I received the baptism of the Holy spirit on 3 OCt 2010. Since then, I have experienced a lot of changes in my behaviour. I have become a better person.
But there are still some areas that I struggle with. I don't know God's plan for my life.
Can some one guide me please ?
Welcome, Sharin, to the family of God.
The Bible is the Will of God for us. You might try setting aside a period of each day to study God's Word and pray while you study. The Holy Spirit will lead you to much understanding.
When you hear a message, test the spirit as to whether it is God. You can do this by noting chapter and verse of what is said and then researching it in your Bible.
Pray for a thirst for God's Word. Through this prayer you will never lose the need to follow what God says and learn for yourself.
Andrew Wommack has some really great teachings at http://www.awmi.net/ I recommend this listening site for any Christian. You can either listen to his radio broadcasts or watch his TV broadcasts.
Blessings to you as you grow in the Lord...
Sharin, congratulations on trusting Jesus and seeing him change your life. Praise God.
Sanctification is a process of learning to walk by faith and follow Jesus. It can be quite fantastic and amazing as you learn to follow and trust Jesus and you see the Spirit working in your life. Miraculous changes will occur!
Remember what Jesus said about the "wise man" who built his house on the Rock. He was the one who read the word and "did it". One of the most important lessons we all have to learn is daily reading the word. Regularly searching it out and frequently mining deep to understand. But, doing what we learn is as important as learning it.
I will caution you against thinking that there is a "one time" fix for all things. This process of sanctification is like the battle for Canaan. We have to defeat mighty strongholds. The strongholds are those carnal and devlish things we have deeply rooted in our souls. The weapons we use to win are spiritual weapons.
Be like David and pursue the heart of God; do not be like Saul who saw miracles but quickly forgot to trust and obey the commands of God.
Remember that God gives the victory, not we ourselves. "Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit says the Lord of Hosts" (Zec 4:6)
Yes, things that appeared so normal to me before, are now wrong for me...what a change ! What an awesome God we serve, glory to Him, thank you Jesus, we love you lord. :)
Thanks Texanbrit..God bless you
I'd like to know the plan for my life! But all I can do is read/ pray/ fast, and seek God. And God changes me.
Hi Sharin!
I am not sure if someone will ever reach a stage in this life that there will be no struggle anymore. The good thing with having a struggle is that we recognize that on our own, we are weak and we need the Lord always to give us strength.
Concerning God's plan for your life, I can only say three things:
One, everything that happens both in your life and around you are under His sovereign control.
Two, He has given us the Bible for us to know Him and His will for faith and life. God wants us to obey His will. The sum of his will is revealed in the Old Testament through the Ten Commandments and summarized in the New Testament with the two great commandments of love: love God with our all and love our neighbor as ourselves. The Lord knows we cannot fully obey them on our own and that is why we need a Savior. By faith in Jesus, His obedience is our obedience. As long as we are not straying from living the life of love and depending on the Spirit of love for strength moment by moment to live that kind of life, God has given us freedom to choose and to enjoy our new life in Jesus.
And finally, if you are looking for a detailed plan of God in your life, that I cannot give. All I know is God wants you to love Him above all, to live moment by moment with Him, and to find your ultimate delight and satisfaction in Him.
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