.
In 9th grade [keep in mind I thought I was a Christian. I found out,by the Grace of God,I was still lost sometime in 10th grade]. I was sitting on the grass outside after lunch one time. A group of kids started making fun of me.
Also in 9th grade we went to the weight room. It was a gym class but for some reason we didn't use the gym room so we just went to the weight room and relaxed. I sat on the floor with some others. Tabby,Ashley,Howard and Dillon. I pulled out my Bible. I remember one of them remarked [I think it was Dillon] that he thought Bibles were only used to hold up broken table legs. Tabby [please pray for she's not saved] stuck up for me and said I'm a Christian [neither of us knew at the time I wasn't saved]. I know Howard and Dillon tried their best in gym class at times to get me to believe that the Bible's false.
In 10th grade my friends Tiffany,Ashley [different Ashley than when I was in 9th grade],Makenzie were sittin at lunch,reading the Bible. A boy came over talking trash on the Bible.
In High School there were people with clothing...This is the clothing I remember. "Crass". A hoodie/sweatshirt with a cross crossed out. "Bad religion". A cross crossed out.
Another piece of clothing I remember was when I was in a vehicle. I seen a boy on a street close by. His sweater/hoodie had said something about feeding Christians to the lions again.
In 10th grade there was a play at school. "Those [insert the "d" word] Yankees". It was about a guy selling his soul to the Devil for a Yankee's game..
Yep, you heard that right. The school I was at had a play about a guy selling his soul to the Devil for a Yankee's game.
I also remember my friend,Brian, was telling me a boy in his gym class told him not to let the Bible [I lended Brian a Bible] touch him because it'd burn him inside. He said the demons give him powers.
My friend told me they [those who worked at school,not sure which teachers though] took the Bible off him and never gave it back [not because of the boy in gym,it was for some other reason].
In 10th grade [beginning of the year] we were allowed to bring a favorite item to English class [it was like a show n tell]. I asked if I could use the Bible ahead of time. She [strangly she's a Christian] told me I can "teach but don't preach."
While the play about the Devil [which a boy in class respounded with a "Cool!" when some people came in to tell us about it] was ok...In 11th grade a boy said the word "God" [not sure if in vain or not]. The teacher [this was in a club at the beginning of the year] who ran the club told him "You shouldn't say the name of God in school,you should be ashamed of yourself."
Also in 11th grade I asked Mr. G. [he taught Nazi/Germany class. It was a class that taught on the holocaust and stuff around that time period] if I could use "Amazing Grace". You see we were doing videos. I chose to do a memorial on those who died in the holocaust and since we were allowed to pick a song I figured "Amazing Grace" was the perfect choice since it's like a memorial song. I asked ahead of time and he said it was ok. Well, the day came. My video was ready. I got the flashdrive with the video and the song [on a CD] ready. I took it up to his desk. He said I couldn't because of the song. I wasn't allowed to show the video. He seen it himself and gave me a thumbs up. But I don't understand why I was told I could than when I got it to him I was told I couldn't.
Jesus saved me at the end of 11th grade,May 29th,2010.
It couldn't have been more than a week after Jesus saved me. Some girls asked if my best friend's name was Sharah. I said "No,Jesus!" You should have seen their faces.

I remember being at the library. I was printing out something. It concerned a brother in Christ. I was on the Voice of the Martyr's website. My uncle came over. He got very upset and said I was associating with communists. It's by the Grace of God we didn't get kicked out. I remember a sister in Christ was telling me this a long time ago. There was an employee at Sheetz that gotton written up because she said "Praise the Lord!"

In 12th grade I was delivering a note to a student [someonelse and I had the job to do that in the guidence office for 3rd period]. I was early and the tardy bell hadn't rang yet. A boy was getting to class. He was talking to another Christian [not sure if it was a boy/girl since I don't remember what the person looked like. He threatened to crucify him/her and catch the cross on fire. He than said "You crazy Christian!"

Not sure if he's the same boy who did these things as well,looked like him though. A boy was talking to his friend in the hall. We were headed to our next class. He said [I overheard as he was talkin to his buddy] he wears a cross upside down because he's against Christ and Christianity.

A boy in the hall,while going to 5th period English, when he got in sight [he probably seen I had Christian messages on my binder] he yelled atleast a few different times "There is no God!"

A different time...I'm fortunate he didn't hurt me. When we were alone [he was in the hall talking with his friend and I was walking past him]. When he seen me he wispered something to his buddy. I'm fortunate he didn't body slam me. At 4 foot 11 and only a little over 100 pounds he could have easily picked me up. After all he was a very big muscular and tall boy weighing probably atleast 2 or 3 more times than me. By God's Grace he didn't though hurt me.

After high school the main persecution that's happened has been online. I was on yahoo answers [I don't go on there anymore] and got it big time there. The persecution is now on youtube. The persecution is usually just getting cussed out. One time though a person said he wanted me to die a horrible death by getting in a car wreck into a septic tank. That and I think one time on yahoo I got a little threat from a Muslim for being an infidel and warned I better convert to Islam. And I think on time I also got a threat from a Muslim on youtube. Not sure how severe if I was just told I was an infidel or what.  

And if you want to count my uncle last year. He doesn't ever visit but did twice last year. The first time he visited he was very upset. One of the relatives became a born again Christian. My uncle hoped that another relative wouldn't get influenced by the person who got born again and hopes she wouldn't join. He said being born again is a "cult".


The 2nd visit he was telling us that his sister was telling him he has to make sure he's saved so he don't go to Hell. He was mad saying you can't just tell people they're going to Hell. I don't know who blocked who on FB but I know there was tention between the two of them afterwards according to him.

This was ether the Summer of Fall of 08 I forgot to add this. I remember I was reading one of Beth's kids [her first boy when he was one] the Bible. The girl was three at the time and playfully ran away with the Bible on the porch. Beth seen it and sounded demonic "What are you trying to do to my son?" 


Later on,this happened in Oct. of 08. I asked people at a church to pray for her kids [I was an unsaved churcher at the time]. She found out and was very upset with me.

And the uncle who said I was associating with "Communists" is not the same uncle that called being born again a cult.


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