Have you every felt you or others expect perfection from you, when it is impossible for us all. What is important is to be yourself, yet with thoughts of perfection again impossible. How then is the best way to just be yourself? Just a child of God working out their Faith. Why, do we try to hide our flaws, when if others knew it may help. Not like leading others astray, just working out our flaws through Grace.
Well they will just have to get use to the NEW and IMPROVED YOU
We are perfected in Christ. His perfection has been placed in our account. I believe perfection should be our aim, all the while knowing that we are not going to be 100 percent perfect in our walk 100 % of the time, but we can some of the time.
We should shoot to be mature, perfect in tongue and motives.
I have always expected perfection from myself and it has made for some difficult moments of forgiving myself, but even thought I just stated what I stated I rather expect perfection of myself and deal with all the challenges that brings than to live in complacency or low expectations.
Of course the ideal is to be well balance in such things and walk in the Spirit, for when we do that, we fulfill the law.
Human perfection and the idea of achieving it very often has nothing to do with the perfection which God wants in the lives of His people. Hollywood is full of perfect people and many times others put upon themselves the demand to become as perfect -- have the perfect body so that their husband won't look at other women or want to leave them, etc ...
People can be very demanding of themselves and when they fall short, they beat themselves up pretty badly. God wants us to embrace our weaknesses and limitations. I think the story of Paul's thorn and why it was given to him is pretty awesome. God asked Paul to embrace that weakness within himself -- the thorn was not the weakness but the reason it was given was the weakness. The thorn was given to keep Paul from becoming conceited. Paul knew he was at risk for it and understood why God did not take the thorn from him.
You speak of forgiving yourself -- there are many other weaknesses that people have. There is another awesome story in the bible that has to do with forgiveness (and this story doesn't have anything to do with what you've said but I just think it is pretty awesome). It has to do with Manasseh in the OT and God's forgiveness. He was a vile ruler and it has been said that the blood ran bridle bit deep on the horses in the streets because of him and he sacrificed his own children to other gods and had the great prophet Isaiah cut in two, and did God forgive him? Could we forgive a man like that? It would be hard, wouldn't it? 2 Chronicles 33.
And we struggle to forgive ourselves.
>>Human perfection and the idea of achieving it very often has nothing to do with the perfection which God wants in the lives of His people.
Very true my friend; however there is a healthy way to pursue perfection in Christ, a beautiful maturity to attain. I fear the majority of Christians are so beat up with the day to day that pursuing perfection is nowhere in their scope. Some have pursued human perfection through human will- power alone and have had a Hard Crash landing, so they feel perfection should not be our goal.
I see our brothers in the bible and brothers now alive who live a life in the pursue of Godliness, that is perfection, pursuing holiness, maturity in Christ and through Christ.
The way I look at it, is like this:
When I was lost and blind in the world - I pursued perfection, there was nothing in this life that I wanted more than to be the perfect killer, nothing turn me on more, nothing matter more. So now that I am a born again Christian why wouldn’t I pursue maturity/perfection in Christ? When I was lost I pursued perfection and now that I see the beauty of God, how can I not pursue the best David I can be for him, if in the world I pursued it for foolishness, complete stupidity, how now that I am in Christ, in the truth, in the ONLY ONE that can help me achieve it in a healthy way, not pursue it?
I hope that makes a little sense, at least it makes sense in my mind ha-ha
I want a great body, so I can tell the Lord, here I am, and you can send me anywhere my God and at the same time make my wife extra happy :) We can shoot for perfection in all those areas for the right reasons. I love that I can see now; I am in the truth and NOTHING ON THE EARTH IS BETTER THAN BEING IN CHRIST, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING...
I so badly want to be the David, I can become by the POWER OF THE HOLY SPIRIT, THE POWER OF GOD!!!!! Not my power, not for my glory, but by his life in me and for His glory.
Paul was to (as we are also called to do) give God glory by attaining such maturity in Christ that even though the world was falling down around him, he could still legitimately smile and rejoice in EVERYTHING. Thorn or no thorn, much or little, our peace and joy is founded in God, not circumstances etc...
Can we attain that? YES, AMEN! - YES A MILLION TIMES.
By God's grace and for His glory I do not struggle with forgiving myself anymore, it has been a long time that God help me overcome that, but I know that for many people who pursue perfection that is a reality.
If we only understood the potential we have to become beautiful people in Christ... gosh I wish I was an eloquent, gifted writer to somehow put in words the excitement in my heart over these truths...
Blessings and love beloved
Well, congratulations my good friend on your great accomplishments. However, here is one old guy that is going to continue to depend on Jesus for his perfection. Even though I want to be perfect I realize I am very, very far from it. Fortunately, our salvation does not depend on how mature we have become.
David, are you saying that I need to seek to be perfect in my body? I don't think I am going to achieve that one. Anyone got a used weight bench out there for sale? haha
David, I am just looking for something to lift our spirits. I am just wondering if this is the day that we as a once Christian nation, finally endorse homosexuality as an alternate lifestyle. I think this is a bigger day than anyone realizes. I heard a little about it in the primaries but I heard nothing of it in the big campaign. Apparently it is very unpopular to take the stance that homosexuality is an abomination to our God.
Also, since the national debt has now reached the level that every American individually now owes more than 50,000, I really don't think I will ever get my debt paid. I guess my children will have to pay that one off for me.
Hey Roy,
Be encouraged my friend. God's providence/government of all He has created is ever-lasting. It is eternal. We vote every four years for temporary leadership, but our Lord reigns from everlasting to everlasting, so all is well and according to plan.
I pray for good times, for healing of the nations and prosperity, but really, all is well, if God comes due to the wickedness of men and the culmination of this era, all is well.
Lord come, come Lord Jesus and pick us up... I want to go to heaven more than I want to be here ha-ha. So be encourage bro - there is no loosing for us who are in Christ.
Thank you for the congrats, but all the credit and praise goes to the one that saved me. I was not drowning, I was dead in trespasses and sins and He gave me life and life more abundantly, so it's all about him.
>>"David, are you saying that I need to seek to be perfect in my body?"
Not only in body, but body soul, spirit and mind through Christ and Christ alone. I am not talking about being obssess with any of those areas to an unhealthy extreme, but we look to be the best testimony we can in all areas, including the body, through the power of the cross.
Gluttony remains a sin, but a sin we dare not talk about much, because it hits home to millions particular in this great nation of ours.
Love and blessings
It could be that we all have different wave lengths that are only tuned into different frequencies. I think the white chocolate macadamia nut ones have a higher frequency that only certain ones can hear. I am certainly tuned into the frequency of oatmeal rasin. My wife knows that when she wants something, just cook up a batch of oatmeal rasin. Not only can I hear them, they seem to affect other parts of me.
I suspect that we are all very aware that not all people who are overweight are overweight due to gluttony, but I dare say the majority suffer from gluttony, which has its roots in various factors driving them to over eating.
>>I'm sinning every time I hear the call of the other 11 cookies on the plate calling out my name?
You are most definitely sinning, if God, the Holy Spirit is telling you not to eat those and you go ahead and please your flesh and ignore God. So it depends on what God is telling you to do. It may be sin at times and not other times, depending on the situation and God's conviction to you about the 11 cookies.
No, you're in the right place. haha
Hey yall,
I havent read all of this discussion yet, but wanted to say I have seen the skinniest of the skinniest of folks who could out glutten most overweight people. =D, I just wanted to throw that out there because the word glutten is always connected to the big folks. Ok Im done......................................
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